i have never walked on water
felt the waves beneath my feet
but at Your word Lord ill receive Your faith to walk on oceans deep
and i remember how You found me
in that very same place
all my failing surely would have drowned me.. but You made a way
You have said that all the heavens
sing for joy at one who finds the
Way to freedom truth of Jesus
bought from death into His life
and i remember how You saw me
through the eyes of Your grace
and though the cost was Your Beloved for me
still You made a way
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Another very blessed day :D
today today ,i went for my last day of my singing class .
huihui was not with me today ,
but god tagged gerald , candice and shalynne together with me for the lesson .
sherlyn teacher was not with us today . she's sick ):
but but but , we've got jj lin's producer with us .
then off we go for our lunch with candice and gerald and pepper lunch ! :p
shiok shiok ! (x
then ..
vanish off too b.s then to service :D
service was so great .
labush's image cross across my mind when church sang hosanna .
then to here in my life .
cant control my emotions that i cry until very jialat .
and . worst thing is .
i got my eyes all smudged with my eye liners !
and nobody even inform me about it .
i found out when i reach home !
when i step into my bath room , stand stun when i saw myself in the mirror .
man !
and some photos from yesterday ,.
took some photos with xiaobaobei while feeding him .
he's kind of shy :p
the result of sleeping late at night for revision .
eye bags ):
i want eyebrows ..
shopped around at dbg with candice today .
went around looking for nice make ups .
until we got like free trial make ups around till glam glam .
haaas !
sound so auntie !
lols ,
* [[ watch them ! ]] *
and i saw this magic vid from youtube .
a magician from japan :D
a funny vid .
hahahahahahas !
why you get b+ for your english ?!!
today today ,i went for my last day of my singing class .
huihui was not with me today ,
but god tagged gerald , candice and shalynne together with me for the lesson .
sherlyn teacher was not with us today . she's sick ):
but but but , we've got jj lin's producer with us .
then off we go for our lunch with candice and gerald and pepper lunch ! :p
shiok shiok ! (x
then ..
vanish off too b.s then to service :D
service was so great .
labush's image cross across my mind when church sang hosanna .
then to here in my life .
cant control my emotions that i cry until very jialat .
and . worst thing is .
i got my eyes all smudged with my eye liners !
and nobody even inform me about it .
i found out when i reach home !
when i step into my bath room , stand stun when i saw myself in the mirror .
man !
and some photos from yesterday ,.
took some photos with xiaobaobei while feeding him .
he's kind of shy :p
eye bags ):
shopped around at dbg with candice today .
went around looking for nice make ups .
until we got like free trial make ups around till glam glam .
haaas !
sound so auntie !
lols ,
* [[ watch them ! ]] *
and i saw this magic vid from youtube .
a magician from japan :D
a funny vid .
hahahahahahas !
why you get b+ for your english ?!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
hey guys , im back :D
as y'all know my fish just passed away .
so i really had a hard time lorrs .
1 ) knowing my fish is really dead .
i dint see her die infront of me .
i wont even know whether she's dead anot .
that night when i was sleeping .
my dog's howl crying woke me up from my bad dream .
i woke up , ask my dog to be quiet and lay back wanted to continue sleeping .
but , my dog continue to cry .
it was already 3am plus .
this time round even louder when i ask him to shut up .
so i went out to the living room to see what happen to him .
he ran to me like as if theres a fire .
but there isnt any lahs .
so i went to check my fish whether she's doing fine .
the water turned misty grey kind and i try to look for my fish ,
then i saw her lying down on the crytal pebbles with her stomach facing up .
i know she's dead .
i didnt cry , but i started praying in tongues .
2 ) really sad that she'd left so early .
but y'all know that she's just a small lil so call " long gou yu " ( drain fish ?! ) .
haaaas , she can survive till this step is already very good lerrs .
her name call lao bu si , and now she's dead . shows really much about how old she live already .
she's small , active and swim very cute-ly .
look at me whenever i talk to her .
like as if she understands out language .
lols , and i use to think that fish have eye lids that they close their eyes when they sleep .
so listen up , FISH DONT HAVE EYE LIDS !
okays , it seems like im the only one who dont know about it .
nevermind .
3 ) mommy sure wants me to clean up and throw away her .
my aunties gave me ways to do it .
- pour out everything into the toilet bowl and flush it away .
- scoop her up and throw it into the rubbish bin .
* clip your nose if you think it'll be smelly *
stupid ideas ,
to prevent it from stinking my house in to rubbish dumb even more .
i came up with some stupid ideas that you people sure find it stupid and lame .
i threw some alibahbahh flowers on the floor from my mom's " guan yin ma " vase .
expected it to smell nicer after that and happily went back to study .
how stupid is that .
then some how my common sense came up and tell me that wont work at all .
i fell asleep and woke up like 9 pm then decided to take up the courage to settle it .
i decided to bury her in some secret place near my house .
i scoop her up , yes i felt her weight with my eyes close i lay her down on the tissue paper and handkerchief of mine .
fold it well . and off i go to bury it .
i didnt prepare any tags or board to tell people that that's her grave .
lols , i dig a deeper hole to let her rest in peace like she wont be disturbed even tsunami arrives .
so the attempt was very successful .
i cant bear to throw it away . sorry mommy ):
4 ) i miss my mom bad bad very badly .
y'all know she's at malaysia to spy on my sister how's she doing there .
so im so alone .
i miss her da baos she always prepared for me that now i buy lunch on my own .
kinda miss her noisy naggings . cause without her noisy naggings the house will turn so quiet like you're live in the underwater world .
no sounds at all , unless my dog starts his nonsense again .
so yup miss her loads .
and back to what i waana share share some thing with you guys about my favourite blogger qween : Xiaxue , Wendy Cheng . <33
recently she appeared in channel u 's [ you hua jiu shuo ( shoot 3 ) ]
and stupid thing is with the stupid disgusting man who dont know how to behave Steven Lim .
that day's topic they're talking was about bloggers and blog .
so Steven Lim was being listed out in one of the most disgusting bloggers in Xiaxue's entry .
Xiaxue put up her points of what are the things he likes to do which are totally stupid on blog .
like video-ing down himself taking off clothes , sing all kinds of old songs with his lousy voice and showing all his fat .
how stupid is that .
and that whole show of you hua jiu shuo is like aiming on that very own post that she posted in her blog .
cause the comments she posted out was rather more bold .
although maybe her words are a lil hurtful but still no need to aim at her like that derr what .
): they say maia and Xiaxue was in cahoots to get publicity .
obviously so not true lahs .
maia is really so weird lorrs .
the competition she had with my lil idol Sylvester Sim in singapore idol was like 2-3 years ago lorrs .
still she still says that reporters and media keep saying they're together .
man i dint even see any news of that before lorrs .
i went into her blog before and saw the pictures she took .
was like already copy-ing Sylvester Sim . = . =
Xiaxue's blog is like so famous already , how on earth dose she still need to get publicity from .?
when her blog is always so interesting to read . fred not about it lorrs .
as what i like to say , people on the net are bo liao !
totally understand how Xiaxue feels lorr .
that stupid fat ass still say she dont use her brains for blogging .
if she dont , how would her blog be so interesting than yours ?!
=.= duhs .
they're all aiming at her like bullying her in so many people's eye in singapore who watch that show .
the host dAsmond koh is so obvious purposely go scold Xiaxue in his blog one lorrs .
he want people to visit his blog so that his daily hits will rise like Xiaxue .
he's obviously jealous about Xiaxue can ?
he cant blame Xiaxue for spelling his name wrong also .
cause most of the dEsmond spells like that than dAsmond .
he's also not very famous .
DUH , he's only a DJ artist in 933 last time i still only remember .
i prefer wu shi ma li :D
i saw a link from Xiaxue's blog in her latest entry .
of how she got inspired of to do some paint design to her water heater and light switches .
click Fafi arts
and in that webbie .
i found some very nice drawings and paintings !

lols ,

love the colours she use and designs she came up with .
pink , red heart shapes on cheecks . so cute lorrs .
this artist is a female artist :D
cool ehs .
its end of my blog .
ending it here .
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
as y'all know my fish just passed away .
so i really had a hard time lorrs .
1 ) knowing my fish is really dead .
i dint see her die infront of me .
i wont even know whether she's dead anot .
that night when i was sleeping .
my dog's howl crying woke me up from my bad dream .
i woke up , ask my dog to be quiet and lay back wanted to continue sleeping .
but , my dog continue to cry .
it was already 3am plus .
this time round even louder when i ask him to shut up .
so i went out to the living room to see what happen to him .
he ran to me like as if theres a fire .
but there isnt any lahs .
so i went to check my fish whether she's doing fine .
the water turned misty grey kind and i try to look for my fish ,
then i saw her lying down on the crytal pebbles with her stomach facing up .
i know she's dead .
i didnt cry , but i started praying in tongues .
2 ) really sad that she'd left so early .
but y'all know that she's just a small lil so call " long gou yu " ( drain fish ?! ) .
haaaas , she can survive till this step is already very good lerrs .
her name call lao bu si , and now she's dead . shows really much about how old she live already .
she's small , active and swim very cute-ly .
look at me whenever i talk to her .
like as if she understands out language .
lols , and i use to think that fish have eye lids that they close their eyes when they sleep .
so listen up , FISH DONT HAVE EYE LIDS !
okays , it seems like im the only one who dont know about it .
nevermind .
3 ) mommy sure wants me to clean up and throw away her .
my aunties gave me ways to do it .
- pour out everything into the toilet bowl and flush it away .
- scoop her up and throw it into the rubbish bin .
* clip your nose if you think it'll be smelly *
stupid ideas ,
to prevent it from stinking my house in to rubbish dumb even more .
i came up with some stupid ideas that you people sure find it stupid and lame .
i threw some alibahbahh flowers on the floor from my mom's " guan yin ma " vase .
expected it to smell nicer after that and happily went back to study .
how stupid is that .
then some how my common sense came up and tell me that wont work at all .
i fell asleep and woke up like 9 pm then decided to take up the courage to settle it .
i decided to bury her in some secret place near my house .
i scoop her up , yes i felt her weight with my eyes close i lay her down on the tissue paper and handkerchief of mine .
fold it well . and off i go to bury it .
i didnt prepare any tags or board to tell people that that's her grave .
lols , i dig a deeper hole to let her rest in peace like she wont be disturbed even tsunami arrives .
so the attempt was very successful .
i cant bear to throw it away . sorry mommy ):
4 ) i miss my mom bad bad very badly .
y'all know she's at malaysia to spy on my sister how's she doing there .
so im so alone .
i miss her da baos she always prepared for me that now i buy lunch on my own .
kinda miss her noisy naggings . cause without her noisy naggings the house will turn so quiet like you're live in the underwater world .
no sounds at all , unless my dog starts his nonsense again .
so yup miss her loads .
and back to what i waana share share some thing with you guys about my favourite blogger qween : Xiaxue , Wendy Cheng . <33
recently she appeared in channel u 's [ you hua jiu shuo ( shoot 3 ) ]
and stupid thing is with the stupid disgusting man who dont know how to behave Steven Lim .
that day's topic they're talking was about bloggers and blog .
so Steven Lim was being listed out in one of the most disgusting bloggers in Xiaxue's entry .
Xiaxue put up her points of what are the things he likes to do which are totally stupid on blog .
like video-ing down himself taking off clothes , sing all kinds of old songs with his lousy voice and showing all his fat .
how stupid is that .
and that whole show of you hua jiu shuo is like aiming on that very own post that she posted in her blog .
cause the comments she posted out was rather more bold .
although maybe her words are a lil hurtful but still no need to aim at her like that derr what .
): they say maia and Xiaxue was in cahoots to get publicity .
obviously so not true lahs .
maia is really so weird lorrs .
the competition she had with my lil idol Sylvester Sim in singapore idol was like 2-3 years ago lorrs .
still she still says that reporters and media keep saying they're together .
man i dint even see any news of that before lorrs .
i went into her blog before and saw the pictures she took .
was like already copy-ing Sylvester Sim . = . =
Xiaxue's blog is like so famous already , how on earth dose she still need to get publicity from .?
when her blog is always so interesting to read . fred not about it lorrs .
as what i like to say , people on the net are bo liao !
totally understand how Xiaxue feels lorr .
that stupid fat ass still say she dont use her brains for blogging .
if she dont , how would her blog be so interesting than yours ?!
=.= duhs .
they're all aiming at her like bullying her in so many people's eye in singapore who watch that show .
the host dAsmond koh is so obvious purposely go scold Xiaxue in his blog one lorrs .
he want people to visit his blog so that his daily hits will rise like Xiaxue .
he's obviously jealous about Xiaxue can ?
he cant blame Xiaxue for spelling his name wrong also .
cause most of the dEsmond spells like that than dAsmond .
he's also not very famous .
DUH , he's only a DJ artist in 933 last time i still only remember .
i prefer wu shi ma li :D
i saw a link from Xiaxue's blog in her latest entry .
of how she got inspired of to do some paint design to her water heater and light switches .
click Fafi arts
and in that webbie .
i found some very nice drawings and paintings !

pink , red heart shapes on cheecks . so cute lorrs .
this artist is a female artist :D
cool ehs .
its end of my blog .
ending it here .
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
march .
it came with three fishes in a tank .

happy three fish .

.. two passed away . and ..
left her .
labush .
september .
but , as time goes by .
she's dying too .
her stomach is bloating .
my mom had over fed her .
she lost her balance , swimming side ways .
struggling to to live .
not giving her up till her last breath .
she've gone through lots with me .
from the day i decided to change .
no one understands how much she mean to me .
from that day i give her the promise , im keeping it now .
now ive did it .
but she's going her way up to heaven .
all fish shops are closed .
friends all say she couldnt make it anymore .
praying hard hopelessly .
can somebody help ..
help .. please ...
it came with three fishes in a tank .

happy three fish .

.. two passed away . and ..
left her .
labush .
september .
but , as time goes by .
she's dying too .
her stomach is bloating .
my mom had over fed her .
she lost her balance , swimming side ways .
struggling to to live .
not giving her up till her last breath .
she've gone through lots with me .
from the day i decided to change .
no one understands how much she mean to me .
from that day i give her the promise , im keeping it now .
now ive did it .
but she's going her way up to heaven .
all fish shops are closed .
friends all say she couldnt make it anymore .
praying hard hopelessly .
can somebody help ..
help .. please ...
Monday, September 24, 2007
hmmms , it has been a crying week i guess ?
got bullied in school by some stupid operator manager .
my friend and i got in to trouble in school lorrs .
when i cant have anymore anymore .
that day was like huihui got hiccup ..
then me wanna go toilet .
so huihui and i went to the canteen to get out business done .
she get her mineral water , i go toilet .
but on our way .
got this new chinese teacher who always want to talk and know about me .
always ask from mr nathan , mrs ang .. principle ..blabla teachers ..
then she ask us why we were there and stuffs ..
huihui finish answer-ing her then i quickly rush to the toilet .
and the next day later .
she told mr nathan that we slipped out of the class to buy food and drinks at the canteen , and say we were rude to her while she were talking to her .
man , we explian ourselfs out .
and still you know what .
teachers still love "sorry " .
so okay lorrs ..
cause i really dint know that we cant buy mineral from canteen .
my classmates and i always do that .
our teachers only say that we cant buy sweetdrinks / food mahs .
mineral water .. its like ..
whats wrong man ?!
then nevermind .
mr nathan ask us to write her a 50 words compo ..
of apology .
i mean its like .. is there a need guys ?!
when you apologise infront of the person already .. still need to write ?
hey man , like as if i wont dare to go on stage for apology .
lols .
out of a sudden the O.M came in to kpo .
he say what .. i question the teacher very rude ..
say what .. " you always so naughty one .. you havent been good lahs .. no need act "
he ask me why huihui must buy mineral water and cant drink our school's water cooler.
i reply that our parents dont encourage us to drink the school's water cooler , because they're dirty .
and we they taste weird .
then her answered " huh? the water cooler's water is dirty ? the water is clean ,you are then dirty . look at your face !"
what the hell ? my face ?
dirty ?! scolding me dirty ?!!!!
he himself have nose hair gushing out of his nostrils .
how clean is he ?!
( !@#$@#$%#$^@$!@#!@#!@$#@!$!@#! )
i was like . oh well so you're showing me your O.M athority huh ?
i was like . ehs man , bring me to the principle lahs .
i find you no status to talk lorrs .
nahs , not like you thought .
holy spirit shut my mouth and ask me not to talk back !
i didnt reply a @#$! sound .
then he added on .. " how can we trust you . you're just letting us to get you out of the school "
i replied " sorry sir "
then he shut up .
so he was more even mad when he know i dint talk back to him .
so he say .. " you after class come see me .! "
i was like siao !
went for my math class .
and studied well .
eyes were like boiling tears with anger .
so he bullshited to me durring my precious recess time .
show me some rules from the school .
as ussual i kept quiet .
so he ask me whether i have anything to say ..
so i said " can i sir ?"
he say " yea ofcause "
i said " sir , i find it's really a insult to me when you scold me im dirty . when theres no need to scold me that . i mean , you can complain if im untidy .unless you dont know the two different meanings of dirty and untidy ."
he said " oh really ? its fine with me .."
so he ask me to treat his words more positively ..
bla bla bla .
hes obviously guilty and scared that i might complain to my principle .
hes damn afraid .
cause the whole school knows that im the principle's pet <3
he say that i can leave and go for my recess .
and di siiao him awhile asking him how he feel about people having hair outta nostrils .
he laugh and say dirty lahs !
i replied : sir sir !! oh my ! look in the mirror !!
- cherlyn vanish off -
i was laughing out loud today when i see this in my school website .
he posted a entry like this .
[ Water Cooler ]
I received some feedback that the water from the water cooler taste funny. Recently I removed all the filters as I found that filters collect dirt and algae grows inside the filters. The water tanks were washed recently and the water samples tested by the governament lab showed that the water is safe to drink. Nonetheless, I will be getting water samples to be taken and tested again.
From: Major Chong Weng Seng - Friday, September 21, 2007
Recipients: All Staff, All Students,
Message will expire on Friday, October 05, 2007
wahahahahas ?!
i attanded a wedding dinner with my mom and sister the other day .
its some of my "rare"lative one ..
i dint even know them well . haaas .
my sister say that her church's movie vedios are more sweet one .
that it can make you feel like getting married after you finish watching the vids !
hahahahahas .
is she hinting something ?
bride works at air line one . the high class waitress on plane lahs .
then the groom plays the tititatitoo one . aiya . pilot lahs !
i was expecting that the wedding dinner will come out with a bang !
but ..

it was not how high class like what you've imagine .
they off the lights and played some getai's colourful star star lights .
which is so laotu !
the pillars blocked us from the view to the stage obviously .

my mommy with my cousin qifang .
my mommy slimmed down alot .
dont worry ! she went for a check up .
im worried and .. haais .

big head shots of us .
damn , my sister is so much fairer than me .
i really dont mind exchanging skins !

this dinner seems to be like a farwell dine for my sister .
lols ?!
she went back to m'sia after that night .
with my mom along .
yes .
im now all alone with kinno , labush and xiaobaobei .
with books , revision and exams timetable reminding me .
" exams are really coming ! study lahs you lazy bum "
stress-ing and lonly ):
got bullied in school by some stupid operator manager .
my friend and i got in to trouble in school lorrs .
when i cant have anymore anymore .
that day was like huihui got hiccup ..
then me wanna go toilet .
so huihui and i went to the canteen to get out business done .
she get her mineral water , i go toilet .
but on our way .
got this new chinese teacher who always want to talk and know about me .
always ask from mr nathan , mrs ang .. principle ..blabla teachers ..
then she ask us why we were there and stuffs ..
huihui finish answer-ing her then i quickly rush to the toilet .
and the next day later .
she told mr nathan that we slipped out of the class to buy food and drinks at the canteen , and say we were rude to her while she were talking to her .
man , we explian ourselfs out .
and still you know what .
teachers still love "sorry " .
so okay lorrs ..
cause i really dint know that we cant buy mineral from canteen .
my classmates and i always do that .
our teachers only say that we cant buy sweetdrinks / food mahs .
mineral water .. its like ..
whats wrong man ?!
then nevermind .
mr nathan ask us to write her a 50 words compo ..
of apology .
i mean its like .. is there a need guys ?!
when you apologise infront of the person already .. still need to write ?
hey man , like as if i wont dare to go on stage for apology .
lols .
out of a sudden the O.M came in to kpo .
he say what .. i question the teacher very rude ..
say what .. " you always so naughty one .. you havent been good lahs .. no need act "
he ask me why huihui must buy mineral water and cant drink our school's water cooler.
i reply that our parents dont encourage us to drink the school's water cooler , because they're dirty .
and we they taste weird .
then her answered " huh? the water cooler's water is dirty ? the water is clean ,you are then dirty . look at your face !"
what the hell ? my face ?
dirty ?! scolding me dirty ?!!!!
he himself have nose hair gushing out of his nostrils .
how clean is he ?!
( !@#$@#$%#$^@$!@#!@#!@$#@!$!@#! )
i was like . oh well so you're showing me your O.M athority huh ?
i was like . ehs man , bring me to the principle lahs .
i find you no status to talk lorrs .
nahs , not like you thought .
holy spirit shut my mouth and ask me not to talk back !
i didnt reply a @#$! sound .
then he added on .. " how can we trust you . you're just letting us to get you out of the school "
i replied " sorry sir "
then he shut up .
so he was more even mad when he know i dint talk back to him .
so he say .. " you after class come see me .! "
i was like siao !
went for my math class .
and studied well .
eyes were like boiling tears with anger .
so he bullshited to me durring my precious recess time .
show me some rules from the school .
as ussual i kept quiet .
so he ask me whether i have anything to say ..
so i said " can i sir ?"
he say " yea ofcause "
i said " sir , i find it's really a insult to me when you scold me im dirty . when theres no need to scold me that . i mean , you can complain if im untidy .unless you dont know the two different meanings of dirty and untidy ."
he said " oh really ? its fine with me .."
so he ask me to treat his words more positively ..
bla bla bla .
hes obviously guilty and scared that i might complain to my principle .
hes damn afraid .
cause the whole school knows that im the principle's pet <3
he say that i can leave and go for my recess .
and di siiao him awhile asking him how he feel about people having hair outta nostrils .
he laugh and say dirty lahs !
i replied : sir sir !! oh my ! look in the mirror !!
- cherlyn vanish off -
i was laughing out loud today when i see this in my school website .
he posted a entry like this .
[ Water Cooler ]
I received some feedback that the water from the water cooler taste funny. Recently I removed all the filters as I found that filters collect dirt and algae grows inside the filters. The water tanks were washed recently and the water samples tested by the governament lab showed that the water is safe to drink. Nonetheless, I will be getting water samples to be taken and tested again.
From: Major Chong Weng Seng - Friday, September 21, 2007
Recipients: All Staff, All Students,
Message will expire on Friday, October 05, 2007
wahahahahas ?!
i attanded a wedding dinner with my mom and sister the other day .
its some of my "rare"lative one ..
i dint even know them well . haaas .
my sister say that her church's movie vedios are more sweet one .
that it can make you feel like getting married after you finish watching the vids !
hahahahahas .
is she hinting something ?
bride works at air line one . the high class waitress on plane lahs .
then the groom plays the tititatitoo one . aiya . pilot lahs !
i was expecting that the wedding dinner will come out with a bang !
but ..
it was not how high class like what you've imagine .
they off the lights and played some getai's colourful star star lights .
which is so laotu !
the pillars blocked us from the view to the stage obviously .
my mommy with my cousin qifang .
my mommy slimmed down alot .
dont worry ! she went for a check up .
im worried and .. haais .
big head shots of us .
damn , my sister is so much fairer than me .
i really dont mind exchanging skins !
this dinner seems to be like a farwell dine for my sister .
lols ?!
she went back to m'sia after that night .
with my mom along .
yes .
im now all alone with kinno , labush and xiaobaobei .
with books , revision and exams timetable reminding me .
" exams are really coming ! study lahs you lazy bum "
stress-ing and lonly ):
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Person who tagged you) : kuah kian boon
(My relationship with him/her) : gfs ~ good friends :D
(5 impression you have on him/her): nice , caring ,responsible and hardworking ! xD
(The most memorable thing she/he has done for you): writting me a thousand compo :D
(The most memorable words she/he has said to you): im as gentle as a butterfly (x
(If she/he becomes your lover,you will): hmmms ,. will that happen ?!
(If he/she becomes your enemy,you will): cry and go back to him !
(If he/she becomes your enemy the reason will be): ;x ;x he hong zha bor !
(The desirable thing you want do for him/her now is): hmmms . get back his life ! he got no life =.=
(Your overall impression of him/her is): XIONG PA PA !
(How do you think people around you feel about you): hmmmms , just another chatter box ;x ;x
(Characteristics you love about urself): im friendly :D
(Characteristics you hate about urself): hmmmms ,. think too much then erm .. imma coward ;x
(The most ideal person you want to be is): KHALIL FONG DA TONG ! ;x ;x heees .
(For people who care and likes you, say something to them): oh , cherlyn loves you too !
(Pass this quiz to 10 ppl that you wish to know how they feel bout you)
1) deepa
2) xue lian
3) amerlin
4) delvin
5) christopher
6) Candice Soh
7) Janice Tan
8) Amanda
9) Esther Goh
10) Kingsley ( if you're still blogging .. haaas xDD )
(Who is No.6 having relationship with?): friends , sisters :D
(Is No.9 a male or female): Female
(If No.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?): erm , maybe ?
(what is No. 2 studying?): yea , at australia
(When was the last time you chatted with No. 3): long long ago ):
(What type of music does 8 likes?): hmmms , english rocks ? nahs , worship songs ! right right ?
(Does No.1 has any siblings): yea , a elder brother
(Will you woo No.3?): errms , she's a girl .
(How about No.7?): man , she's a girl too . im interested with man !
(Is No.4 single?): hmmms , yea ?
(Whats the surname of No. 5): zhou
(Whats the hobby of No. 4): hmmms , photography ? haaas :D
(Do No.5 and 9 get along well?): man , 9 is my eleder sister . she wont wanna no christopher ! haaas !
(Where is No.2 studying?): australia .
(Say something casual about No.1): she's very noisy
(Have you tried developing feelings for No.8?): we're sisters !
(Where does No.9 lives?): my house ?
(What colour does No.4 like): i know ! i know !! HE LOVES GREEN ! xDD wahahahs .
(Are No.1 and 5 best friends?): im sad to say this , but they dont know each other >.<''
(Does No.7 likes No.2?): hey number 7 , do you ?
(How you get to know No.2?): through my elder sister :D
(Does No.1 has any pets): errm , she wont want to have one ! LOLS
see .. i answered all the questions .
so peeps ive tagged .
its now your turn to do this quiz ~ !
haaaas , you can choose not to do it , its fine really :D
lols , y'all know how will it be like when the world ends ?
do y'all know how scary it'll go ?
man , i become so curious when my english teacher teach about it ..
my classmate got pros predict it'll end at 2012 december afternoon .
so scary , that'll be when im 20 ?
man , i still wanna do alot of things !
they say there'll be total darkness .
man , im thinking lotsa stuffs now .
nonono .
back to my blog .
i was awarded a top 3 food & nutrition in term 3 CA2 !
man , this is good okays ?
BECAUSE i just transfered to f&n very recently .
term 1-2 i was still at D&T -design and technology,
i transfered because i have really bad skin .
cant tahan the dust anymore and decided i needa get outta it .
it was a tough decision for me .
people around me were tell and asking me ..
" the teacher there sure pick on you want .. you really wanna go ? sure anot ??! "
" you not scare fabian they all say you leave them alone mehs ? how you explain to them siaa ?"
" ehs dont transfer lei .. you can catch up anot ? f&n so hard .. need to memorise .. you can meh ? "
i was a very lousy student then .
that the teachers all encourage me not to do so .
dont really like the malays in my class last time ..
i have too many cases that i was so afraid that the new teacher will get me into more troubles .
but i decided to walk on to this decision with someone great always behind me .
and yes ! ive got in . the fears i used to have now are just .. " CHEY "
the teacher treat me like her favourite student .
fabian understand my skin type and situations because he know me since primary 1 !
wow ? i dint even make it to like quarrel with him ..
and he say its okay already ~
good friends will last forever .
haaas !
hey guys ,
my first time to recieve a cert in my whole life from my principle teletubies .
happy happy :D
God always show me the best way to go .
praise the lord . ive made it .
to prove all the people wrong who looked down on me !
heees , okays okays .
i can do all things through christ who strengthens me ~
my exams are around the corners .
studying hard !
wish me good luck kays .
that i'll bring more good news .
:D l0ves ~
cherlyn }
(My relationship with him/her) : gfs ~ good friends :D
(5 impression you have on him/her): nice , caring ,responsible and hardworking ! xD
(The most memorable thing she/he has done for you): writting me a thousand compo :D
(The most memorable words she/he has said to you): im as gentle as a butterfly (x
(If she/he becomes your lover,you will): hmmms ,. will that happen ?!
(If he/she becomes your enemy,you will): cry and go back to him !
(If he/she becomes your enemy the reason will be): ;x ;x he hong zha bor !
(The desirable thing you want do for him/her now is): hmmms . get back his life ! he got no life =.=
(Your overall impression of him/her is): XIONG PA PA !
(How do you think people around you feel about you): hmmmms , just another chatter box ;x ;x
(Characteristics you love about urself): im friendly :D
(Characteristics you hate about urself): hmmmms ,. think too much then erm .. imma coward ;x
(The most ideal person you want to be is): KHALIL FONG DA TONG ! ;x ;x heees .
(For people who care and likes you, say something to them): oh , cherlyn loves you too !
(Pass this quiz to 10 ppl that you wish to know how they feel bout you)
1) deepa
2) xue lian
3) amerlin
4) delvin
5) christopher
6) Candice Soh
7) Janice Tan
8) Amanda
9) Esther Goh
10) Kingsley ( if you're still blogging .. haaas xDD )
(Who is No.6 having relationship with?): friends , sisters :D
(Is No.9 a male or female): Female
(If No.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?): erm , maybe ?
(what is No. 2 studying?): yea , at australia
(When was the last time you chatted with No. 3): long long ago ):
(What type of music does 8 likes?): hmmms , english rocks ? nahs , worship songs ! right right ?
(Does No.1 has any siblings): yea , a elder brother
(Will you woo No.3?): errms , she's a girl .
(How about No.7?): man , she's a girl too . im interested with man !
(Is No.4 single?): hmmms , yea ?
(Whats the surname of No. 5): zhou
(Whats the hobby of No. 4): hmmms , photography ? haaas :D
(Do No.5 and 9 get along well?): man , 9 is my eleder sister . she wont wanna no christopher ! haaas !
(Where is No.2 studying?): australia .
(Say something casual about No.1): she's very noisy
(Have you tried developing feelings for No.8?): we're sisters !
(Where does No.9 lives?): my house ?
(What colour does No.4 like): i know ! i know !! HE LOVES GREEN ! xDD wahahahs .
(Are No.1 and 5 best friends?): im sad to say this , but they dont know each other >.<''
(Does No.7 likes No.2?): hey number 7 , do you ?
(How you get to know No.2?): through my elder sister :D
(Does No.1 has any pets): errm , she wont want to have one ! LOLS
see .. i answered all the questions .
so peeps ive tagged .
its now your turn to do this quiz ~ !
haaaas , you can choose not to do it , its fine really :D
lols , y'all know how will it be like when the world ends ?
do y'all know how scary it'll go ?
man , i become so curious when my english teacher teach about it ..
my classmate got pros predict it'll end at 2012 december afternoon .
so scary , that'll be when im 20 ?
man , i still wanna do alot of things !
they say there'll be total darkness .
man , im thinking lotsa stuffs now .
nonono .
back to my blog .
i was awarded a top 3 food & nutrition in term 3 CA2 !
man , this is good okays ?
BECAUSE i just transfered to f&n very recently .
term 1-2 i was still at D&T -design and technology,
i transfered because i have really bad skin .
cant tahan the dust anymore and decided i needa get outta it .
it was a tough decision for me .
people around me were tell and asking me ..
" the teacher there sure pick on you want .. you really wanna go ? sure anot ??! "
" you not scare fabian they all say you leave them alone mehs ? how you explain to them siaa ?"
" ehs dont transfer lei .. you can catch up anot ? f&n so hard .. need to memorise .. you can meh ? "
i was a very lousy student then .
that the teachers all encourage me not to do so .
dont really like the malays in my class last time ..
i have too many cases that i was so afraid that the new teacher will get me into more troubles .
but i decided to walk on to this decision with someone great always behind me .
and yes ! ive got in . the fears i used to have now are just .. " CHEY "
the teacher treat me like her favourite student .
fabian understand my skin type and situations because he know me since primary 1 !
wow ? i dint even make it to like quarrel with him ..
and he say its okay already ~
good friends will last forever .
haaas !
hey guys ,
my first time to recieve a cert in my whole life from my principle teletubies .
happy happy :D
God always show me the best way to go .
praise the lord . ive made it .
to prove all the people wrong who looked down on me !
heees , okays okays .
i can do all things through christ who strengthens me ~
my exams are around the corners .
studying hard !
wish me good luck kays .
that i'll bring more good news .
:D l0ves ~
cherlyn }
Monday, September 17, 2007
aloha !
just when you think my blog is dying .
imma gonna show ya the super matching couple in the world (x
and get ready with yer pop corns and potato chips .
and dont get choked out with it !
muahahahas .
introducing the smelly sleeping "beauty " lim yi mei aka yi dian dou bu mei .
named by Fabian Wong
[ melissa ]
lols , that was the lousy camara man .
miss tan huihui .
just when you think shes very innocent !
she start her nonsence !
cause it was her stupid idea to shoot people's face while they're sleeping !
man man . seriously her face really looks like shes gonna let willy outta her mouth .
lols .
wahahahas ,
i scratched that gektheng aka apple queen's face .
y'all know huihui and gektheng are both the quietest people in my class .
y'all must be thinking why i mix with them right .
i can have complete silence if i wanna sleep in class !
lols !
no lah no lah , its actually the angle .
teacher can cath attention on my side xDD
wahahahas , nonono !
cherlyn pays attention during class !
im serious .
introducing the prince " charming " aka the or pi sai king .
[ anthony chen kwok tong ]
what a funny name right !
man , just if he can stop his nonsence with his fingers and his nostrils .
maybe ..
errms ..
play the video !
if ya people are wondering who's that boy in yellow .
he's alvin khoo seng ghee ! xDD
siiao-est hokkien boy ive ever met .
he's like another ah lam ..
the ah lam cha kuay tiao .
i bet they've met before !
mommy got some fresh melons outside .
i gotta go !
cya , and thanks for watching me .
and ive cought your attention :p
heees ,
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
just when you think my blog is dying .
imma gonna show ya the super matching couple in the world (x
and get ready with yer pop corns and potato chips .
and dont get choked out with it !
muahahahas .
introducing the smelly sleeping "beauty " lim yi mei aka yi dian dou bu mei .
named by Fabian Wong
[ melissa ]
lols , that was the lousy camara man .
miss tan huihui .
just when you think shes very innocent !
she start her nonsence !
cause it was her stupid idea to shoot people's face while they're sleeping !
man man . seriously her face really looks like shes gonna let willy outta her mouth .
lols .
wahahahas ,
i scratched that gektheng aka apple queen's face .
y'all know huihui and gektheng are both the quietest people in my class .
y'all must be thinking why i mix with them right .
i can have complete silence if i wanna sleep in class !
lols !
no lah no lah , its actually the angle .
teacher can cath attention on my side xDD
wahahahas , nonono !
cherlyn pays attention during class !
im serious .
introducing the prince " charming " aka the or pi sai king .
[ anthony chen kwok tong ]
what a funny name right !
man , just if he can stop his nonsence with his fingers and his nostrils .
maybe ..
errms ..
play the video !
if ya people are wondering who's that boy in yellow .
he's alvin khoo seng ghee ! xDD
siiao-est hokkien boy ive ever met .
he's like another ah lam ..
the ah lam cha kuay tiao .
i bet they've met before !
mommy got some fresh melons outside .
i gotta go !
cya , and thanks for watching me .
and ive cought your attention :p
heees ,
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
Sunday, September 16, 2007
delvin tagged me .
hahahahas ,
im gonna play it .
5 Things is my bag:
1. phone
2. ribena
3. purse
4. bible and notebook
5. Hichew cocacola sweet (x
5 Things in my head:
1. i wanna buy a new phone
2. some stupid stuffs i must not do
3. friends
4. memories with God
5. family + dear kinno
5 words I frequently use:
1. oh my god
2. uh man
3. walau ( lols will change ! )
4. alibahbah
5. errm
5 Recent smses received:
1. eh where eu
2. goodmorning !......
3. good night sleep tight .....
4. wad u doing ....
5. call me .....
5 recent things I just did:
1. sleep
2. online
3. pray
4. play audi
5. walk kinno
5 things in my wardrobe:
1. shirts
2. pants
3. pyjamas
4. underwears
5. bags
5 things I just ate:
1. ban mien
2. chee chiong fan
5 people I'm tagging:
1. Esther Goh
2. Kuah Kian Boon
3. e369 Candice Soh
4. e369 Amanda
5. Amerlin mei
lols , dont hit me.
man man man .
people on the net are bo liao .
--- joke of the day ---
today i spent my whole day sleeping .
yea .
--- end of joke ---
hahahahas ,
im gonna play it .
5 Things is my bag:
1. phone
2. ribena
3. purse
4. bible and notebook
5. Hichew cocacola sweet (x
5 Things in my head:
1. i wanna buy a new phone
2. some stupid stuffs i must not do
3. friends
4. memories with God
5. family + dear kinno
5 words I frequently use:
1. oh my god
2. uh man
3. walau ( lols will change ! )
4. alibahbah
5. errm
5 Recent smses received:
1. eh where eu
2. goodmorning !......
3. good night sleep tight .....
4. wad u doing ....
5. call me .....
5 recent things I just did:
1. sleep
2. online
3. pray
4. play audi
5. walk kinno
5 things in my wardrobe:
1. shirts
2. pants
3. pyjamas
4. underwears
5. bags
5 things I just ate:
1. ban mien
2. chee chiong fan
5 people I'm tagging:
1. Esther Goh
2. Kuah Kian Boon
3. e369 Candice Soh
4. e369 Amanda
5. Amerlin mei
lols , dont hit me.
man man man .
people on the net are bo liao .
--- joke of the day ---
today i spent my whole day sleeping .
yea .
--- end of joke ---
Saturday, September 15, 2007
some Ed Hardy cravings ..
man ..

criss angels .
i love his cap .
yea .
and i love him for wearing that bling bling on his neck !
haaas ,,
man man man ..
they're so so ex !!
if not i'll really want to have the whole shop man !
love their styles and yea .
very unique and nice ..
do check out their website at ..
yuppps ,.
one thing is ..
i really love their shades ..
real nice .
aaiya aiya ..
siiao liao siao liao ..
lols , well ..
back to my today (:
woke up early as well , had my activities done .
met up my friends for our secong singing class lesson .
im so happy with the performance !
sand tian hei hei by stefanie sun , ( chorus part )
prayer meeting .. then service at expo .
learnt alot today ..
understand lotsa stuffs that we should .
and how should we overcome things ..
what type of mindset we should have .
what should we do after we've revieved our blessings from God .
and how we should manage relationships ..
yea , kinda a suay day today .
lost $10 not awaring who've took it and how ive lost it ..
melissa dint turned up for today when she promised me to come .
but heng to have my sister to borrow $10 .
and sisters by my side to worship God together with me :D
i feel so blessed when im with them .
no matter what im facing or troubled .. only with them i'll feel better :D
jiji composed a poem for shalynne today .
my cg read aloud the poem together as one to her after service today ..
more to come for her , and everyone .
hahahahahas xD
today i can feel presence of God so great..
God came in to filled in all our hearts .
wanna thank God that he've always been taking care of me ..
really .
and my new aim of life now is ..
i wanna be a good influence (x
thats all from me today :D
good day folks !
Friday, September 14, 2007

feel kinda stress now adays ..
haais .
only like some times i'll relax myself playing online games , korean drama ..
etc etc ,
watching Goong S now ..
hmmms , very funny lahs .
i always prefer korean dramas than taiwan dramas ..
cause taiwan dramas are way too far ..
lols ,
so so so ..
when back to study again , will off mood like for 100% to 20% !
HAHAHAHAS , bad bad thing .
today math is so hard !
and ang ku kuay never come .
so this theres a teacher came in to take care of the class .
he gave us work from ang ku kuay to do ..
BUT BUT BUT .. im completely blur about our new topics .
and no one in my class knows how to do or the formular .
then ask that teacher ..
can see he dont know how to do at all lorrs !
but , he tries to act like he really knows how to do ..
made me even blur ..
after school ask my friends , and they taught me the right way .
then understand (x
but but but , still needa practice more yea .
haaaas ,
i wanna sleep longer guys !
i dont know why , i like to sleep in the day ..
hahahahahs ,
today ive got a aim .
hmmms , i will work hard for the aim .
ending here ,
catching some sheeps inma dreams soon !
so long mates !
{ cherlyn
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
lols !
" monkey god's spirit " in the tree ?!
lols ,,
well , have a closer look now .
it really looks like a monkey !
lols , banana anyone ?
this so call " monkey god tree " met tree times car accidents !
and nothing happen to it .
its still there ..
how creepy lahs ?!
and oh , aunties ask their " 4digit " numbers there .
-.- worshiping a tree ?
man ..
how no life is that ..
what a stupid idea ..
watch this ..
i think its so cool lahs ..
uhhm , what they call that arhs ..
coffee art ?
hahahahas .
check it out MAN !
the super black sky on 11`09`2007 .
7 in the super morning amk st 53 .
shot this picture while entering my down down school .
y'all know .
i used to hate the chinese seventh month .
cause thats when i'll have the most most "lucky" month .
when i wont wanna take the lifts alone , stairs and go along thoses dark places in the nights .
when i will always pray and pray before i go out ..
and always hoping for the buddies will go back in soon .
and this month , yes . this month .
those buddies dint come and disturb me anymore !
and they leave me alone .
thank God !
i cant see them anymorre !
and they cant hurt me anymore .
im really so happy .
that after the gates had close .
i really cant wait to tell ya people !
i used to always listen to my mom ..
drink those what " fu shui " but that dint work anyway .
bring me go to those dirty dark spooky smoky temples ..
to ask those people who invite gods to their body ..
ask them why i can all these and how to cure and stuffs ..
zz . they are just simply bullshitting man .
my mom did even say hurtful words about me to the man ..
like say what .. " when she born out arhs .. my husband and i divorce leh .. always quarrel .. why like that arhs .. "
saying assif imma jinx .
what the hell ?!
thinking back and now , MAN , IM NOTTA JINX .
and from that day onwards .
i'll refuse to follow her to get cure for the " unwanted eyes i have .."
but still , she'll replace my mineral water in my bottle to her " fu shui "
by the way ..
fu = those chinese taoist yellow paper thinging when they'll draw their actific S(s) on the paper and some are folded in triangle
[ they believe that thoses will keep them away from harm ]
shui = water .
so ..
FU SHUI = they'll burn the yellow paper and put them in to that glass of water . and they make sure they see the paper all turned into black ashes .
[ they believe people who drink it will be MORE even bless going out, you'll be cleance ]
and thats their "holy water" from their "god(s)"
lets not go over how superstitious they're okays ?
i used to carry those triangles in my purses and bags ..
drink those water without even knowing ..
but to me , they're all just so fake .
and my mommy always waste her precious money on those .
which i think its not worth it at all !
haais .
but anyway .
im really happy !
so today is the time to declare .
cherlyn has the same eyes you people have !
and she's normal .
shes not insane or what so ever okays ?!
and shes living a superb normal life now .
really wanna thank God .
oh c'mon give him praise give him praise ! ( ehs , sounds firmiliar ! )
and c'mon , i can wear black colour out too !
ive been really in a bad state all these years .
im so happy that God had answered my prayers .
im sure he'll still read and answer my prayers daily in his pda phone .
to keep on blessing my family & friends .
oh man .
back to my BLOG !
i cant be so boring ehs ?!
okays okays !
so lets talk about my today .
i woke up late in the morning for school .
8am , bathed and rushed to school .
thank mom walked kinno for his business .
oppps ,
and i ignore the security when they ask me to report late to the general office .
so that i can join class as soon as posible mahs !!
y'all know later comers needa spend 1hours sitting outside office to reflect ?!
i always find that sucha stupid idea to punish pupils like that .
asked teletubies to remove that way of punishments ..
always say see first lah ...
for your info .. teletubies is my very dear principle .
my principle and i very gum one ~
hahahahahas ~
dont know why , she just treat me very good one lorrs .
maybe im just way too cute ! ;x ;x
opps , well im just kidding with ya guys .
cause im way to cool for y'all !
muahahahahas .
i watched this stupid prank .
guys claim that its a amazing science experiment ..
geeeez !
well well ,
tell me about it ! tell me about it !!
Monday, September 10, 2007
a song that made me cried a hella out today ..
tears flowed down after i fnished listening to the song only .
now , after i watch the mv ..
i felt even more like crying .
thinking of one day , my dearr kinno will leave us ..
): i'll take good care of him before he leave us derr .
although now adays ..
he's old lerrs .
he's 5 years old liao .
a lonely dog .
he used to have alot of friends ..
but .. haais , dont ask dont ask .
all i know is my kinno is a very brave and loyal dog .
will never forget the first time i met him .
when i was still have a little phobia of dogs .
but kinno was friendly .
got bitten once by my grandparent neighbour's dog ..
i was like 7 or younger then ?
my dog always cry once i step out of the house .
he cry , with those howling types .
very loud ones ..
well kinno , mommy , sister and i love you always .
he loves to eat bread :D
wenta vissit my grandpa .
vissit the cute lil old dog jasmine .
and recieved a bad bad news .
haais .
wondering how is she , cause im so worried about her .
hope she'll be fine .
and haais ...
my cg ldr's grandma passed away .
she must be very upset derrs ..
heartache for her ..
): man , hope she'll be alright ..
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