yes , green .
thats adora with her green kiwi by the way ;D
mayling ka adora [x
geraldine's leg .
hmmmms , what pose should we pose for the friend day thingy ..
uhms ,
so how about shin chan's " dong gan chao ren " ?!
nahs !
one more time !
( cant stop laughing .. there are too many people ! )
there you go .. its better !
lols , we're cute !!
attually we wanted to go disturb jin han one ..
cause he do usher mahs ..
wahahahs .
nice anot ? nice anot ??!
think its so cool lorrs ~!
the sweets that i bought without knowing whether its nice anot .
hmmmms , not bad lah ..
very yogurt lorrs .
hur hur ~
but , janice love it alot .!
i had lotsa thoughts today .
and i think , its not just so simple like how ive predicted .
its really not that simple .
although people might seem kind , fine .
and , words just can be so simple like only one two sentances .
but if you think through the words , the way that person put it to you .
it'll be a total different story .
to people who'd gave me advise , wanna thanks ya guys loads .
yea , i made a mistake today .
and kinda mad .
hur hur . even though its really sucha small mistake .
but i think we should refrain lorrs .
im not guilty . cause at least im making a heart , the move to change .
although it'll be a lil hard ..
i'll just treat it as a challenge that what god have prepared fer me .
and im altogether ready to face it right man .
errrms , found a lil changes here and there . not me ..
but just people lorrs .
hmmmms , thinking whether should i change or should i not .
im afraid of changes .
cause , im afraid that i'll never find back myself again ..
or maybe .. i'll turn into someone .. that ..
haais . whatever whatever .. i'll just move one baahs ?
haaas , oh yarr .
saw some weird people on the streets today ,,
i really cant accept guys like already over 18 to like acting like ka small lil boy ..
when they're already like so small . they still wanna act like as if their brains are small too ..
the way they wear and stuffs ..
like caps they wear like wanna act cute ones ..
or some extra stuffs they wear to attract people's attension ..
eeeeeeeeeks ..
errrms ,. thats so off lorrs .
and canvas shoe with jeans ? red colour ? orange ? blue ?
i think its abit off . dont know why ..
maybe its their " boy boy " style ?
hahahahahas .
nvm nvm ! they'll grow up some day ..
lols ?!
saw a man walk while SLEEPING .
so funny ..
okays okays .
shall end my entry here for today .
e369 photos updated at multiply [x
-loves , cherlyn
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