few things wanna post about few days ..
haaaaas , guess this post would be really really long ?
my week end have been really great and i really enjoyed myself .
hmmmms , lets see ..
[ 22'02'2008 ; Friday ]
happy world thinking day folks !
haaaaaas ! school was great .
gave out kit Kat chocolates to classmates .
Lol , there wasn't enough for everyone but anyway , most of them were nice , they shared :D
even gave Edna ...
haaaas , see I'm good .
researched about my F&N coursework .
Siva showed me this !
they sang that song !
super funny lahs ...
nearly fell down .
Cell group was awesome !
shalynne shared some stuffs with the cell group and i was the only one who thought it was funny ..
and i really thought its funny lah ..
why no one laughed ??
haaaaaas , shalynne's mom as usual served us with food and drinks after cg .
this time round got " kong bak bao " some more .
so nice of her .
cell group ended like 10 plus .
and bang we go for overnight prayer meeting at jw church with pst kong :D
i was so EXCITED !
its my first time to go jw church hall and ..overnight prayers with God !
i'm happy and proud to say i never felt a lil tired throughout .
although i was kind of tired after cell group .
we all chased after the bus and maybe that part woke me up .
i don't know why running and jumping makes me energized again .
hahahahahas , credits to shalynne :D
thank God we have nice seats and no need to sit on steps / over flow room .
haaaaas , shalynne showed us some secret routs she know in jw church , maybe there're more ?
lol , but one thing the stairs are uber long and ..
haaaas , interested next time i bring you go climb .
LOL , i know you people are excited for the prayer meeting !
but let me be more detailed !
cause i really love every single part !
haaaaas , okay lahs ..
boom to prayer meeting .
we praised and worship for an hour ?
we were all standing ..
standing then carry on praying .
WOW , when pst told us we were standing so long .
cause he stood so much long than us .
together with the worship team .
i pray what was on the prayer list and ofcause ..
myself , my mom , family and cell group and zone .
it was my first time praying for ming chin .
i mean in my prayers particularly for ming chin and darren . ( i don't know whether its spelled this way >.<) thank God , i dint left out anyone this time round . after long prayers we went for a break . some girl just accidentally spilled her super hot Milo on me . i was like " WAH .. you .. ($@%$!@$@#%$@%) but i carry covering it with .. TSK never mind its okay ."
went out to wash my shirt , heng i was wearing black !
JIJI was nice she helped me to wash my shirt .
help me dry my shirt with hand dryer some more .
think her hands must be burning at that time .
heeees , thanks uh ! we went back to pray ,
and pst on the web cam or blabla on the screen with other pastors on the line .
we can't hear some pastor's voice clearly but we still amen to their prayers .
but all i know was just praying more on the same line ..
- great anointing and healing rain will fall upon every single members , leaders and pastor's life in church .
- every members will be so hungry and on fire of God.
- there will be no back sliders in the church and let it continue to GROW bigger and bigger .
- every young members will be so willing to learn and serve .
- churches will love God whole hearted .
- every members will have strong faith with God
- God will give missionaries great wisdom and they will be blessed with healthy strong body .
- every events or outreach outings will bring fruits to the harvest .
- members will fulfill their building fund .
- the church will grow in to a church that is willing to sacrifice for God .
- every devil's work or blockage will stop in Jesus name .
i can't remember all , there just so many ..
lol , i pray in tongues till my jaws were tired but i still continue .
my leg and stomach hurts ..
till now I'm still praying inside heart .
:D we had our breakfast at kopitiam after prayer meeting .
and headed home at 6 plus in the morning .
reached home at 7 ;45 .
slept for 4 hours , mommy woke me up to ask me to clean my sister's room .
oh yah , thank God mommy actually allowed me to go for the overnight prayer meeting .
she dint even shout at me or disagree .
haaaaas , shalynne's word was indeed true and correct .
i eventually just asked for mom's permission the other day and she say okay !
God is good .
[ 23'02'2008 ; Saturday ]
whole day i felt so uncomfortable !
felt like vomiting the whole day... D:
still i kept praying .
went to church for service :D
was a lil late for the prayer meeting .
Also ,
i was super pissed off with amanda and her supplier .
i ordered grey skinnies from amanda before cny and they seem not really serious in this business .
with all the patience i've been giving with that bad supplier amanda claimed .
and she said she'll be changing supplier soon .
or whatever .
i don't know its the supplier fault or what so ever .
i paid the item i wanted , so seriously there isn't a need to change the item i want .
the size and bla bla i ordered are fixed .
i don't see there is any need to change it or re-confirm .
the size is obviously fixed .
she claimed that the supplier said that 30 and 32 are quite the same .
and then said that no need change , cause the supplier can't give her 32.
she called and asked the supplier infront of me and then that supplier said it was a mistake in the ordering email or blah blah .
so what is this ?
obviously one of them is lying !
i don't wanna care who is lying or what so ever .
aiya , since they want to play game with me then so be it .
tsk , i can't blame that supplier cause i don't know whats happening .
i obviously can't scold amanda or the supplier .
both of them are at fault and i hope they'll look into it .
if this is other shopblogs i sure will ask other shopbloggers blacklist them .
without any hesitant , im serious .
ofcause now i'm feeling better and less angry .
i can't be dishonest with it . about this issue .
this is really a problem , but i shan't say / do anything further .
but rather disappointed .
pastor decided to pray without music and it was good .
pastor reminded ask to be specific with out prayers with god .
not only just revival and revival .
God only answer specific prayers :D
and i continue although my voice was running out and my throat really hurts ..
service was amazing guys !
with Pst Ulf.
remember i say i prayed for myself during overnight prayer meeting ?
i prayed for i'll b more sensitive to the holy spirit and bla bla .
and at the service's praise and worship , i can feel God touching me !
candice reminded me .
i felt very warm in the head to toe and i don't know whats happening , i kept crying ..
God showed me how he've blessed me in the past and showed me a verse ..
Isiah 40 :31
"but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their stength;They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary,They shall walk and not faint. "
"but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their stength;They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary,They shall walk and not faint. "
and i kept on crying to the Lord .
God showed me more verses when i was home .
learned alot of things while studying the word of God .
God reminded me again about someone .
recently i have been keeping someone in my prayers .
and i really hope the person will grow up .
stop behaving like a kid .
i really hope so .
sometimes i felt uber tempted to slap that person !
just to wake that person up !
really ...
if a slap can do , i really don't mind .
regardless whether the person will hate me anot .
but i leave that person to God .
then holy spirit told me that not every christian really have Faith and heart for God .
i start thinking and came up with tons of conclusions .
not about that person but me .
i should have more faith in God and that person .
that person can't read this .
tell yourself this .. " i hope cherlyn is not talking about me ! "
[ 24'02'2008 ; Sunday ]
Lazy sunday at home with mommy .
walk around with mom and mommy bought a new phone .
she gave me hers .. -___________-''
her plan finish already should let me choose the phone i want mahs ..
grrrrs , she bought one lousy phone again .
wonder why she like to waste money this way ...
but anyway . i'll use what ever she gave me lahs .
we ate bbq for dinner .
spending time with mommy is good too .
a happy weekend.
with a happy entry .
and a happy heart :D
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