whahahahahas , -
im finally back HOME !
GUYS , man man MAN !
i miss my house , mommy , kinno , television , bed and computer ..
and y'all !!!
nothing special about this trip actually ..
we didn't go to BALI , or anywhere lahs !
gosh !
mommy say that bali now very dangerous and stuffs .
so we cant go there .
wanted to go hongkong ..
but also , she say its too dangerous !!!
so my sister and i didn't go anywhere further than sunway pyramid .
you'll get what i mean by the -.-'' after finish reading my whole blog .
i dairy down every single day's outing and stuff ..
and hahahas ,
its super boring ...
okays okays ..
DAY 1 . / :D [ Friday's 14'12'2007 ]
mommy woke me up 5 plus in a super duper very early morning .
scared that i might miss the bus at 8.30 ...
* faints *
super siao right ?!
can you imagine ?
she ask me to reach there by 7 !!!
go there the place all empty ..
so i decided to slack slack at Hans until 8 then go check in ..
THEN ! go in to the centre there super alot of Ang Mohs !!
down there keep slang slang ..
they go " whurrrt tume is thee bus leaving art ? "
" we go duwn by r own ? "
the receptionist replied them " ARBO THEN ?! "
i continue to stare at the television in the waiting room ..
they were showing channel news asia ..
i down there act smart !
then headed down to the bus bay at 8.15 .
first time traveling with Aeroline .
it says " The Convenient Way To FLY "
lol .
Aeroline is the first class shuttle .. blah blah ..
then go up there si beh sian .
cause alone mahs !!!
beng * then beside me was 2 noisy primary 4 and 6 kids .
there were 2 pair of malay TWINS infront of me by 2 rows away .. !
they're super cute but ...
their mouth never stop sreaming " mama " until theres milk bottle or Food in their mouth ..
whole bus was like a child care centre .
but true enough lah .
got provide food drinks movie .. blah blahh .
traveling with aeroline is indeed more safer and more convenient (:
there was a super heavy rain that delayed me from reaching there 2 hours later !
should be can reach by 1.30 end up reaching there at 3.00 !!
;3 my sister and her friend drove over to pick me up then we headed on to eat lunch .
ate black pepper beef .
chatted awhile then headed home .
after that , attended my sister's cell group meeting :D
DAY 2 . / :D [ Saturday 15'12'2007 ]
Stayed at home whole day , used laptop .
visited CHC KL ( church service ) .
heeees , second time of visit totally have a totally new feeling .
from a eyes open to a eyes closed (:
learned alot of things .
pst kevin is super nice ;D
his preaching was awesome guys .
had dinner fellowshipping ~
Jefferey drove us back home .
first thing first !
it is obviously from some of the wedding blah blah places .
one of the photos my sis took while she was serving in one of the leaders wedding .
* note , during the week where im at her place having holiday .
so y'all know serving takes a whole day .
so the poor me have to stay at home stone stone stone .
spend time watching drama series , cyber cafe serve net play yahoo game..
DAY 3 . / :D [ Sunday 16'12'2007 ]
-homed- in the day again watching Goong S.
went to sunway pyramid . little shopping ;
our dinner ; japanese food . with sis and Irwan .
DAY 4 . / :D [ Monday 17'12'2007 ]
AGAIN went to Sunway pyramid !!
aiya , suppose to go to the Parvilion one !
but the driver who suppose to to drive us over was not free ):
aiyerrs , sis say postpone to tuesday bah ..
dont know true anot one .
hahahahhahas .
my sis and i FINALLY watched the movie { WARLORDS } !
woahh super nice ;D
y'all knows .. cherlyn like to watch all these type of movies .
haaaaaas !!!
i give it a **** stars ?
it's a bit boring . should have added more .
Did shoppings .
bought mommy's CHANEL Lip stick .

mommy was overjoyed .
but paiseh paiseh .
hahahahahas ,
the xue niao brand .. xD
DAY 5 . / :D [ Tuesday 18;12;2007 ]
went to the market in a late morning at 11 .
bought lotsa stuffs . ( BREAKFAST )
my sister really knows the auntie there in the coffer shops .
ask my sister buy food the best liao luhs .
buy ler got extra meat , noodle , hums and stuffs sure got added bonus one .
lol .
then were choosing dice for which place to go after that .
wanted to go petaling's street !!!
then that melinda lahs !!!
cheat cheat us to her friend house ..
man !
ate the famous PORK MEE .
super salty ..! >.<''
DAY 6 . / :D [ Wednesday 19'12'2007 ]
homed , in the morning .
sis da bao wonton mee for me .. :3
haaaas , went to play cyber cafe with melinda .
then starved till 6++ , my sister came home and we decided to make our way to Sunway eat dinner .
we chose to try Tony Romus .
sis say that its very rare in singapore luhs .
famous at their steak and ribs ..
heres the mini French loaf and onion soup ..
( sis say she can cook better onion soup than this one worrs.. )
Grilled garlick , rose mary chicken fillet
last day liaos !
same , stay at home ...
cause sis went to serve usher ..
lol .
things that ive benefit-ed from this 7 days trip ..
1 } Christmas Dreams and Visions
2 } learn to understand Self own and other perceptions ..
3 } New friends ;D
nyahahahahahahas , i miss YOU !
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