get ready for my post ! cause im really tired . (T.T)
card games ?
i thought this mother is kinda cute with the bag . i snaped a picture ~
- my breakfast , lunch and dinner . haais , dont ask dont ask .. today today . i made a contract with god . today , i promise myself to change . promise myself that i'll not be like before . that i'll do my very best to reach my dream . and that is to be .. a very good role model in my class ! shocked ehs ? this is what i want myself to go . i want to be the most humble one . to be a better person in everyone's heart . and this contract between me and my god is still going on . and i promise , it'll carry on forever . i'll put down my hatred , to love my enermies i dont like . i'll not run away . i wont give anymore excuses . and i think . i can do it ! although its really hard . but i belive that , by god's faith nothing is impossible ! i accept what god wants me to do . and im wiling to do whatever god wants me to do . cause god just want me to be good . and god sure know that what im weak at . and he wont give up on me ! with him i walk the narrow way , forever . yea . from him , i know . im nobody . im just a normal girl . i used to think the very great of myself in the past . and today , god tell me that i gotta move on . change . change . change . i gotta have a good attitude in whatever things i'll face in life . god wont make it a hard way for me . god will want me good ! and i believe everything will be alright ! i really wanna thank god . awakened my soul ! im really praying hard . praying hard that everything will be fine around me . my mom , my sis , my friends , my cg , my cg leaders and lastly myself . we'all should know where are our limits . and we shall not go too far . our eyes give us directions . we gotta go on to the right one . yeap . focus well (: well well . okays . my blog ! jio ahmok out at macdonald's . wenta gym with sammy & adel . have jelly leggies now . hmmmms , tell you what . cherlyn is really tired . shes turning in soon .. errr , nono . its now.. yea , cya guys . good nite ! ;D
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
GREETINGS ~ i wonder if there is really people who check my blog daily . love and enjoy whatever i write or post up here . i wonder . so if you're one of them .. wahahahahas , something i wanna tell you . sweety , if you're reading this . yes you you you . i love you to the core man . ya rocks . and you have a really great taste . who's blog will be better than mine MAN !! wahahahahs , okays okays .. i cant beat xiaxue or those famous bloggers . but . im sure that mine are real life , and those i write are all my thoughts . no fake-ness . ( biang ehs ! blog lehs .. ofcause write your "dairy" lahs .. got what fake things siaaa ??! * ) mind you . some bloggers have nothing better to write and they'll go peep at other people's blog . and start copy-ing . yea , infact some of them make up stories to make readers happy ~! and i thought .. how can that blogger go on ? if theres no more interesting things to carry on ?! me ? i go for it man . i'll go grab some sweets in my life to those who dont have sweets in their life .. wahahahas , errm where was i ..? so fake bloggers .. stop copy-ing . and go start a life ! get one !! and go get a camara on your own ! start making your way up ! opps , i think imma lil too far . cause .. today i saw quite a number of bloggers ( shall not be named or listed ) their blog is so firmiliar from xiaxue's . lols , with the photos xiaxue post and what xiaxue types .. with xiaxue's url on the photos too .. with all those online shoppings pictures . they just simply copy and paste whatever she types into their blog . lols ? i mean .. whats the use man ? that blogger cant be expecting 10 000 readers a day eh ? nahs . shes thinking too much . another type of blogger i dont like .. they copy what type of blogskins you use , music , photos and blog pets .. SAME ones okays ?! woaaahs , simply copycats lorrs ! errm . nono not cats . OKAYS OKAYS ! back to my blog . 28-08-2007 's melissa really stinks like cow dunk today ! imagine .. nobody dares to go near her ! omg . everybody was rushing up to take the seats at efl that day . just to give her the last seat and that will not make anyone of us suffer in her horse farm . and i thought shes really kinda poor thing . ... see ? even in class . nobody wants to sit next to her . okays . she sits alone . the others sit a row by a row .. and im sitting three by a row with gt and h.h . alvin's row was the nearest to where she is sitting . somewhere near the teacher's table . and .. im not exagerating . even our teacher also needa go to the middle of the class while teaching . which is behind her . she really hae body oudour . a scary one . well well . she dont stink most of the time . i dont know why .. she can smell some times and sometimes not . just hope that it'll go away someday . to give us a more fresh classroom to study .
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
- JOKE OF THE DAY ! - this lil primary 6 girl . see how they use the word "emo" WAHAHAHAHAS , they must really know that . emo isnt anything nice at all and , putting some fringe in front is not emo at all !! lols . study well with your PSLE larrs . and stop those childish affairs ~ check out here "emo" friendster profile guys !! EMO
Monday, August 27, 2007
A GOOD KIND MORNING . PHOTOS SNAPPING AT SCHOOL ~ ~ kamarilyn & juliana . ~ fabian & jovan then joined in .. lols ?! rahhhhhs ~ alien-ic me . it is nothing actually . and people really have a choice . a choice . to choose . and i think , its really up to us . its raining now adays ! raahs , i dont like rainy days . 1 ) wet , slippery floor are real irritating . 2 ) thunders are noisy , lightnings are distracting . 3 ) make you feel so sleepy during your class / work . 4 ) off mood if you're outside without an umbrella . 5 ) dark clouds will cover everything . [ I MISSED THE MARS THIS MORNING AT 12HRS ! ] raaaaahs ~! yes , i cant catch the 'mars' . they told me that sure can see one . so 'mars' see ! but i did went up to the tallest point of ang mo kio . but . I SEE NOTHING . NOT EVEN AEROPLANE'S BLINKING LIGHT . because of ' RICH DARK CLOUDS ! ' my classmates dint catch any pictures , so im not the only one who dint saw ~! wahahahas , whats the big deal man ! gaaaahs , im kinda siao ! & TONIGHT !! there'll be the [ lunar eclipes ] appearing ! hmmmms , nothing speciallarrs . just a red moon ? i'll go take a look to see whether its true . to make it more fun and exciting . ive decided ! meeting some of my kind , crazy friends with me to go watch the moon .. and.. drink ribena instead of green tea .. errm .. EAT MOON CAKE !! WAHAHAHAHAS , ( err , cherlynarrhs . is there a need ??? ) lols , okay okays .. - NO MOON CAKES OR GREEN TEA - perhaps .. just playing with candles , fire works .. and .. CARRYING CHINESE LANTERNS AROUND BISHAN PARK ! XDDwahahahahas ' ! RAAAAAHS ~ nahs , im just NOT kidding with you guys ! yay ! oh yarrs ! my team and i had chosen the next topic we'll go in to ! [ MIME ] how should i put it .. but . mime is like this ~! heres an example short clip .. i think they're really cool ~
errms , heres a funny one ...
nice ehs ? love their performance ..
Saturday, August 25, 2007
my favourite food ! i love kimchi ..! xD my $1 .. i know i know !!! i really know !! well , nothing much i can say for today . kinda vexed now adays . really vexed . so errm . yea , y'all can just leave me alone . ignore me .. yea and just do whatever that make you happy . and . and stop the blames and sorry . its irritating . yes its irritating . talking about respect of humans to humans . communication . PEOPLE JUST WANT TO TALK TO PEOPLE WHO'RE NICER TO TALK TO . yes . so no matter who are you . still if you're my mother . please talk to me inna better manner . even if ive did something wrong (: knowing that whats the time to disturb me . so they think a slap will do things out . CRAP AIGHT ? mommas are NAGGY ! they're unreasonable , forgetful , irritating at times . they're noisy . they can really off the happy moods . and change your whole entire day . aight . y'all choose to read then dont blame fer what i'll write . so if y'all choose to ASK . then accept for what i'll answer . dont show me your attitude when you havent even got things clear . dont . yes . dont . hmmms ,. people who knows me well will understand . hahahahas . its not easy being me (: YEA IM CHILDISH . GO AHEAD AND GOSSIP . :D
Thursday, August 23, 2007
i made a pizza with yiling today ! args ! had fun ! although we were like blur gongs . but we really follow what the reciepe ! and its out . the lil oven in my house is so small that we needa take turns to let it in . kept adjusting . lols . until .. mine went CHAOTA ! T.T
yiling intro-ed me an anime . and ive watched it . kinda touched my heart . cause err , some parts reminded me about the past yea . hur hur . but this anime's story is just too .. grrrs . nevermind . you can watch it at youtube too . just simply search " rumbling hearts " and you'll get it ! yea . and errm . I HATE BIG BIG CARS , BIG BUSES AND BIG BIG LORRIES WHO DONT GIVE WAYS TO CYCLIST ! hate big big big bullies !
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
i had a run with kinno yesterday . and realised that kinno is really old lerr .
heres a couple of pictures of him when we reach home . he went onto the sofa immediately and dint wanna follow me to the toilet to wash his legs .
my breakfast at school's canteen after my long long fast without food and water =D great experience . and the drink h20 rocks . chili chili i love chili ! empty when janet tries to be funny .. remember the rainbow smile i took earlier in my previous post ? its back and some one fixed the portion back ! i felt so much better after that breakdown . although theres so much i wanna tell you people . haaas , but how can i hand up a sad post ?! thats not the way my blog should go .. =D theres no almighty mountains ~! koreans are cute ! hurs hurs , aunties cant pronounce jurong , toilet , rice and all the other "R" and "L" . hahahahahahs jurong = lulong . toilet = telert . rice = ruais l = elerr. WAHAHAHAHAS , okaes . i stop my nonsence .
* [ shopping at ntuc . ] * saw a auntie stealing grapes to eat at one corner . while i was looking for tomatoes . and two big police man came in and took the old auties away . they said ( translated to english ) " auntie arr , we are bringing you back to our office lock up arr . " " stealing grapes to eat ? think the staffs cannot see arr ? come , lets go ! " auntie said " huh ? simi arr ? where got people steal grapes to eat kennah lock up in police station one ? you all think i stupid arr ? you all siao arr !!! " auntie added on pointing to me .. " if not you ask this little girl ! ( xiaomeimei ) where got like that one ?!! " i shake my head without any reply .. the police man added on say " xiaomeimei , go tell your mother now , stealing grapes to eat in NTUC now is an offence too ! this auntie is one of a very good example .. " i errm .. walk away . MAN ITS NONE OF MY BUSINESS ! hahahahahas , and i thought , the grapes must be very yummy . i took one box . :p
havent been talking over the phone now adays . i got no voice for the day before . now its back but abit more " man " hahahahahas . havent talk to jianwen now adays . he change liao larrs , talk to him he replies not more than two sentence . lols , jiaalat . and eileen , stop laughing about i look like china doll can ?! grrrs , people in my class .. err stop sleeping through mr & mrs ang's lessons !! wahahahahas , and yea , i miss my papa ~