not forgeting the photos from thy past few days ..
some photos from last Sunday at kallang leisure park supporting candice :D
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. . .
cant catch them jumping .
always to slow .
underdog !
see uhs ~
notice that fella with bigger camera wearing black tee tried to haolian infront of my way !
Lol , he often snatch my place and position !
grrrs , bo bian .. 本小姐太厉害了!
Them :D
"her" trying on zhangyi's new white specs .
i forgot her name .
lets put it this way .
she's cand's friend :D
{ and waiting for results ..
cant hear what he's trying to say clearly .
kept on claiming that his Afro hair is REAL .
alright . i hear ya .
haven't say what he did .
he actually kept on banging on Denise appearing pink in that picture .
and then kept imitating her while she's playing and talking to me .
and damn he's super irritating ,
he carry on singing nonsense making her feel uncomfortable .
we kept quiet through out .
and DANG when we reach ang mo kio .
they he tried to block our way and act as if theres no place to let us alight .
he obviously is looking for trouble .
what a kid !
with a super big mole behind his neck .
thinking he's very handsome and attracting lotsa attention .
ya no need to know what happen to him in the end .
God bless him lah kays .
walking kinno out is a difficult thing now adays .
that stupid rain never stops !
and kinno and i cant get into the rain .
i will get sick !
so that day when the sun came out like no need money ,
i walk him for 1 hour .
legs were super tired .
Lol !
look lost ?
ha !
IM { L } hahahahahahahas !
so sweet of her .
:D thanks sweet heart ♥♥
deepa eating ?
she got herself a new hairstyle .
cant seem to have much difference on photo .
she cut her fringe shorter and her hair behind is thinner now .
OKAYS .she look better now :D
` `
no kidding .
lol .
nobody believe me when i tell them .
they were like , " stop kidding lahs , not funny ....... ~~ "
cut this hair cut because 本小姐想不开?!!
Lol , no lahs . its just some personal reasons .
confirm not because of ......
= } following trend ( following trend of hairstyle is so not my way ! )
i cut this hairstyle knowing i dont suit it .
i cut this hairstyle knowing no one would cut it slant + with a big face like mine.
i cut this hairstyle is partly because of my mommy , because she say my fringe was too long .
i cut this hairstyle because i had nothing better to do .
i feel happier and better after cutting a new haircut of my own .
if you were to ask me why i dyed my hair purple the other time was also the same reason .
Lol , no girls will want their hair to be so purple and GREY .
that hair dying session was FREE .with 3 colours .
but after they dye finish , it came out appearing 5 colours .
haaaas ! so its like .....
another weird thing i did .
wahahahahahas .
other people make first hand all chao ta .
then i make first hand never siol !
bo bian , i had a super chef hands when i was even in my mom's womb .
but my friend kay kiang go put salt into my pop corn .
then never stir properly .. so some of them are salty and some of them are sweet :D
i made the sweet sweet syrup too xD
it's hot and yummy ! :D
Mdm Waheeda said that mine is the most crispy and nice one !
HA !
neh neh ni poo poo ! :p :p
we were to write about what we dont like about each other and how we think how he / she can improve on ..
MAN , one of the girls cried and quarrel among themselves lah .
so bad lah that guy ..
she had alot of bad comments and all of them were RIGHT and super straight forward and hurtful.
well , i don't like her .
i choose not to comment . plus her paper is full with like 17 comments ?
i think the YP4 shouldn't have let us do this activity although its good for us to learn .
but its not very good to be done in class .
people might take things too personal and people can be real straight forward like that guy .
Lol , i had nothing much on my peice of paper ..
all in general said that im noisy .
Lol ! one was even bo liao .
it says " i don't like you when you don't like me ! "
only got like 4 comments .
tsk tsk , huihui got NONE !
fabian said something today ...
his words are always very straight forward and i sometimes do feel that he make some sense some where .
he said this " people that like to create trouble often never feel about how people feel . and when they're in trouble , when they're alone , nobody should give them any sympathy ! cause they deserve it . they never thought of how others might feel and they're selfish , they never appreciates "
and thats what happen to the "people" that like to bully others today .
being left alone in class. and he said , nobody shall ke lian her !
i had nothing to say when he said those .
cause i had no right to judge right or wrong .
i would never ke lian her or leave her alone .
i accept her for who she is .
and , let nature take course bah ~
i just wanted to say ...
YP4 was so cruel today !!
this whole activity everyone was like aiming on her only .
i understand now how defensive people can go .
and i finally how big reactions can make a small matter goes .
if that girl would save her tears and change for the better , look positively .
hope she'll learn form this activity and know whats wrong with her .
ALRIGHT . i will learn how to shut up now .
and now !
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