happy 1 month old :D
just the ideal baby i want .
wont anyhow cry one .
Lol , well ..
i was a cry baby )':
i forget her name ..
but its something like keira or something .
yeah .. she's adorable :DDD
alvin came over my house downstairs to study math .
and when the rain stop , i was sneezing like mad cat .
grrrrrrrrrs .
we studied studied studied .. and he said he was bored .
and we went to play basketball :D
And today !!!
early in the morning awakened by my mommy to drink a awful chinese medicine .
wth , it's super bitter and smelly .
and my voice turned super man .
had to drink that cause yesterday night i coughed out phlegm with blood ..
scary . all blood staining the basin ..
then this morning went to yck stadium to run ..
met up jan . and she joined me ..
i ran 14 rounds in total .
first 5 rounds chiong-ed..
kept coughing like siao , the warn water i brought also turned cold when i finished running .
idiotic mad jan only ran like 6-7 rounds lor .
then we left yck to yishun to play tennis !!
was super happy cause jan manage to book the court to play .
hahha , i'm still noob in tennis ..
but well , i like the game lah .
can burn calories somemore .
then Jan and i played half way ..
2 very muscular girls came in and wanna play friendly match with us ..
i tell you .. their muscles are like ... T_T
and they are taller than me !! looked very pro , spotted their rackets .. *sweats*. .
i was like complaining in heart..
walau .. see me so noob one gu yi embarrass me one lah .. gardiniaaaaaaaaa smelly bread .
ask jan whether she know them ? she say she doesn't .. i was like .. si liao ..........
then jan say nvm lah just try .. she'll guide me along . so ..
no point say no . i just say okay .
then yea .. super nervous ..
my racket flew away for the first time .
and i was like .. $#%#@#%@$#$^#@#@%$#^%$#@#~!!
they were laughing like mad lah ..
i myself also laugh laugh laugh .
we carry on the game and i smash the ball super hard with my eyes squeeze tight closed .
and bamb ! the missed the ball .
* shaking butts around the court *
jan say my reaction super funny ..
then , the games carry on .. jan nearly sprained her back ..
so we stopped ..
hmmm ..
we lost . but still , it was my first tennis game :D
it was a good experience !! hoho .
then on the way home .. i felt weird cause i couldn't hear my noisy keys in my bag ..
cause my bag is very big .. can hear the keys one ..
then i looked for it .. it was not inside !
poor me must have left it some where ..
the key chain and the keys are very important to me ..
jan then said maybe i left it at the court at yishun ..
we go all the way back to look for it ..
couldn't find ..
jan was super determined and say we can go back to the stadium to look for it .
was super glad ..
we reached the stadium and it was empty ..
couldn't find a single one to help us..
then we walked around the stadium to look for it ..
then a cleaner came forward and ask why are we still here etc ..
then we tell her i lost my keys ..
auntie was real nice ..
help us to look for the keys ..
and she found it !!!!!!
she found it in the drain .. =.=
i also don't know how it landed there..
but well ..
tadahhhhhhhhhhh ~
thanks jan for pei-ing me throughout !
love ya !!!
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