its not my birthday today ..
but just felt so much to like say happy birthday to myself ..
hahahahas , too much .
today ..
hahahas ,
HAAAS , why why why ..
because ive finally prove myself and others that its POSSIBLE !
you know ?!! dont you know that ?!!
although ive changed "abit " better , i would like to change more even better in charactor you see .
to me , i only believe that its only when action is done .. then you can see result .
no action only dreaming can go bang wall !
you can make a large difference when you step out and try to make a difference .
today i received something really great present from God.
because ive been praying for my classmates , everyone of them .
like deepa , vari , shand , janet .. many much more .
hope that one day they will come and join my cg .
and today God granted my this wish .
hahahas , they came up and told me they're like coming .
my heart is like singing for joy !
i didnt really like think they're like going to come in the first place .
because they put me aeroplane lotsa times .
hahahahas , but with God's Faith !
everything went different already .
so happy also these girls enjoy mighty much too as me !
heeees !
really wanna thank my cg ldrs and fellow e369ers for this wonderful party they've prepared for me and janice Tan .
heees , love ya guys :DD <3
and praise the Lord , eugene is joining tomorrow's service with me (x
HEEES ! another present from God .
recently got lotsa weird stuffs happen to me .
its must be the demons acting out already !
just a feeling , that ..
haaas .
like this week ,
1 ) i almost like lost my wallet three times !
2 ) huihui ignored me now adays outta sudden . she avoids me already ..
3 ) keep thinking of spending money .
4 ) cant study well while revising .
5 ) having stomach aches everytime after service / cg meetings .
6 ) very blur and forgetful .
7 ) bad flu and cough .
i dont know but i just feel that ..
can sence its something not natural .
yea , some may think maybe im too stress .?
but well , hahahas ..
today when i share my testimony with eugene .
he was so amazed !
because he know where and what type of situation i came from .
heees ,
when i share my testimony , i always pray .
i simply just share something i feel , how i came around from .
can change people's thinking for my beloved Jesus .
today i just simple GREAT .
another thing i wanna add for today ,
is all about my lovely elder sister Esther Goh :DD
wanna thank my sister for everything she'd done for me (x
thank her for the patience she always have me when i start my nonsence .
thank her for giving me ways when im nasty .
because she have never give up on me ! xDD
thank her for all her teachings because she'd always been a very good example of a jie jie <3
from her i learn alot .
responsibility is something i most admire her about !
love the way she is , love her attitude .
wanna thank her for loving me ! she's just like a second mommy , friend and a teacher who diciplines me .
thank her for the prayers she pray for me .
sorry for the past , that i made you so worried .
lastly ..
[ i love my E369 family , brothers and sisters ! <3>
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