Ms Moon gain weight again.
she appear big and round ,
hanging brightly up in the sky with Mr. Star charming .
star's position never change .
do you believe so ?
how nice people can stay that way (:
Alright , back to my diary .
On Thursday ,
Witnisuksa school from Thailand came over to visit our school .
and , it was drizzling !
Gosh ,
vari was inside there !
we needed tea towel for f&n mock practical test :D
so smart !
mock practical test was JIALAT !
i suay suay chose dao fruits and vegetables .
so got to do their given recipe .
i super suay .
because because because ,
we dont have rice cooker .
and they din't ask us to bring cooked rice come .
so was like , need to cook rice with the normal pot we use to cook for maggie mee !
and my school's pot is super budget .
it almost make my rice chao ta !
super pissed to see chao ta stuffs .
i feel hope less when i see chao ta stuffs .
and then and then , i was lucky , thank God !
because it was just a bit nia .
removed abit of the chao ta part . and i smell good and normal again :D
like PHEW .
and and , we were asked to do what erm , vegetable mince meat roll or something else like that .
that recipe is super weird lah can .
it says 100g of meat .
mince meat well , mix with one egg , oyster sause and salt .
and i follow it , to know that after which my meat turn so watery !
like SHIT !
i then asked for more meat to make it better .
it wasted more time to do so , cause need to mince meat mahs .
should have use more common sense .
the meat need to be like giving weight .
cause it'll be wrapped in the cabbage !
like ....
then steam ....
and the " luckiest " thing is .
they only got 3 steamers !!!!!
need to wait like .........................
okay , i was the last to use it ,
kennah cheated so !
but still God is with me .
i manage to complete in time in my planned time .
that fried rice was the easiest one i guess .
but again , the recipe is so weird lahs !
it said we need to fry it with MILK !
this time round i learn smart .
cannot follow !
then anyhow fry fry ,....
mdm Waheeda chu stun .
ask us to cook another dao kee soup !
WOAH , I WAS LIKE ...............
OKAY , chop chop ..
the dao kee need to be in water spa for like 10 mins !!!!!!!
shoot , and there isn't anymore chicken stalk left !
so was like .
God bless me .
okay ,
here's my work -_____________-''
dao kee soup . . .
added tomatoes slices inside .
taste not bad .
but looks ......
errm >.<
vegetable chicken roll or something .
i forget .
tsk ,
another ugly one .
its not wrapped firmly .
i only got MH ( meedium . high ) for this mock test .
i normally get V.H ( Very . high ) one lehs .
nvm , i learn something !
that recipe can be a trap !
++ EASTER . ++ friday (:
i wore a whole black , with black shorts and black stockings .and mommy called my a crow .
tsk tsk ,
++ the drama ++
++ Friends Forever :D ++
RACHEL ! { xiao mian yang }i miss her lotsa lah .
made a card for her today .
bought candy floss for her .
she was overjoyed , and kept wanted to read it when i gave it to her .
i asked her to only read it with candy floss when she's home (:
HA ! sweet ehs ?
she was the second one in cg tha say my hair looks nice .
Lol , Gerald was the first . and i thought it was last .
haaaas , * faints *
i cut this hair to look yucky . .
i know weird , but anyway !
so ,
hello KUAH KUAH .
his face came up to me when i saw it .
ha !
super fake done .
hellokitty with doreamon!
heees !
me with Alvin the doreamon !
okay fine , i wanted to be like hellokitty .
any problem with that ?!
haaaaas !
and tadahhhhh !
spider man should join the fun ! xDD
hall 1 -2 is super freezing cold !
took this photo shivering .
xiao mian yang eating her pasta :D
Alright .
i call this BAOBEI .
MR moo moo (:
chocos .
Strawberry ice cream anyone ?
It wasn't any easy at all being me .
i hope i am one in your life (:
not all .
Today ,
God whisper something sweet to me in the morning while i was spending my sweet quiet time .
heees .
thats all folks ~
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