Wednesday, May 30, 2007
you all know ..
do you all know ....
errr ..
hahahahas .
nothing !
this morning woke up at 8 .
suchha early morning kennah woke up by the three blind mice .
off we go for out competition !
and guess who is the winner man .
本小姐 win them all okays ?
ben was the only who win me ..
sobs T___T
and afternoon ..
ate mac !
i miss eating big breakfast !
hees !! =DD
sandy's message reminded me today is her birthday !
i almost forget .
i dint prepare any birthday presents for her ..
i start to panic ..
and went to some causeway point .
and bought a 万花筒 ..
i like it very much [x
and i think she'll love her too .
intrested to know whats the designs inside ?
hur hur ..
its a secret for sandy and i .
hmmmms ..
i bet you're no intrested too ~
xD went home for a change .
went to quality to get my hair done .
and headed down to her place .
met her .
we were quite quiet in the first place .
and i was like a mute .
and i gave her the present i prepared for her .
and asked not to open it .
because ..
i saw every other people presents for her were so expensive ..
she told me shes very glad that ive came .
because very less of her friends came .
she asked me to her room .
and handed me a present ..
and say she prepared it long before the june holidays .
i was speechless and didnt know what to say .
she cant be expecting some mushy stuffs from me right .
so i said ' thank you '
and sandy party's foodwas prepared by her maid .
so damn jiaalat can ?
lols .. not i want to say ..
wahahahas ..
so sandy , her younger cousin ling ling and i went to eat pizza hut .
it was my treat !
errr .. haaas !! =DD
and walked around ..
and around . and headed home .
bathe -ed and decided to blog .
yea yea .
opened up the present although i was quite scared and excited .
cause im afraid it'll be like those scary pranks ..
she's damn playfull one .
and i prayed ..
okay okays .
it was like a err .
candle wax ? hellokitty one .
and a heart shape with my photo and name on it .
the hellokitty was colourfully dyed .
and theres purple !
its so damn lovely !
i bet its quite ex ehs ?
and oh !
a letter !
a nice sweet decorated letter !
:D so sweet of her .
cause everything is drawn by her !
=DD heees !!
thanks girl [[x
well well .. you people wanna know whats written inside ?
muahahahas ! its my mimi (x
tomorrow going sentosa with xue lian ..
xD cool man .
oh shes leaving so soon .
i dont know how long i'll meet her again once she left s'pore .
shes my good friend (:
shes damn funny can ?
she say she wanna go sun tanning .
she claim that if she go there she'll look like a weird white chinese there .
so she wanna be tann .
wahahahas ..
lame lor .. her skin type the most is only become red ..
black arh ? hard lors !
lols ..
went to bunk today too .
saw a lil girl lik 11 years old play audi 188bpm 8k plus chance !
woahh so pro can ?
okays okays .
im sorry i cant forget about the past .
they're all my memmories .
i dont care whether what colours .
black white grey .. i still need them to effect my shadow !
even if i can make it to forget them all .
woun my life be so worthless ?
do you know whats the meaning of far ?
its when you're infront of someone and he dont know you love him .
and thats so far .
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
i like to say ' man ' now adays ..
man . i really dont know why ..
lols . again .
okays .
out with my darling mommiiey .
bought stuffs .
and .. diaos .
cass is right .
i should not give up him .
haaas .
but see how things go .
today went to peeped at jianwen's blog .
err no ! not peep . is visit ..
err to see my poor thing miss shaasha !
miss shaasha kenah bully siaah .
now sick .
went to doll doll web site to safe her .
sent a doctor there .
and now shes back healthy .
i treated mrbeneben so well .
but then he bully me !
sobs .
today is damn weired .
cause his name kept flooding through my mind .
i miss him so .
ohman .
okays .
so overall today is a very weird day .
cherlyn zi lian yi xia okays ?
Sunday, May 27, 2007
i once mistook admires and love .
i once walked the wrong path .
i once just once hide and avoid everyone accept him .
cause i thought he know me .
he understand me .
but i mentioned . i thought .
im confused and im troubled .
the only person i'll have in mind is only him .
i dont know what is happening to me .
yesterday woke me up .
like escaping from a nightmare .
ive never cried like how yesterday i did .
the fear the hopeless feeling ..
is like losing a whole part of yourself .
i dont know when ive got this illness .
i dont understand never in my life ive felt this way before .
i drank alot yesterday .
lost count how much i drank .
totally went outta mind .
and i even slapped jin wei .
why would i feel so upset .
why can i nolonger sleep without him .
his every sound tell me his mood .
and yesterday he sound really mad at me .
he scolded me .
and i dont give a fcuking care bout other people's word .
why does his words just hurt so much ?
the whole night ive been thinking and thinking .
my heart havent hurt so much ever since for so long .
the last felt was when my grandma left .
i wanted to meet him out .
meet him out to ask him . question him .
ask him who he is .
and who tought him magic .
he cast a spell on me . he made me up to this state .
i hate him .
i cant go anymore deeper .
i dont want .
im really afraid and i can no longer run this road again .
so i'll not and never meet him .
never .
im afraid . really afraid .
Saturday, May 26, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007

auntie says : oh its okay , thank you !
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
guys .
my life is so dramatic MAN !
hella hella bad .
i wated to go to school yesterday .
to join my F&N class !
haaas .. but who knows .
2 alarm clocks are really damn useless .
itdint help really much .
damn .
and so i woke up 11 plus lar .
and my phone shows 27 missed calls .
its was from my classmates and mommiiey .
i dint even heard a fur tickling me MAN .
27 ? faints ~
and i messaged fiona .
and she was suchha early bird . she was aready outside ..
waa ? then went to meet her and siew fong at novena .
then headed to the boring town .
my hair seems attracted lotsa eyes .
i looked back .. they're still starring !
damn damn damn .
my mood went straight low then .
and the guys say my hair looks like ah lian .
oh man ..
and start discussing bout my hair .
and looking for wheres my ash green !
diao diao diao ..
watched pirates .
and laughed my ass out .
fiona and i ate juck food for that whole day MAN .
and she is always hungry !
lols ?
we were walking around and we spot a ang mo !
he is so damn damn shuaai !
wahahahs .
he's handsome lar .
a friend told me that he wont marry a ang mo girl .
i asked why .. they're so hot .
and he said .. they dont have' jia derr wei dauu '
wahahahahas . okay okay .
this is outta topic .
i wanna ask a question !
when will a person feel scared ..
or some people are just so brave that they're not even afraid of anything .
is that so ?
is there really this somebody ?
i was in a house lift with this very macho man this morning .
and outta sudden i saw xiao qiang ! ( cockroach )
i dont know him his name is long .
i only know his nick name is xiao qiang .
and i was like keep starring at xiao qiang .
and so this macho man turned back he saw xiao qiang .
he saw him .
and he screamed a hella out and he ran away once the lift reached the 1st floor !
wahahahahs xD
this xiao qiang dont know how to fly .
so im not afaid of him !
lol !
i connected that earing .
man !
without a plyer !
lol lol lol lol lol .
im giving this to some one special .
whahhaaas .
my hands hurts damn jialat .
its hella red then .
well . done with my toy .
sometimes i wonder whether he miss me the way i miss him .
im really bad ..
he asked for patch for a hella times .
ytd night i say okay lor .
and then we met .
and i say i wanna break .
i told him .
i think its better if we break now .
or else i never gonna end .
i dont love you at all .
duck . leave me alone .
or else i'll hate you !
no body knows whos my mr right .
ive found him .
but well well .
we're jut bros and sis .
haaas !its impossibble man !
and oh ! jian wen's blog !
jianwens hellokitty bubble tea cups cover are so damn damn cute !
hellokitty rocks to the core MAN !
i just love hellokitty so much .
oh . guys who knows me should know me that im a super hellokitty lover !
finally i felt that jianwen's blog is so so much nicer now !
i changed his blogskin from the waiting waiting one to the magic magic one .
so now i know he always feed me shits !
damn i feed him ice cream he feed me shit ??
ohmygod .
i wan revenge liao .
watch me .
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
my day was alright lar .
went to school ..
and was hella bad .
mommiiey wants me to go to school and collect my hella results back .
as you all can see ..
my hair .. is consider a no at school man .
so asked my friend to lend me her black spray for today .
and then and then ..
my hair was ruined MAN !
okay okay ..
the spray is hella hard .
and then .. the side frindge was not covered really well .
and so .. again .. im the school's teachers hella 'todays' topic .
oh man .
kennah suspention outside again .
cause forget bring letter .
and yea .
as expected my math paper was hella done . MAN !
ohmygod .
when mrs ang pass me the papers ..
she asked ..
eh you got study anot ?
jiaalat lar ..
but she said . i did better then the last paper .
but .. haais .. dont ask dont ask ..
so a day outside was hella bored ;
today i met with the schools vp for a weirdo meeting .
imagine , i wasnt even aware what the hell vp and mr nathan were going to talk about .
and so they were talking bout me transferring to F&N !
yoowhoooos .
and yea . ' cheng gong '
hahahahahs . my earstuds are so small ..
and this vp also wanna hiam ..
knn .. and so i argue with this hella women .
and i asked her to check the school rules in the hand book .
and so she did ..
she even read out the line .
am i suppose to like wahahahahs now ?
she said what no other colours accept gold or silver .
but the hand book didnt have this line !
so she said she want to check with my dm about this .
ohmygod ..
i wonder if they really study the rules of the school !
MAN ! cause she said my purple studs are not matching with the school uniform .
me ; gold and silver very or biang lehs .. think what retro ars ?
vp ; coloured ear studs make people have bad impression .
me ; laughs ~
me ; so mrs ang is a bad teacher man ! she wears a big purple ear stud today !
vp ; teachers have different rules , all this rules for you people is training self disapline .
me ; if students gives bad impression . so does teachers isnt it ?
vp ;- keeps quite and changed topic -
i really dont understand why teachers wanna choose all these little little spots to punnish students .
damn . yea .. so you think if a ruffian cuts a western currypuff hairstyle and tucks in his shirt with he socks high will give good impression ?
man .. please .no matter how he look like .. when once he opens his mouth .
with all his ratial and sexual insult . people will think worst man .
its like those chinas business man .
got bad breath then vey dirty .. oh man disaster .
cannot make it .
heng singapore ah bengs are not like that .
and so i did a book review .
cant really remeber the book tittle .
but i think its lifes blabla matters thingy lar .
its not i never read the book .
its because i dint even care to look at the cover page .
so the contents page was numbers and numbers .
i chosed 9 .
so i read 9 .
the chapter was ; Being thankful is a habit - the best one you ever had .
i cought this line high lighted .
dont complain because you dont have . Enjoy what you've got .
and that reminded me of my elder sister !
i think she told me his line before .
i always complain .
ever since my baby years ?
my family will always have a hard time bring me go places like indonasia , malaysia ..
yea . the baby me .. cry alot .
now ar .. no difference i think .
hahahhas .
and another line ;
without good manners human society becomes intolerable and impossble .
and what do you think ..
do you people have good manners ?
hmmms .. i think mine is not so good lar .
haais .. dont ask dont ask .
but peeps . join me ! im learning good manners . MAN !
so another high lights for life in this book ;
be positive ! do positive things !
and so he stated how what are positiveand negatives .
POSITIVE - praise , sincere , compliments , Encouragements , thanks , truth /honesty , belives , humor , advise , greeting and support .
NEGETIVE - put downs , swearing , bitting scarsm ,name calling , laghing at , complaining , Gossip / rumor , yelling , insincere flattery , lying / blaming .
the bold ones are what i always do .
and those italic-ed are the ones i do lesser .
im so honest here .
i lie to my parents all te time .
whahahahs . opps =X im sorry .
so who dont lie man .
duhhh ~
another chapter .
about hard work .
and there some questions for yourself when you meet choises .
so ask yourself these questions when you meet split roads .
* whats something you really want ?
* what are you willing to give up together ?
but to me .. like no help lei .
cause man . i dont think much .
my brain is hella small .
but now .. i know i know !!
okay okay .. it still dont really help much [:
- NO shame in failing. only be afraid to get up and try again .
i totally agrees with this line .
and finnally .
man ! suchha long post for today .
after reading .
now i know . attually ...
i dont really know myself well .
i need people to correct me .
and i make mistakes .
i know im bad .
but all i need is a someone very true .
who says his or her ' zhen xin hua ' to me .
who wont love honesty ?
who will prefer fake diamonds ?
Monday, May 21, 2007
had a nightmare last night .
dreamt that my parents and all my family members died .
* note both sides !
my friends all changed and become very scary .
they all eat humans ..
they kill each other .
and .. im the left one innocent .
real alone and ..
in my dream ..
i have to run everytime when i see anybody ..
i can remeber the whole thing ..
but i remeber one part when i was nearly killed by my friend . ( not to mension the name )
he opens his big mouth and want to bite me !
and then theres this man who is same innocent as me saved me !
i think i know him ..
but now i forget how he look and what happene in the end .
he look ugly or handsome i also forget liao ..
suay lor ..
eh .. so what if i remember siaa..
hahahahas .
theres sucha weird feeling following me the whole day .
oh my ..
and today went to thomson ..
sian .. eat roti prata with my friend .
then i was choked by this chilli in side the curry .
oh man .. i lost my voice then
headed home straight and ate a piece of bread .
and felt better .
phew man .
thanks wk lar ...
then today damn damn angry .
damn hate people who hangs up my phone ..
my mother is damn dumb .
she's really very dumb man .
and man ..
i fail my math .
oh man .. damn sad
not surprising eh ?
ha ! hopeless .
Sunday, May 20, 2007
hahaahas .
so this is me .
the blogger of this blog ! :DD
hmmmmms .. so so so ..
im here to tell you .
im so damn happy !
mommiiey bought me fried banana !
thats so yummy can ..
okay okay ..
nothing much about today .
but im a lil quite pissed .
cause i cant play my game !
i cant play audition !
because of this stupid bug ..
like some kind of virus ?
that makes its very bad .
the game lags and make you lose te game .
its not im lousy ! i swear !
maybe they'll even ask you not to go into the rain !
hahhahahs ..
Saturday, May 19, 2007
heres a sweet song + MV by SHE and shin ! [[ watch it ! =DD ]]
my life is so colourful now .
im so happy with what i am now !
i wont turn back .
i dont care how long it takes ..
how long it takes to see my very next day in life .
those who have walk through and outta my life ..
wont walk with me forever ..
sometimes ..
we just need to learn to be so much stronger then anyone .
sometimes ..
we need to defend ourselfs from getting hurt .
sometimes ..
we did hurt people around us which we dont know .
its like a risk of losing someone in no time .
we shall think every steps we walk .
mommy says .. friends are not everything .
cause the world had moved to another degree that everyone is so selfish .
there no one that can dare to give and take .
its up to your self principle sometimes .
to be honest , loyal , and carefull .
If you lie to yourself to be happy, you belong to a special group of creatures called human beings. -- Hamed Okhravi
i saw pregnant women and a old man today ..
in a mrt .
i was on my seats with friends .. going to yishun ..
and theres no more seats left for both of them ..
none of my friends and other passangers get up and let them have the seat .
i stood up and wanted to let the pregnant women have a seat .
who knows a young man bout 17 - 19 took the seat ..
he was listening to his mp3 ..
im like .. so pissed ..
is he so eager to have that seat in no time ??
oh my god .. so desperate ..
i then asked my friends to get up .
so pregnant women and the old man can take the seats .
the old man smiled at me !
lols .. i felt happy too =D
i saw a nice quote at my friend's calandar .
You don't lose any friend in hard times. Those that you lose were not friends in the first place!
thats so true !
man , how i wish i can concentrate so well like the past people did .
like all the ninjas ..
that can keep myself away from distractions ..
keep myself positive and ..
away from darkness .
no one knows what will next .
jian wen says - its all planned by someone .
do you belive in him ?
i dont know .
but i belive that free man controls him or her life .
they choose what they wanna be .
it doesnt matters which religion you falls in .
its just something or someone who guides you better on the way .
if its not .. it'll ruined your life away (:
guys ..
two words of : JIAYOU !
meant so much ..
its like the power of saying 'iloveyou'
isnt it ?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
} its so stupid can ??
ehs .. please larr ..
please fcuk of larr can ?
why hack through my blog ??
what the hell .
you want to tell me anything can message me or what so ever one right ?
no need to hack my account right ?
so what if im your friend .
but without my permission how can you do this ?
this is making even more mad .
since you wanna appologize dont ya think you can do it in a better way ?
im always thirsty . get me ribena and everything will be resolve right ?
but why this way ?
you say my blog's song is stuborn .
and uploaded boa's song in my blog .
okay okay . its nice .
its really bad to do this to any of your friends .
its fine with me now . but please dont do it anymore .
its damn rude .
you no need to know what happen between sandy and me !
cause , look .
dont you think this matters the three of us ?
since you know me .
you shall jolly well know i hate affairs !
i dont like to quarrel with my 'girl' friends because of any guys .
and its not because of you who make us quarrel .
something bad just happen .
and please .
both of you .
leave me alone !
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
anybody who recieves this .
one word to describe ..
[ SUAY ]
aiyo ..
let me see ..
1) i feels cold at all times .
2) my eyes grows one bug one small .
3) loves to sing children's song and watch kids stuffs . [loves being childish ]
4) laughing when im very very scared .
5) loves saying people are weird .
6) stares people off that i dont like .
yeah .
i know its not weird at all .
duh ~
im mighty fine man .
( err - this is damn childish larr )
cause i like to do childish stuffs ^^
and oh ..
read this lyrics !
En Vogue - Too Gone, Too Long
Verse 1:
Did I hear you say that
You want another chance
You need another try
You're ready to reclaim your prize
So you want my love back
Why'd you let it slip away
Why'd you ever let me go
Your change of heart has come too late
Well the door is locked you can't get in
The game has changed you've been
Chorus: Too gone, too long baby
To ever get back again In my heart
Too gone, too long baby
You're too many tears too late
To ever get back to get back In my arms
Been gone too gone too long
Verse 2:
Didn't you hear me say that
You'd be a fool to leave
You'd regret the road you chose
You'd come running right back to me
You had such a good love sugar
You never found in no one else
But what I knew all the time
You had to find out for yourself
But now you'll never know
That love again
You're on your own
Bridge:Did you really think I'd take you back
Let you back in my life
Oh baby just like that
Someone new is loving me
Loving you is what used to be
Baby you're too late to win my heart again