guys ,
y'all know today i heard quite a meaningful story durring morning assembly by our principle .
and i think i should share it with you guys !
i try lar kays .
okays it goes like this ..
once there was this boy who is studying in university .
and he always hope to own a car .
and so he asked his father to buy him one car when he graduate from uni .
his father is kinda poor , he knows that his son can sure make it .
but he agreed still . to encourage him .
so this boy studied and work really hard for this aim .
he graduated and did well .
when he recieve his results he was so excited .
and rush home to show his father how well he did .
his father was very happy .
and the son asked ," so dad , shall we go choose my present now ?! "
the father hand over him a bible .
the son was so mad .
he said " how can you do this to me ?! i studied so hard over these years and only a bible ?! "
and he left his father . and never come back .
30 years later .
when he got himself everything he wanted .
big houses , big cars ..
he felt lonely , and decided to go look for his father at the old village they used to live in .
and when he reached the old house , the neighbours in the village told him the bad news about his father .
that he had passed away a couple of years before .
he entered the house .
saw that bible in the middle of the dinning table .
he ran forward to see the present that his father had prepared for him .
and he flip open the bible .
there was a note and a car key .
" congragulations son ! continue to work hard in your future career . im so proud of you ! "
the son regretted . tears rolled down .
he regretted that he shouldn't had made sucha quick judgement .
and theres nothing more important than kinship .
i used to have this kind of experience .
but it didnt go like this .
mine was , hmmmms .
i have this classmate when i was in primary 4 .
and .. i took accused my friend .
it was durring sports day .
and .. we left our bags at one side .
i didnt know my friend had a girl to look after our belongings .
so after when we came back from the run .
i saw her browsing through my bag .
i was so mad ! that i went forward to give her a .. errm !$@#%#$%$%@#$ .
yes , all out .
i then know its acttually my bottle had a crack and my whole bag was drained wet .
the water spilled all over and my whole bag .... haais , dont ask dont ask .
my work sheets .. blablabla .. all kennah .
she was acttually helping me to get the bottle out and clean up everything .
but i ...
scold and blamed her ..
felt so guilty after that .
and appologised to her .
haaas , everyone do mistakes larr .
so . yea .
and i wanna advirtise a lil .
myojo seafood sambal maggie mee !
shi hao chi der lorrs !
wahahahas , im quite ke lian now adays .
saving up money to buy something .
yea . will refrain from eating these .
and you people should try this new flavour of ribena .
kinda nice (Xend of sharring :D
* oh guys , is anyone free on national day ? 9th aug . call me of you're free !
my cell group organized something fun at east coast park .
i have 10 ppl in comfimation list !
just hope they wont let me down .
heees ,
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