as y'all know my fish just passed away .
so i really had a hard time lorrs .
1 ) knowing my fish is really dead .
i dint see her die infront of me .
i wont even know whether she's dead anot .
that night when i was sleeping .
my dog's howl crying woke me up from my bad dream .
i woke up , ask my dog to be quiet and lay back wanted to continue sleeping .
but , my dog continue to cry .
it was already 3am plus .
this time round even louder when i ask him to shut up .
so i went out to the living room to see what happen to him .
he ran to me like as if theres a fire .
but there isnt any lahs .
so i went to check my fish whether she's doing fine .
the water turned misty grey kind and i try to look for my fish ,
then i saw her lying down on the crytal pebbles with her stomach facing up .
i know she's dead .
i didnt cry , but i started praying in tongues .
2 ) really sad that she'd left so early .
but y'all know that she's just a small lil so call " long gou yu " ( drain fish ?! ) .
haaaas , she can survive till this step is already very good lerrs .
her name call lao bu si , and now she's dead . shows really much about how old she live already .
she's small , active and swim very cute-ly .
look at me whenever i talk to her .
like as if she understands out language .
lols , and i use to think that fish have eye lids that they close their eyes when they sleep .
so listen up , FISH DONT HAVE EYE LIDS !
okays , it seems like im the only one who dont know about it .
nevermind .
3 ) mommy sure wants me to clean up and throw away her .
my aunties gave me ways to do it .
- pour out everything into the toilet bowl and flush it away .
- scoop her up and throw it into the rubbish bin .
* clip your nose if you think it'll be smelly *
stupid ideas ,
to prevent it from stinking my house in to rubbish dumb even more .
i came up with some stupid ideas that you people sure find it stupid and lame .
i threw some alibahbahh flowers on the floor from my mom's " guan yin ma " vase .
expected it to smell nicer after that and happily went back to study .
how stupid is that .
then some how my common sense came up and tell me that wont work at all .
i fell asleep and woke up like 9 pm then decided to take up the courage to settle it .
i decided to bury her in some secret place near my house .
i scoop her up , yes i felt her weight with my eyes close i lay her down on the tissue paper and handkerchief of mine .
fold it well . and off i go to bury it .
i didnt prepare any tags or board to tell people that that's her grave .
lols , i dig a deeper hole to let her rest in peace like she wont be disturbed even tsunami arrives .
so the attempt was very successful .
i cant bear to throw it away . sorry mommy ):
4 ) i miss my mom bad bad very badly .
y'all know she's at malaysia to spy on my sister how's she doing there .
so im so alone .
i miss her da baos she always prepared for me that now i buy lunch on my own .
kinda miss her noisy naggings . cause without her noisy naggings the house will turn so quiet like you're live in the underwater world .
no sounds at all , unless my dog starts his nonsense again .
so yup miss her loads .
and back to what i waana share share some thing with you guys about my favourite blogger qween : Xiaxue , Wendy Cheng . <33
recently she appeared in channel u 's [ you hua jiu shuo ( shoot 3 ) ]
and stupid thing is with the stupid disgusting man who dont know how to behave Steven Lim .
that day's topic they're talking was about bloggers and blog .
so Steven Lim was being listed out in one of the most disgusting bloggers in Xiaxue's entry .
Xiaxue put up her points of what are the things he likes to do which are totally stupid on blog .
like video-ing down himself taking off clothes , sing all kinds of old songs with his lousy voice and showing all his fat .
how stupid is that .
and that whole show of you hua jiu shuo is like aiming on that very own post that she posted in her blog .
cause the comments she posted out was rather more bold .
although maybe her words are a lil hurtful but still no need to aim at her like that derr what .
): they say maia and Xiaxue was in cahoots to get publicity .
obviously so not true lahs .
maia is really so weird lorrs .
the competition she had with my lil idol Sylvester Sim in singapore idol was like 2-3 years ago lorrs .
still she still says that reporters and media keep saying they're together .
man i dint even see any news of that before lorrs .
i went into her blog before and saw the pictures she took .
was like already copy-ing Sylvester Sim . = . =
Xiaxue's blog is like so famous already , how on earth dose she still need to get publicity from .?
when her blog is always so interesting to read . fred not about it lorrs .
as what i like to say , people on the net are bo liao !
totally understand how Xiaxue feels lorr .
that stupid fat ass still say she dont use her brains for blogging .
if she dont , how would her blog be so interesting than yours ?!
=.= duhs .
they're all aiming at her like bullying her in so many people's eye in singapore who watch that show .
the host dAsmond koh is so obvious purposely go scold Xiaxue in his blog one lorrs .
he want people to visit his blog so that his daily hits will rise like Xiaxue .
he's obviously jealous about Xiaxue can ?
he cant blame Xiaxue for spelling his name wrong also .
cause most of the dEsmond spells like that than dAsmond .
he's also not very famous .
DUH , he's only a DJ artist in 933 last time i still only remember .
i prefer wu shi ma li :D
i saw a link from Xiaxue's blog in her latest entry .
of how she got inspired of to do some paint design to her water heater and light switches .
click Fafi arts
and in that webbie .
i found some very nice drawings and paintings !

pink , red heart shapes on cheecks . so cute lorrs .
this artist is a female artist :D
cool ehs .
its end of my blog .
ending it here .
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
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