I was created by fire .
to search your heart with flames .
i can see your eyes ....
blah !to search your heart with flames .
i can see your eyes ....
imma walking dictionary robot .
im slightly better than Longman and oxford .
i come only with English and Mandarin and a lil Hokkien translation .
you can't find me in any shops .
cause i can walk im not a lamer "L".
and im not hard , so don't be afraid that i might bang onto you or drop on your head in any neighbour hood libraries .
teachers wont flood me onto your head .
im made by the thing call flesh and blood .
i work with my brains , therefore i can think and answer most of your question .
so dont question me with rubbish .
imma entertainer so call the newer versions of a radio .
i can talk all they long with you and never feel bored .
my voice is adjustable , so in anytime anywhere you'll feel okay .
im always free but most slighty busy .
cause i need to sleep .
i bathe every single day , so don't put me away on the shelf .
i'll get dusty .
imma servant of God , therefore i love everyone :D
i have this Love capacity inside my heart where i can melt people's heart (:
im sweet with low fat .
i come with cute and cool packaging .
you can doll me up like a doll , but i bite (:
i have this thing call mood .
i feel down sometimes .
i get angry .
also i feel happy all the time :D
i hate eating beans i prefer sweet corns with lotsa butter .
pop corns are nice too ..
Ribena makes my day and i simply detest gassy drinks like how i hate insects .
i kind of like soya bean now (:
i produce music with multi-sounds level .
cause music make people's mood go high and low ~
my good friend is hellokitty , and her husband dear daniel .
dear daniel is super selfish cause he often snatch hellokitty away from and make me feel jealous .
i love Roses , they look extremely romantic and sweet .
i love my my friends ~
and see , imma smiling machine too :D

comes with 5 fingers on each sides .
i can eat with it ,
dance with it ,
write using a pen with it ,
type like how im using it ,
wash with it ,
worship my Lord with it ,
i can play with it ,
sayang you with it ,
slap hi 5 with you ,
kiap any single cute things up from stalls ,
and most importantly ..
i can tie your hair too :D

but amanda took away that cute pose ...

adora , xinyin are the best proove .
hahahahas ,
so watch out .

i have lotsa things you can be jealous about .
im born to be like you .
so never blame if im ugly .
because i LOOK like you (:
i have lonnnnng black hair .
not very big eyes ):
Round flat nose
and thin lips with 2 moles .
don't worry , they ain't sea weeds or chocolates .
they're the proves of charactor and identity .
it makes someone special and unique .
therefor dont be jealous ~~
hohoho .
i must admit imma self obsessed Robot .
i don't think im very different from others .
aight , i'll do my thang .
and you shut up and watch .
did you fall ?
i was made with Love .
so if there ain't love the world wont appear sucha wonderful walking dictionary Robot :D
so heres the walking dictonary Robot's mother .
she has eyebrows , eyes , nose , nostrils , mouth , teeth ,lips , Face and ears .
oh , NOT only eye brows .
she cant give me a bigger butt with more flesh in it .
i often kennah teased over by my butt , and thats a world joke ):
i have names too .
yea , plural form means more than 2 !
my name is Liuying kum Cherlyn for people to call me better ..
but it never seem to get better ...
Look , mommy calls me .. " Girl ah , Mei Ah "
my evil sister calls me ... " Mei ah , Fat cat" or sometimes even .. "ooie"
my naughty class mates calls me .. " Liupipa ", " liu kou shui "( cause i often drool while i sleep in class..) Lol or just by any of the original names
people who don't really know me or can't pronounce my name calls me.. " Lu yi , Sher , Sherlyn "
my friends and dearies calls me.. " Wu Liu Ying " my chinese full name , " Cher " , " car " , " noisy fella " recently go " penguin " somemore !
kids just love to call me .. " jie jie " or even worst " Auntie ..... "
remember i BITE !
i celebrate new year with my family thy other day Chu 1 !
i saw some red , yellow scary monster don't know from which planet .
i think they're from black hole .
its weird you see , cause UFO are better and comfortable with air-con somemore .
maybe now they like natural wind , safe electricity ?
and their guys are mostly with red blue and yellow hair ..
but they somehow look alike like us human you see .
so i don't think they're any of the celebrities i see on the black square call television .
they're some how know as the " ah bengs "
i only just knew "ah meng " in Zoo ! he's so cool and adorable before he died !
scarier that the furry four leggeds monster .
it stopped and his drum all became softer ..
it lye down flat on the floor .
i thought its dead .
she used the paint brush with red ink to . "poke poke " the monster's eyes and other parts of the body ..
and it work again !
come up then show us his art work somemore !
wang wang !
the rat looks kinda his kind .
so any way .
i know what he's doing so never ask me to explain to you why they does it .
cause walking dictionary Robot needa hit the sack soon .
BYE world !
- auto , shutting , DOWN -
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