and , still wanna update here .
yea , went in the rain and .. haais .
dont ask dont ask .
stayed at home . im dried up .
photos took without make up .
i look very ugly when im sick .
you can see oily skins , pimples , eye bags and everything .
grrrrs ,
do i even look sick ?!
man , i stick on the bed til this afternoon then wake up .
mommy woke me up by the king king kong kong at her kitchen .
she cooked raisin egg fried rice .
kept making raisins food .
yesterday she made RAISINS cookies .
now RAISINS egg fried rice .
grrs , she say raisins help my digestive systems .
cause i cant shit !
man , once i shit will shit a hella out .
if i dont shit . it'll stuck there fore more then three days .
thats how bad .
and mom gives me prune juice .
today i farted like machine gun while im sleeping .
woaaah , can you imagine ?!
you got disturb by your own fartings while you're sleeping ?!
oh man . so ridiculous .
my very own ass day .
well mom , NO MORE !
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