A time to be born , and a time to die ;
A time to plant , and a time to pluck what is planted;
A time to kill , and a time to heal;
A time to break down ,and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn , and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones , and a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace , and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to gain , and a time to lose;
A time to keep , and a time to throw away;
A time to tear , and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence , and a time to speak;
A time to love , and a time of hate;
A time of war , and a time of peace :D
well, dont you think this is all about life ?
today is a very tiring day .
woke up at 8 ++ rushing to prepare for the music class .
forget to give jw a morning call at 9.
arghs , im sorry .
haaas , met huihui at 950 ( i was kinda late )
eugene overslept and hes coming for the next lesson .
learnt about methods and technics of breathing while singing ..
haas , kinda fun .
i think we should put in our hearts in everything we do .
being trueful is very important .
i mean what will life be all about if you're a liar who acts in life ?
you wont find yourself .
you'll hate yourself in the end of not being trueful to yourself .
why lie ?
i dont like myself lying to other people .
ofcause i dont like people who lie to me lahs .
i dislike the feeling like so unreal ..
the feeling of being betrayed , the feeling of being not trusted .
i always tell lies to my mother .
and now i really regret that she no longer trust me like before .
i tell you , once somebody lost trust in you ..
hur hur .. you must really change already lahs ..
like me .. haais .. dont ask dont ask ..
also today i ate pepperlunch today with huihui .
so yummy !
talked to huihui about how my life change so much after joining church .
the feeling is so great !
and i tell you . shes really surprised ..
not only her ..
hahahahas , infact alot people around me .
i always hear people say ..
" cherlyn..you change liao leh ..." ( but always bad way ....haais )
i'll always be afraid of listening to the negatives i dont wanna hear ..
like .. your hair arh .. so ahlian .. etc etc ,.
i can hear people say , cherlyn 你变懂事了!! you've grow up lerr !!
1 ) my attandance in school (improved alot . go school everyday ! )
2 ) refrain of using vulgarities .
3 ) more polite ? hahahahahas , yea right .
4 ) confident
5 ) careful , helpful, learnt how to listen .
so happy !
this are not the compliments i give myself okays ?
is what others says about me nowadays .
im so happy . really , this is the life that ive been looking for .
a happy life .
i just want a happy life (x
im so amazed by how Jesus had changed my life .
that really tell me how i got saved .
and im really saved .
its hard for people to believe what they had never seen before .
but my result of after going church is mighty obvious .
although im not still not sure about the bible , jesus and god .
i will still wanna go around to tell the world that my god is a great god .
and i'll learn . learn more from him .
today our church had a very special person to share with us his testimony .
Nick vujicic from austrailia very handsome + cute .
hahahahas .
for people who dont know him , he's a man whos born without limbs .
a vey positive mindset man . he's a very funny speaker .
he's a hugging machine !
dint got a chace to get him a hug lahs ..
his word really touched my heart .
y'all can check out his website !
although you see him like that .
he can play soccer , golf , write , use a computer and he can swim !
he loves swimming .
so what more can we ask for guys .
man . hes really amazing .

well , if y'all wanna listen to his word too .
theres service tomorrow morning .
9th sept 2007 10:oo am at singapore expo hall 8 .
feel free to contact me for more details (x
well , im gonna catch some sleep now .
very tired .
god bless !
{ cherlyn
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