cooked pancake today during food studies lesson .
hoho .. see the round round fair fair one is done by me !
koyak koyak one is joshua's ..
and the results after the flip flip and etc .
presents ........................!
........................... yea . poor pancake ..
swim swim at salimeh's condo condo .
sun tanned and was 1/4 cheng gong !
cause my skin was abit painful already .. when i decided to flip my body ..
was like woolala.
and mel even told me that she wanted to stay for more like 3 hours ?
fong zi !!!

bathed and done our business .
thanks mel mel for accompany !
or she should be the one ? aiyah . nvm lah .
quite fun hanging out at her place ..
playing around and etc ..
her freestyle , breast stroke and back stroke all win me !!!
T_T even can do hand stand in water some more .. i lose liao lor ..
lol . 想当年 she was swimming in her primary school swimming team leh .
mai siao siao . pro lai ehs ?
me me in primary school ??
i only can play basketball , paper doll , fire dril , and recorder ... =.=
yah lah .. funny enough i broke the fire dril twice in primary school .
wahahah . okay okay . enough of humilations !!
on mel's bed , i saw my childhood nightmare ...
over came by slapping it a few times on it's face until it's eye went pa jiao.
kinda play with it for awhile ..
and here it is ...
funny thing is .. i don't know where it's voice come out from ..
is it from the ears ? mouth or what ?
the ears look weird anyway . infact ugly . Lol.
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