because i'm really afraid i might forget them .
and i wanna record it down just incase santa passes by my blog and could grant me with 3 sweet wishes .
so no more delay !
my sister was back .
and we went to ate lousy thai express at J8 .
my food was not bad cause its uber spicy . [ i love spicy food !! not wasabi , thankyou :D ]
and mommy's pineapple fried rice was like not really nice .
cause they added "raisins" inside :x
ewww lahs .
YP4 was colourful :D
my hands were shivering while drawing .
lol , can see that crooked arrow ?
omg super paiseh .....
anyway ...
just some memories i should keep down .
well , i made this decision for God .
and i'm so not regretting .
i don't care what other says .
I've been crying every nights and day .
everywhere i go seem so boring and wu liao .
didn't even have the mood to watch Guess3...
tsk tsk , but kid's centraL cheered me up the best i think .
couldn't let myself staying at home alone anymore..
i cried until almost my eye were super ugly ....
sorry for these colour-ed edited photos .
i never close my eyes .
it just happen to appear like this ...
look super alike right !!!
omg lahs .
lotsa people mistaken me as her ...
lol ...
this photo can just show how ugly and swollen my eyes were ...
everything has ended .
and sometimes .
i really have to learn to be strong .
well , and i really find God more real each day .
and one thing i must admit is .
I love God than anyone else .
and , everything is enough with him in my Life .
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