haaaas , its super stupid , and its not worth it at ALL .
don't feel like wasting my time sending people my new url like siao .
I've already got 17 people asking me for my blog new url when i haven't even change one .
Gosh . can't imagine when i change , and then people all start to look for me ..
not bad , at least there are people who still read my blog .
not so sensitive like others ....
obviously so much better than those people ..
lol , i have quite a number of readers that i don't know one ..
but they're kinda supportive and nice :D
people like : Yi ling who always tag my blog , Leon giving nonsense comments .. always never fail to do so .
haaaas , some always read , but never tag .
well well , there passerby{s} who tags , but there are so many ! so who is who ?
Lol , next time feel free to tag with your real name :D
some are more even nice , add me in my Friendster and Msn.
haaaas , the fact that , some often encourage me over msn and blah blah are just so sweet .
although they're strangers . now they're like friends to me .
haaaas , knew quite a numbers of good friends over the net .
mostly from Friendster .
no no , mostly from Audition one .. wahahahas !
some even from my school one ..
wonder how they got their way to my blog .
i bet they copy it from thy school portal .
Lol ,
also some are just so not very good .
some add my msn only wanted the songs playing in my blog ............
I'm like -____________________- ''
" 本小姐给你看我的 blog 还要send 你歌?!"
must be thinking whats so great about my blog .
If you can read my blog is very good already can .
not everyone gets the privilege to ready my blog unless they're close .
i mean like people who really know me then will some how be interested to read mine .
cause people who know me will think that I'm not a typpy , writty person who blogs .
haaaaas ,
i really note down things that happen and post it up here .
haaaas , although had lotsa problems with her , I'm still gonna blog blog blog !
some readers even complain about the font of my blog is too small ..
but colourful :D
haaaas , but they say sometimes don't know i bad mood or what will just leave it white like never edit .
Lol , maybe soon i will design a blog skin of my own .
with alot of my zi lian pictures on it .
and it shall all be PINK !
may be grey ? purple ? red ? white ?
PLEASE lets it not be black !
sick and tired of black colour blog skins .
Lols , I'm using one some more ...
* faints * black rocks :D
then make the fonts bigger ..
photos also ?
Ha !
some like the photos i take every time .
well well , some even criticise me say that my pictures all look KNS !
cause I'm over zi lian ..
): Okay what ..
whats so wrong of people who are zi lian ?
haaaaaas ..
some people just thought that i'm quiting blogging already , when i'm so not going to !
here's a funny conversation .
Little girl : hiie hiie cher cher =DD
Me : hello .
Little girl : hehhx ..
Me : yeah ?
Little girl : iee sor uee riitee on urrre bloggiie tt uee wannie quiit bloggiinqq lerrhx arrhx ?
Me : uhm , ? what ?
Little girl : hmmmx iee miinne uee wannie quiit bloggiinqq lerrhx ?
Me : uhm , what is miinne ? can type in proper english first ? i don't understand :x
Little girl : miinne = mean
Me : oh .. thanks uhs (:
Little girl : ?
Me : haaas , i never say that i want to quit blogging uhs ..
Me : i'll be changing my blog url only [:
Little girl : orhhx..reallie arhhx..okiie okiie..
Little girl : YAYIIE ! hehhx
Me : happy huhs ? Lol .
Little girl : yeaiiex.. muaiix mammiie donchh letch muiiex use comptt lerrhx ]]:
Me : ( like when did i ask why ? ) awww.. cheer ups :D
Me : btw how you type mine uhs ? when your mean is miinne .. haaaas
Little girl : miine lorrhx
Me : lol , look almost like the same ..
Me : -_____________________-
Little girl : haiiyox..nvrrmiine nahhx..cutte marrhx..
Me : haaaas , okays ;D
- cherlyn leaves conversation -
nvm nvm , i use to type that way before .
if you see my past post .
Lol ..
some missed out photos .

o3-o3 birthday babies ...
hafian and zul ~

normal me :D
transforming ~
(: haaaas ..
hope you enjoyed .
Lol ...
totally have no comments .
i keep laughing when i see them .....
again again !!
i'm so childish ..
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