some stupid person says this pictures of my dog looks very Emo .
-.- okays , by the way .
recently while browsing through friendster ..
saw alot of peeps out there especially chinese and malays like to write this .
* Emo is Love * { -.-
okays , whatever come back to my blog .
i just finished my 4 important exam papers .
and , you wont wanna know the results .
my english teacher today just tell me that the whole class fail for the english paper .
math no need to say , im sure getting a direct fail f9 .
science if can also just pass .
mother tongue havent got any news yet , but im sure gonna get a ' A ' for that .
so im holding on to the chinese pillars .
today finished doing CPA (computer application ) test .
and guess what , this paper is the lousiest paper i've ever seen .
lousy setter .
having like more than 6 mistakes in a paper for only 8 printed pages !
and all mistakes base on instruction errors , questions error , printing error .
dont have matching dots for the matching thing , everything very untidy .
words are kinda small and lack of spacing , everything squeezing together .
paper 1 sticks with paper 2 , paper 2 questions sticks on paper 1's last page .
gave us a picture of a spread sheet , spread sheet got problem in accending order .
then some thing like close passage , insrtuction wrote there'll be words and phrases given to fill in the blanks .
but i dint see any accept that spread sheet .
then he say then we find answers from the spread sheet .
what the -.-
in the end i used up some personal knowledge i have to fill in the blanks .
some of them just give up that [ 8 marks ] and continue sleeping .
duhs -.-
yesterday was my elder sister's birthday :D
today while watching tv , mommy was in the living room .
asking me to eat papaya .
eeeww , if y'all dont know i hate the fruit like papaya cause they taste ..
blueeah - is what i can discribe it . simply bluuweahh .
yes .
and mom start talking about her malaysia trip to me ..
i started stretching up my ears to listen .
she talk about her trips to the different temples and she even went to GENTING !
then i asked about my sister's place and thoughts .
she was like .. ( better not to be mentioned here .. bu ran hui bei da !! >.<'' )
she cooked them bak kut teh .. melinda is a super gamer she claimed .
and .. that china girl who lives recently with my sister also .. she only say about the oil issues .
lols ,
she was so happy when she start talking about en en .
en en - a 2-3 year old lil girl ( her god daughter's daughter )
saying like she's as " hiao " as me when im young .
like make ups and pretty preppy stuffs .
and kinda another type of " small chili " ..
aunties just loves " small chili " . hahahahas .
she hinted to me that she loves mickey mouse .
then continue like .. " ah si and you last time also like mickey mouse one horr ?? see see all like same arrs ?! "
i was like . mommy , mickey never go outta trend before like the colour black .
and the red colour for chinese , wont fade one lahs .
i mean who never like mickey before ?!
kids are like that !
hahahahas ,
the whole talk is just about her happy trip ..
she didnt mention me like saying any of her worries or misses she have for me .
then like what happen to her phone and stuffs ..
cause i tried calling few times but cant reach her there ..
then she say she didnt receive any call lorrs ..
then i was like orhhs .. okays ..
and she walks to the kitchen ..
king king kong kong * awhile then came out handing me a drink inna small transparent cup .
it's a dont know what coconut oil arrs ..
she ask me to swallow it .
i was like okays lorr ..
* 5 seconds of silent went ... *
- cherlyn vanish of to the toilet and vomit . ! -
grrrs , she claim its good for body one ...
bla bla bla , okays .. she do care about me after all :DD
im like going shopping later , will check out some mickey stuffs i see for en en .
for your info , i havent see en en before !
i wanna go malaysia !
wanna go aim for some cheaper items there ..
lols .
they always say that the youngest child in most of the family are always the most naughtier ones ..
well well , kinda agree with that .
cause my sister can behave more properly than me obviously .
LOLS , but !
this type of things .. tsk tsk , you will never know one okays !
all i need is more trainings and more disciplines .
use to it already , parents like to compare .
lols ...
i do still miss my daddy , cause i know he still love me and my sister after all (x
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