woahh , nice to hear ..
hmmmm , okay okay ..
she cooked bird nest ... chicken soup...... o.o
wahaha , all my sister's faves !!
well well , she can't get to even smell it .
muahahah , I'm so evil .
but .. have i been really stressed or what ?
i mean cherlyn has always been happy go lucky one what .
why like that now ?
people around me like also changed abit already ..
super scared when they see or talk to me ..
they're scared like they say wrong stuffs i might just flare up and ...
omg ! why amma like that now ...
few people call my hp while I'm studying and they call my house when they can't get me ..
some more after 9 !!! yes .why 9 !!!!! when my mom is about to sleep .. and hate the phone rings !
especially when it's my phone call ..
that's why people call i simply answer .. "why you call at this hour .. didn't you know that ........."
man .. the one who call really got me in trouble ...
now I've to clear the mess .. let her nag and till she's sleepy ...
offended quite alot of people already .. omg .
my friends call and ask for random stuffs ..
made me so angry etc ..
but some.. quite guilty lah .. cause ..
like some just call to check me out ask me how I'm doing ..etc also got scolded ..
O.O goodness .. i now then realised my mistake luhs ..
sorry sorry .. don't angry with cherlyn ler ... )):
*whine whine * 不要这样吗。。。
hehes . i know you won't be so xiao qi der ..
next time don't call my house after 9 okays ?? ai si ni ler .
okay okay .. I'm not that bad and fierce one ..
cause i actually treat them drink bubble tea back and .. yea ..
aw those chio pics right ?
ke ai bah ??
heeees , i'm using a new photo editor i searched in download.com .
users gave them 5 stars .. like buay pai ehs .. so i downloaded and try using it .
and tadah . it's awesome . just hoping for more effects and functions .
hoho . I'm going to rate them high also .. so they better .. ehhem , upgrade .
heard about the black hole news ?
big bang machine etc ..
omg . can't imagine if the world ends today ...
want to scold the scientist also cannot ..
man ..i guess nothing scary will happen already ..
cause i just tell mommy i love her and i'm confident that nothing is gonna happen ;)
BY THE WAY . * update of my creepy house above .
a new family moved out already right earlier on i said..
and ... now it's empty and deserted already !
but the noise are still coming out from the house ..
same timing , rhythm etc ..!
no body staying in it .. but why does it still produce those noises !!
my cousin tried recording it down .. but nothing was heard and ..
then the other day was super funny ..
just as half way when i was spending my quiet time ..
the same noises came again .. and was super distracting..
the marbles , furniture dragging . ...
i clap and commanded it to get lost .. wahahaha ..
apparently it didn't go .. but as i pray against it i can sense holy spirit started laughing at me .
hahahhaas .. i had a short holy laughter ! then i clap again ..! and it was gone ..
suppose should not end so early one .. but i guess the producers of noise decided to call off the day cause they know 本小姐不好惹!!!
lol .... i kept on laughing and shared with my friends .. they were like so amazed .
well .. just wanna write it down .. so next time when i see this .. i can laugh at myself ..
* clap clap * wahahahaha .. omg .
i do believe i spiritual things . hmmmm ..
funny day ended . night's falling .. stars are still shinning ..
my eyes are closing .. my dreams are calling..
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