had lotsa fun at cg meeting at pasir ris , janice house .
well today is abit different .
because shalynne was not here with us ..
BUT , ive got my sister beside me to worship god together with me !
maybe its the first time that my sister see me worshiping god ..
haaas . yea i think so .
cause . last time when my sister always bring me to vissit her church ..
i'll just stand down there with my arms folded watching people ..
was always annoyed cause i need to stand with them and thought it was so stupid ..
and you'll see the whole church with their eye close ..
only my eyes open wide starring at people ,
or stare at some ahlian across the other side ..
lols ..
im serious ..
and i always use to think that people in church they worship until very " kua zhang "
cause some are always too emotional ..
and i'll always see my sister speaking in tongues next to me ..
i used to wonder how she get those language out from her mouth ..
lotsa thoughts will flood through my mind ..
like .. do they copy each other's tongue ?
why do they sound so the same ??
just so curious ..
and questioned my sister with tons of question ..
my sister will always answer each of them patiently ..
until she looks kinda annoyed "fan " with the questionings then i'll stop ..
haaas .. curious maahs ..
is like that derr right ?!
not wrong not wrong .. knowing jesus more is no wrong xD
wahahahas .
i remember when i go church with anston at creation ..
when im so fully prepared to recieve god's word ..
the feeling was so .. argh . forget about it .
and the first day at chc ..
that day ..
with outstreched hands and closed my eyes ..
the minute i rest my eyes ..
i start to talk to god .
i can feel the holy spirit .
and just outta sudden , i cried ..
ive found my real self in him , all the past mistakes that i always choose to deny .
only infront of him , i can see my own weakness .
only he can strengthen me .
he's like a friend in my life .
always there for me , help me out and cheer me up when im down .
and he answer my prayers ..
and he dicipline me when im doing the wrong stuffs ..
like showing attitude , throwing temper ..
teach me to the rights and not the wrongs .
and ofcause , temptations of spending money !
i'll always remember my rebelious times ..
when i dont care how people think about me ..
when im still a ahlian wanna be ~ >.<''
when i always think people must respect me first .
when devil almost swallowed me away , telling me Jesus is a spoiler of my family ..
i used to always think of suicidal escapes .
and always run away of problems ..
always feel that im the burden in my family , friends , school and this world .
i really dont have any confidence .
cause i always feel the shame where ever i go .
i really dont know where i'ld be be now without him .
my life changed 180 degrees ,
from a anti social .. to now a more friendly person .
hahahahahas !
im friendly :D
my cgl grandma's condition is getting worst ..
praying that god will give her a peaceful death .
i miss shalynne (x
i will be having singing classes tomorrow !
with huihui and eugene ..
so excited .
i love god's house !
please dont blame me for handing sucha "godly entry"
cause currently my life is just all about god xD
yeaps .
-❤ l0ves
cherlyn {
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