Wednesday, December 30, 2009
And so what if today I'm ugly and I made you vomit ?
okay , super random .
worldly words to describe me ?
I'll choose Ugly and Blind .
Ugly on the inside and the outside .
Blind in my decisions .
and thats me , with thousands of imperfections within me .
But , You love me still .
Faithfully .
And I've decided ,. To give You my all .
As for the rest of my life , to be with You , till Eternity .
In your hands I'm warm .
By the moulding of Your love I became beautiful .
In Your eyes I'm precious .
Oh , what else can I say about Your unconditional Love ?
How true is that ?
That You are Love .
Xoxo ,
Monday, December 14, 2009
Imma happy girl .

Thursday, December 3, 2009
opps , I love 大头贴!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Silence , for a moment .
Asking dumb question . hanging on that fake sacarstic smile on your face .
I hang on with my anger . look at you with my warm fiery eyes .
Dumb kind soul , hear me . I'm no one for you to judge .
Now wouldn't you shut up .
Back ground sounds are stomping up through my ear drums .
I closed my eyes and bow down , hearing the back of your gossips and complains .
Heads spinning , spirit low .
The silence in my heart so clear telling myself , that I know I know .
Complicated mind boiling up in my mind that I have to keep myself reminded .
Again and again , that he's safe and sound .
Too much sayings and reasons running wild .
The rain drops falls on my right cheek .
I look up at the fading sun & was reminded of your smile . so dearly .
My heart feels heavy . I hold on to my breath .
I keep the peace of heart within me .
& learnt , Love is patience .
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ain't stucked anywhere .
it's just coincidence lah .
All I know is .. I have the coolest couple of grandparents .
& They're now resting in peace .
Am having fever now . Sick .
I'm beginning to miss grandpa already .
Am missing all the happy times .
Well grandpa , I know you hear me saying i love you .
& Thanks for being the coolest grandpa in my life !
I will keep all the sweet and happy memories with you and forget the face before you left .
Farewell ahgong ..
( take good care of ah ma ! )
your ah mei .
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It's so no big deal at all .
don't behave sucha big *@!$!
sick. oh damn . damn it .
乐for u ? oh i hate u .
So Get Lost!
Friday, November 6, 2009
A nice song for all my sisters out there :D
And now .. I have quite a number of decisions to make .
which sucks .
But still , I'll remember my first priority from the start till the end .

很彷徨很孤单 是寂寞或
悲惨 一个人该怎么办
然而将灯关上 一片无
声黑暗 心痛的大声呼喊
我想我没那么坚强 每个女孩其实一样
渴望着爱情的好 渴望被拥抱
小心将情绪收藏 比傻瓜还傻
刺猬的坚强全都是假象 哭吧
然而将灯关上 一片无
声黑暗 心痛的大声呼喊
我想我没那么坚强 每个女孩其实一样
渴望着爱情的好 渴望被拥抱
小心将情绪收藏 比傻瓜还
傻 刺猬的坚强全都是假象
我想我没那么坚强 每个女孩其实一样
渴望着爱情的好 渴望被拥抱
小心将情绪收藏 比傻瓜还傻
刺猬的坚强全都是假象 哭吧
about now what's on my mind .. ?
唉...懒得去管 顺其自然!!!
gotta ring up boon boon boon now .
Bye !
Xoxo ,
Cher .
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Time's running out .
craving for my 无敌铁金刚 strength from my daddy God ..
biu biu biu all my enemies !
Happy belated birthday to Casper lim ah gui !
May all your wishes come true ahh .
Stay strong and positive yeah.
Jiayou (:
Xoxo ,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Meet my irritating Sister ...
Mistakes and mistakes .
I'm just not as smart as you in words . But that does not mean that I stupid or dumb .
And even if I've done the wrond things in the past ..
That does not give you any right for you to bad mouth me to mom .
And that does not mean that you can act like a 和事老..
Because you're just faking things around . just to get mom's trust .
and cheat her .
Sis ...
That's all you can do ?
you're ...
real born lazy , retarded and irritating monster .
Everyday diao at home use computer ..
Kay kiang step one hand of house hold wanna lead things ..
When she can't even handle herself .
flexy foarm .
Everyday at home so free .. choose job to work .
Job never choose you already good liao lor .. muster frame ....
Now so free at home .. walk my kinno very hard meh ?
Veryyyy xin ku mehhhh ?
Action speak louder than words .
and for now .. I don't see any more effort coming out from you .
It's like as if you dont care .
It's not I wanna condemn you or suan you ..
it's that what you're doing now is really super fake .
You don't want people say .. then don't let any chance to let people say you lah ?
I thought that's what you've always like to say ???
Wa nao wee ..
at home eng eng cheng cheng take money ..
I still need to help you ah ..
Eh , hello . Last time when you not around ..
I walk kinno , bathe him , feed him .. all by myself .. Did I complain ?
It's just a simple task to do .. a simple respondsibility .
You can't even fulfil a simple task as a dog owner ?
Then please , don't have the cheek to say that you treat him good .. you love him .
Crap lah kay ?
Or like kay kay say what morning walk him already ..
I thought you say kinno one day eat once enough already ?
You just fed him ..
Don't tell me you effing starve my dog from morning till now ..
You can give all kind of excuses that you're busy .
But please spare a thought for other people can .
Flexy foarm . Work until so tired .. come home ..
you simply just feed him and ask me to walk him ..
Push every respondsibility to me ..
Behind my back tell people you take good care of him ?
PUI . plus BOO lah okay .
Lousy . As usual . Say only .. Action . Zero lei .
Got cert ? Just some ink that's printed with your name on .
I can imagine how my new house will look like with your that kind of yaya papaya mindset .
Current house like that ..
New house .. no need say .
Still ugly with you incharging (:
By then please hor .. Don't blame on the contractors or designer .
Yah lah . That concludes my angry post over this yaya papaya .
I knpow you guys will surely feel sorry for me living with this kind of sister ..
and also for kinno .. a lousy owner .
Keep her in prayers lah k ?
Cry baby ..... only know how to cry mother ..
want money , go work yourself .
That's what you say mah right ?
Everyday at home eat sleep use comp .
So fat ..
I see le also gao wei ...
Muster frame lah .
* not happy with my freedom of speech ? eff off . Cause you're an eye sore to me also .
Bye .
Monday, October 12, 2009
it's 本小姐's 17th Birthday on 9'Oct !

hahahaha .. ah boon drew himself up there . Stick man !
♥ so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! XD
and 熊宝宝's wrapping paper ! ♥
What could it be ?
His clues were : It's Pink and HARD . You'll get Real high when you see it ..
My answer ? : A Calculator ....
Result ....
Yes ....
it is .....
I nearly faint when I see this .
Goodness ..
The other day I asked a friend to help me check whether this phone is still selling ..
they told me it's limited edition .. and it's ... Sold out !!!!!!!!
And how did he get it ??
No idea !
I can't stop saying uh-uh like shin chan ever since i received this ..
Because I was like so shocked !
I was so so surprised ..
Thanks boon boon for the present ..
Also .. All the well wishes from you guys .
Not forgetting sweetie edna's blog entry on my birthday !
You guys really cheer me on !
I felt all the love from you guys from the sincere smses you guys sent .
They're so much appreciated .
I'm so so touched , Encouraged and loved !
Let us all continue to 加油 yeah!
With truck loads of loves ..
Cher ♥
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
And you better bare all these in mind .
But one thing I promise to myself , I'm not going to treat you any better too in future .
And , I will not effing allow myself to follow your selfish footsteps .
All the things you said .. you expect me to believe ?
Talk to my hand .
You wanna play selfish ?
Like to see me suffer ?
Ha . See who's gonna be at the losing end .
Damn bitch .
You messed around with the wrong person .
Hating you is so tiring .
But , I really really hate you .
Thursday, October 1, 2009
You cheated me again .
But I learned my lesson ..
Trust nobody in the marketplace .
Super upset .
Damn you.
But I'll try to forgive you .
But for the time being .
I hate you . So Shut Up .
Girls cheat better than guys .
I believe it now .
Cries ..
Cher .
Sunday, September 27, 2009
How are you ???
I know you miss me very very very much .
hur hur hur .
Someone lost part of his memory from a accident .
And he manage to remember everyone and everything .
But he just dont remember me .
Pictures and messages in his phone still can't let him recall who exactly I am .
Man , it sucks to be forgotten. Why me ???
Sigh ,..
Well , hopes better for the future buddy .
Get well soon .
Xoxo ,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Updates yo.
Wonder why people say rainning day's are romantic . XIAAA .
So lei zhei , must bring umbrella and all , some more so colddd !
Miss my night life .
Everyday meeting the sun in the morning is terrible .
My favourite lunch of all yo .
Black pepper chicken rice with the yummy soup ! 3.50 nia :D
This .
Eating fruits almost everyday .
It just cost me 1.5o and I have like 6 kind of fruits inside there .
super shiok !
Today I got fined of 30 cents of dian perfume wrong .
They got the perfume hidden at the display , never tell me , blame me of not asking .
How cunning .
Suan niao ...
then got one 怪叔叔came into my shop today testing me about fragrance .
see me gong gong like that ..
Then I let him test the perfume , he end up asking me whether they are all original .
=.= like only airport sell the originals .. what's wrong with them .
He then ask me about the prices . We sell cheaper , he say it's fake .
Other people sell so expensive you complain , we sell cheap you complain .
=.= what's wrong with you man .. Hello ???
He wanted hugo boss . then hiam say he's afriad of buying the fake ones ..
walk around my shop like walk garden like that ..
In the end still buy , made me earn my push money .
So ... not bad lah huh ..
Btw , He finished almost all the tester's papers ..
Goodness .
A super funny thing happened today .
I supposed to call a customer to come down and collect her goods .
And I ending dialing the wrong number .
A bangala answered , and I tell him I dialed the wrong number .
Then about a few minutes later ..
He called back !
Bangala : elllllorr , you calll me ar ?? you find me arrr ? "
Me :Yes , Sorry I call the wrong number ...
Bangala : Oh , isit , okie okie , you call me for what arrr ?
Me : Wrong number lah dey!
Bangala : You find who ar ???
*-老娘not happy already-*
bangala : ......*tooot toooot toooot*
-few minutes later -
He call again . ( my shop phone no caller id )
Bangala : elllloR , tell me lei , why you call ar ????
Me : I tell you I call wrong right . you call back again I call police send you go back bangaladesh !
Bangala : okie okie lah .. don't angry arrr .. I just want to know ... ...... ...............
* I kup the phone *
hahahahahahhahaha !
Lols, Okay .
bad example lah huh ..
don't learn don't learn . (:
I got the first place for today's sales yo .
Call me queen .
Bitches , get outta my way !
hahahahahaha .
Xoxo ,
Cher .
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I miss church svc ...
I think of Your love and grace whenever I feel it's hard to accept or forgive .
I think of You whenever I feel lonely all these while .
I miss your presence !
So so so much already .
and most of all , I miss all my friends .
It's been quite awhile since I meet you guys .
I got 8 mosquito bites this morning when I wake up .
And I have to work an hour more tmr .
rahhhh , working life is so whinny - complainy for me ..
Sad ..
Who else still really reads this blog ?
ahhh , and kinno stinks . oppps ..
abit random cause he haven't bathe for the week .
When you think I've forgotten you , remember , I miss you .
Bahhhhh . Bye for now (:
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Imma so so tough cookie .
Issey Miyake is my all time favourite .
But recently I'm so in love with tommy girl . No idea why .
And I love Paris Hilton's " just love me " .
Just love her lah . madness , she rocks .
CK stinks . and Burberry Brit don't smell that good to me.
At all .
Most of all , Montblanc's men's perfume smell super man . Loves it .
hahahahhaa ,
Oh , I thought I achieve quite a good result today .
I manage to dian finish a row half's perfumes without a single mistake !
no mistake means no fine . so ? Awesome for me and you .
The new word I like to say now adays is ...
Loves !
Xoxo ,
Cher .
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It's not easy being me .
Again and again , I say . This is my blog . Not your entertainment .
This url won't change .
My blogging style won't change .
I've never wanted you guys to appreciate this blog or dairy of mine .
Your words affect my every move in my life .
Because , you're play aye important role in my life to guide me in this walk .
But before you ever speak an advice , have you ever spare a thought for me ?
It's so easy for you to say ,
have you ever thought of your judgement over me is how serious ?
Saying of easy to wait for another opportunity .
How long more .Please , it's close to a year already
Staying at home for 5 days , can't find any doings for my body .
Collecting coins , like a beggar . Desperate to just do dwell in desired place .
Say nice , I have faith in God. just to convince myself that I really place him as my first priority ?
How have you seen me as ?
Being free of weekdays , escaping that saturday to go to church ?
In the end , you still ask me to look this episode in a bigger picture .
I want to get connected .
And your reply was all negative .
Who's doubting me .
The people around me, are sacrificing .
And how can I be even more selfish ?
To keep my foot and working hands out there when I have a good chance .
I have faith that my heart won't change .
But where are your trust with me ? Zero .
It's disappointing .
Cause , I thought , you knew me better ...
You've never taught me how . or any solutions to help this time.
But all choices and choices to want me to prove my heart for God .
Just by going to desired place .
Stressing me out , judging me . Is this all you can do ?
I can't face you to tell you all these .
But deep down , I really wanna have a big quarrel with you .
I wanna scream all out at your face .
Can I ?
Can we work things out ?
All alone here .
Buried with all these .
Have you ever thought of this ,
That will I be able to handle this all alone ?
You just said ..
What ever you do , I support you .
Is that even convincing ?
Why does everyone think that I can do this all by myself .
Sorry ,
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Less is MORE ... ?
wow , how long have I been blogging ?
hmmm, not as long as XX or DY . But confirm longer than Lao Zha Bor .
muahaha .
I think , today I won't be blogging about how long I've blog .
But , how long I've been staying in this house blogging my everyday life in this blog .
hahaha . I'm talking a lil strange here ..
Alright , My house now has been officialy sold .
My mom is kinda happy and excited of moving into a new place ..
I don't know .
But , that idea haven't been a good idea that I agreed or like .
I just had to move along , even when I hate it .
To be honest , I hate it .
I'm kinda upset over this episode of my life .
Especially , my mom's idea of selling away the house .
But, as time goes by ..
I've learned to not have anymore expectation from my mom .
Also , to really push myself and expand my heart to learn to understand people more .
When more and more people came to see the house .
Listening to them talking about prices of the house ,
My heart aches .
I don't know why this house meant so much .
To me the house is way beyond those prices , it's priceless .
It's precious .
Every corner of this house is filled with lots of memories .
I'm so gonna miss this place ..
I don't wanna leave .
don't wanna leave .
Today , a guy came on knocking on the door to see the house .
He saw , and he like the house .
They just finish signing contracts .
I was in my mom's room patting kinno , hopping the contact would fail .
Sad .. I then looked at kinno .
Somehow , I think kinno also knew what was happening .
He looked sad ..
He stayed quietly with me .
I don't like changes .
But I have to accept changes .
Through this , I know .. I have to learn alot of things .
To be more flexible .
To be more a more bold person .
To be more understanding , especially for our love ones .
Well , it's so easy to say .
hmmm , all I could say is .
I think I'd gained knowledge from this episode .
Xoxo ,
Cher .
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Stop seeking for attention today !

But why can't people get it straight into their brains ?
Okay , let me go straight to the point .
I used to have this problem .
And people around me also have this same old problem some even worst .
which is .. Self sympathy .
Too much of it . cause serious problem .
when we're young , when we fall down , our parents will come ..
" are you okay ? are you hurt ? " and we'll go whining and crying .
Same problem when we're older .
When we're older , we meet failures or rejections in life ..
We go whining , crying and worst still come up with ..
" sigh , I'm so poor thing .. Why is my life so sucky and lousy .. "
they go out seeking for care , concern and attention ..
Make up stories , to show people how sad and poor state they're now going through .
but not finding a way to get out of the problem .
It's silly !
When after listening to all the encouragements and going back to the same old cycle !
Keep making the same mistake then give excuses to escape from things .
For me .. I whine ALOT .
But I know my limits and I know who can help me .
So when I'm in trouble , I'll look for shalynne my cgl or my family members .
I've met people before that's very weird .
When they're sad ,
they call up different people to tell them how sad they are .
telling one after another .
But still , standing at the same old ground .
Once , he accidentally cut his hand by some knives or whatever ..
And he went around telling people he's bleeding and doing nothing to it !!
Good griefs .
Another one , worst ..
Too bored already .
Come up with nice stories to bluff people around her to get attention .
saying that she got raped etc .
It's too silly of us human beings behaving like that isn't it ?
sounding very judgemental .
But , sad to say .. Some people are too silly to fill themselves with self sympathy .
And cherlyn says , you guys gotta wake up !
Why go make yourself so sad and down when you can be happier ?
Why go attract attention by bluffing people when you already know that people around you do care about you ?
Why go and make yourself so sick and want people to take care of you ?
Why why why ?
You guys must be thinking ..
Most girls fall in this area .
I'm telling you . You are wrong .
I've seen more guys doing more silly things to get attention .
Emo one side for nothing while people are happily enjoying in an outing .
then refused to tell the people what happen ..
Spoiling the mood by telling people he's very upset .
just upset .. or just thinking about stuffs .
It's not wrong !
you aren't wrong when you wanna go think about your stuffs .
But spoiling the atmosphere is your fault .
Since we're out and happy , why go think about those sad stuffs ?
Go sing K also sit one side emo .. still got feel to carry on singing mehhhh ?
But , please get it clear .
I'm not trying to say when you're sad or you meet trouble you can't tell people .
Be wise !
Don't say you're okay , you're fine and alright when you're not at all !
Tell the right person , that you think they can help you or encourage you .
After listening , Get that advise straight ...
Don't go and find more people and complain with . it won't help ,
At all !
Self sympathy .. if you don't kick away that habit ..
you're gonna affect people around you .
Some people seek alot for friends attention and forgotten that your friends actually also need space .
When they have their work in their hands , they never contact you ..
You , becoming very desperate and you lose your faith for you poor friend .
go on whining about your friend ain't a good friend .
goes down to yourself , ending up with no more confident with yourself anymore .
Then go on , you get easily jealous .
Because of you don't have somethings like ..can be possessions or treatment .
You go on and feel like it's unfair ..
you're being neglected , people forget you ..
etc etc .
NO !
cherlyn says ..
Life ain't like that .
You don't really need all this to go around your world my dear .
Open up open up some happiness !
If you yourself can't love yourself enough . it will never work .
Learn to open up . Trust the one you love .
Think about the people around you . They love you !
C'mon , Jesus loves you too !
such a awesome person to love you ! what more can you ask for ??
If you're sick today .
Ask yourself if you're happy .
Sometimes , you're not sick .
it's just that you're feeding yourself with the wrong medicine .
Laughter is the best cure (:
If you have the courage to attempt suicide .
Why not use the same courage you have to carry on the road you're stepping on ?
Xoxo ,
Cher .
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Take Care & Farewell !
( opps , and all that are reading this blog :D )
With lotsa XOXOs ♥♥♥
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A lil bit of Spells & Magic .
Blogger suck for a big time now adays .
Made my entries layout so ugly . like a big whole chunk of don't know what .
Souvenir for today .
Aye mos burger -corn soup toy -hp chain !
It's from the coin twisting thingy at J8 .
This was exactly what I wanted !
How lucky eh .
Well it only happen once a day . -sis .
Xoxo ,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
#1 God .
It's glossy PINK ! Loves it !!!!!!!!
My sis got me the theme of the 1994 picture Gallery .
I want the year 92 one ... awww , guess it's outta sale at mac already .
Well ...Take a look inside !