what a lao fu zi day man .Lol , went to lingli's place to give sean and ya ling tuition in the early noon.yeahh , but on the way was super suay lah .step out of my house , opposite my block got 2 ahbeng keep on zoot zoot me -..- super irritating ..then , went to take bus , when alighting that time ..the coins in my purse all dropped out and the whole bus needa wait for me to pick up all my coins .OMG . was so embarrassing lah . everyone staring at you ..rawrrrrs .And finally reach there already ..
sean : HUH .... MATH AGAIN UH ? CAN DON'T DO ALREADY ANOT ..WE DO ENGLISH LAH!!!me thinking back , ehs , sounds farmiliar lei ..
i always complain that to my tuition teacher in the past also..Lol , then i piak the worksheet on the table and say " CANNOT . MUST TRY ! "then he was like , can discount anot ..=..=ya ling is more hardworking and nice .very polite and adorable :DDshe's coming to church next SAT !wheeeeeeeeeeeeees ~
Yaling cried in the middle of everything .because her feirce sister scolded her ):awww , look at her swaollen red red eyes ..encuraged her and cheer her ups !see .. this good teacher here not only teach them math and languages .I also teach them how to smile :D
she took like 5 minutes to smile lor . hahahaha . super cute .IT'S ME ME ME .

my faves !!man , okay lah .Ribena rocks .I've been thinking alot lately .And I find myself contradicting round and round with myself .Sigh . 我讨厌这份暧昧的关系。i really miss him ..so much .this moment when i think .i still find myself confused .man , what should i do ...