Funny drawings we drew during english class with alvin and bryant .
lol lol lol .
hui hui never stop adjusting her pinafore ! Lol ...
that fella that check my back bone is super funny !
she strip me lahs !
bra also need to take out ! was like keep on laughing .
then she say " no need shy girl , no need shy .. auntie also first need shy ...! "
i wonder if the people outside could hear ....
LOL , hahahahaahahas .
joshua bully me .
then my gang bully back !
no lahs .
Out to make towels for friends :D
love all these !
Gerald join in the fun .
candice look super nice in this picture lahs !
finding a place to lang man .
we went to buy coffee at coffee bean .
cause that titanic place one too ex .
wahahahas .
Candice gave me this !
lol ,
she's so sweet ..
was so afraid scary things will pop out !
Lol ...
seee seee
cause this drink make cheer me up and , its super nice .
i wonder why people always think that Ribena are for kids to drink only .
tsk tsk , like yakult .
Gerald walking with his guitar ..
so xin ku lahs !
bad cameras sucks !
rainbow ?
tang guo and i :D
respected and lov-ed (((:
baby kinno .
he bite my pink colour pencil !
i cought him .
and he give my this face .
Saw this 2 boys in train while on the way to expo .
and , they're super cute !
especially the one in yellow .
+ fellowship after service +
Mommy blessed me with a new cap that i like alot alot !
its a white bling bling cap from 77th street .
woah love it lahs .
to end off .
BYE blogger .