To love all , serve all

hohoho ,
check out how janet pose lahs ! ( the one beside me )
super funny luhs ?!!
haaaaas ,
super jealous of deepa's small face .
cause mine is super big .
but anyway ,
i want to complain !
today my classmate set me up and got me into trouble ,
I'm like ..
i almost flare up .
still got still got ,
my friend owe me money ..
don't want return me never mind , still act blur some more !
then my another "kind" friend not happy , now got problem with her .
T___T si bei sian .
everyday got new problem solve one .
i can be Jin Tian Yi 2 already lahs .
lol , dont worry , I'm not troubled over these matters .
but , just something i wanna share ..
i really don't mind if people don't appreciate me .
even if the person turn around and bite me , i really don't mind at all .
but pretty please , not hypocrites .
not perfectionist .
not pretenders .
why ?
1 ) they can't be honest with themselves .
2 ) they give people false hope .
3 ) they make me feel sad for them .
so to sum up , i really can't stand this type of people .
also , i don't want myself to be like anyone above .
if you're thinking whats wrong with a perfectionist ?
first thing , perfectionist stress themselves for nothing . no i mean everything they do .
they'll be super proud inside when they achieve something they want .
not only they stress themselves they stress others , as a result they make people uncomfortable with them .
they ruin their lives with their own hands , ending up with depression .
they often set so many lines / banners in their life .
be it people , stuffs or whatever .
they're simply straight thinking , look down on people .
they never think of people's thinking or feeling , all they know is themselves . yup .
so over all they're selfish , jealous of people and low self esteem inside .
so boo perfectionist although they think they're very efficient and smart .
if you're a perfectionist , or you think you're inside .
I'll tell you ,
Don't be one , so what if you really achieve everything you want in your life .
will you be happy ? anyway ?
i don't know if what I'm saying now will hurt a perfectionist feeling .
cause , they might feel they're right all the way and don't agree with any of the examples above .
because they're perfectionist !
one thing i notice about a perfectionist is ..
they like to copy .
they copy whatever other people are doing .
as long as they feel its right they just do ,
not thinking whether is it right for they situation they're in , or what so ever .
like a fat perfectionist might think that models look nice in certain outfits .
as i said models , so they think models are good examples they just follow not think whether the outfits suit them anot or what so ever .
thats why , they're copy cats !
don't even have their own opinions .. grrrrs ...
maybe you can find some of them in your school .
my school got super alot of copy cats one .
you'll see people using the same bag , hairstyle , sentence or what so ever like mine .
irritating right .
haiyo ,
not saying you can't do good things or set aims to do things well .
but at least don't over do / aim things like you wish so .
yup , and don't look down / draw lines with people .
people will dislike you and just draw line away from you also !
so take this advise and cry to mommy .
nuff said .
- End Of Complaint -
* i write whatever i feel like saying here , not comfortable ignore it . it won't bite you . *
alvin shared with me the other day about taiwan celebrities criticizing singapore's english !
what the , i was shocked .
because their english is obviously is way more funnier than ours !
especially Selina in S.H.E her english sucks like hell .
she can't even sing a english song nicely .
i heard she started the ball rolling first .
but this video only got that guy speaking nonsense .
and listen what they say ..
i think they got mixed up with singapore and malaysia .
because the mistake they are pointing out are obviously from malaysia .
that lady saying about pregnant is super bo liao .
she must be crossing over from singapore to malaysia and mistaken that malaysian to be a singaporean !
thanks became DANCE ?!!
singaporean often pronounce that "TH" sound correctly what .
if not aunties will just simply pronounce it as Tank you . never heard of dance .
so its super untrue .
tissue paper is nothing lorrs .
that guy is just bull shitting and obviously trying to be hao lian over that he stay in singapore for 2 months .
-________________-'' he don't look or sound any famous to me .
so i bet he's just trying to attract attention .
he look like a MONK after all .
totally crazy ..
Lol , i sound so kia su here .
bah bah bah .
Lee hsien long must see this !
see uhs , their very good english ..
Lol , a news reporter can sound so bad what about the celebrities ?
he said .. KOPI BLIYANT !
lol , i paid so much attention !
people like xiao zhu one is super funny already .
wahahahas ..
his Thank you is .. SANK U ...
colleagues = office friends !
so how , boo boo Taiwanese !
i don't know why today's entry is so complain-ish .
haaaaas , xD
haaaaas , xD
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