jianwen the da xiong in the middle wearing yellow .
jianwen left for trackings at malaysia !
hopefully he'll be back safe home three days later :D
wahahahahas !
sometimes i wonder , why doreamon is call " xiao ding dang "
cause da xiong always call him " duo la A mong !"
lols , why siaa ?
deepa's table (x
my name is in the middle !
haaas . cute ehs ?
hahhahahahas , they're just so cute ..
today , my chinese teacher came in without teaching a single chinese word .
no lesson at all ..
my chinese teacher came in our class , told our class a ghost story of a horror movie .. and what his relatives experience durring the chinese seventh month .
oh !
thats why our chinese students in 3/9 loves mother tongue classes .
its when we can free-ly blast our music with out music phones with speakers ..
laugh talk gossip around ..
and ,mostly no class ..
only you can see me doing other people's chinese workbook .
cause ive completed mine , before the teacher even step into that chapter.
lols .. when this term our teacher will wanna start 3B workbook .
ive finished mine (x
and always the teacher will mark the whole book of mine .
and use my workbook to teach .
how pro is that man ?!
haaaas , but this term's chinese exam dint get the highest .
kinda sad .
cause my chinese listening not good arhs ..
yea ..
then my english .
i cant believe it .
i failed ! man i failed my english paper !
ohmy , more than half of a class dint make it to pass man ..
damn , im just shot of 2 marks ..
sad thing .
passed my f&N with flying colours ~
lols , im studying really hard for my maths .
although i hate it .
i hate to think , hate to work my brain .
and thats why im so stupid ..
hahahahahas ,
pushing myself to the limit for not to fall asleep in class while ang ku kuay is teaching .
and today learnt about circles . it was easy man !
at least this time round i understand what the ang ku kuay teaching ..
man , i asked questions today !
so happy .
and now revising my the math work she teach today .
keep on praticing and pratice my worksheets .
hope that it'll go into my brain ..
as ussual , english classes always read news paper .
=.= mr yeo likes to talk about war war , world issues ..
haaaas , like singapore and malaysia .
how NS trainings goes like ..
etc etc .
no link at all lorrs .
you can see out class girls all sleeping .
how can your limit go for forgiving .
where can it go ?
can you accept unfairness .?
forgive people who had hurt yourself and your family memebers .
accept being accused .
think , think about it .
guys , its time to put down our hatred at our hearts .
flrgive them , accept them once again .
encourage them .
stop having hatred in your hearts .
its unhealthy .
ive seen people hating a person more than 5 years .
and they really hate with heart like cant wait to kill that person .
they're scary ..
its hard to accept our enermies . what more to go and love them ?!
im learning to accept things . and accept people from past again .
although how tough they've hurt me , myself , my family and my life .
i'll still try to forgive , accept them once again .
like how jesus had forgave me .
his love ..
his sacrifice ,
made me feel why should we have this thing call hatred in this world man ?!
i walk pass bugis one day .
i saw some people that've hurt me in the past . people who backstabbed me .
that had nearly made me lost my future .
yes , i saw them .
i began to cry , as they reminded me of the hurtful stuffs they've did to me .
i walked away .
and left to another place later .
on my way then i thought , what will god do if he's in my shoes .
i'll just leave them outta my life , forgive and forget them .
and shall let other people in their lifes to bring them to the turning points .
where they can find the real love from jesus .
that god will give them a new heart again .
only god can save our souls .
thats about it .
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