have been nua-ing alot lately .
badminton and tennis ..
even practiced pingpong ~
Lol .. play until sian ...
bought a new black fbt shorts .
rawrrrs , bored ..
met ling li to make cards for our new friends ;D
thats what jiji said! Lol .
;x ;x
Then went back home to shower etc etc .
travelled down like a like 55mins journey to jw without music .
cause i forgot to bring my ear piece out . Lol .
Then met the peepos going for audition !
Man , although you guys missed the audition .
But i hope you guys will continue to jiayou alrights ?
next week next week ,. Will keep you guys in my prayers ;D
Then choir practice ;DD
it was awesome .
Kelly was so nice . Kept guiding me throughout .
So that i won't be lost (:
so nice right ?
then during other groups were practicing , and we've got lesser thing to do ..
She offered me this !
its written there " Smoked Plum " .
hahahahas . ke ai lei ~
Look like cigs lor !
today got rejected thrice for job interview .
SBS . even Street survey also need 18 and above ..
walau ... sadded liao .
man ... how ): My building fund like that cham liao lahh ?!
God , please show me a way ):
alrights , I'm gonna go practice my songs etc .
it's so nice to sing parts ! XD lovin' it.
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