hahahahas , wu xiang known as the "gor hiong" ,is one of my mommy's top dish .
my mommy told me that it was my great grand father who taught him this dish .
the marinade and stuffs .
she's very serious in making out this dish .
she'll do things very carefully .
my mommy says that my great grand father cooks wu xiang whenever theres big occations ..
so its like , my cousin peipei is getting married soon !
so mommy decided to cook wu xiang for pre-wedding for tomorrow morning !
mommy woke up very early to start preparing ingredients .
she in the kitchen went king king kong kong woke me up .
the smell was so strong that it flooded my whole room .
mommy and i wrapped these !!
i wrapped the small ones lah kays ?!
hahahas , not as pro at mommy .
mommy went chop chop chop .
deep frying time ..
so black !
also for my cousin's wedding ..
my sister came over to help her also !
lols .
she brought something cute over for me ..
when you pull it ..
that pinky thing will shake her head !
wahahahas ,
cute ehs ?
haaaas ~
thats all .
a day of cooking wu xiang is tiring ..
god havent talk to me yet .
haais , i needa sign .
i needa sum !
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