hahaahas .
so this is me .
the blogger of this blog ! :DD
hmmmmms .. so so so ..
im here to tell you .
im so damn happy !
mommiiey bought me fried banana !
thats so yummy can ..
okay okay ..
nothing much about today .
but im a lil quite pissed .
cause i cant play my game !
i cant play audition !
because of this stupid bug ..
like some kind of virus ?
that makes its very bad .
the game lags and make you lose te game .
its not im lousy ! i swear !
say hello to the cute lil one !
hahaahas .
so this is me .
the blogger of this blog ! :DD
hmmmmms .. so so so ..
im here to tell you .
im so damn happy !
mommiiey bought me fried banana !
thats so yummy can ..
okay okay ..
nothing much about today .
but im a lil quite pissed .
cause i cant play my game !
i cant play audition !
because of this stupid bug ..
like some kind of virus ?
that makes its very bad .
the game lags and make you lose te game .
its not im lousy ! i swear !
i can finally see my coloure of my hair !
the toilet is the best !
whahahahs .
well peeps ..
im gonna show you some of my very own emotion .
whahahahs .
so des neh ?
this just mean .. [[ i dont give a damn ]]
and this mean you're outta universe !
copy right 5%
still so damn ...
haais .. dont ask dont ask ..
do i always keep my secrets to myself ?
hmmmms .. dont know why ..
how come leon and kingsley always say that i always do that ??
but seriously ..
its really not like this MAN !
i just think that .
i know that you people are always around me .
but i just think that this is not something that you people can really help .
and everything is not what you people can understand .
i also dont want to let people think that im someone who use friends .
i dont want to be like them .
even if i asked you people to help ..
things will end up worst ..
they're not my sister in that very begining man .
its just like the lightnings and thunder in that heavy rain .
they stomps the earth and the raindrops to wake somebody up .
a time when you cant be afraid
a time wen you need to be strong and walk through the rain .
a time when you need to cool down .
and have a nice sleep .
tell me..
who will be really there to walk with you in the rain .
when they're aware of the risk to be striked ?
no one i guess ?
maybe they'll even ask you not to go into the rain !
hahhahahs ..
maybe they'll even ask you not to go into the rain !
hahhahahs ..
theres no right answer .
everything had already ended yea ?
im very noisy ..
i'll be really noisy soon .
yea soon .
guys .
i simply hate third parties .
my heart tells me who to go with .
my angels blows away my scare(ness) when ever im scared .
my feets tells me whether im save .
my brains cant really work well .
hmmms .. maybe .. sometimes.. im really blind .