HAPPY 牛 YEAR !!!!!!
Well , I must admit , I've been in real low moods ..
Now adays , I can't control my emotions well .
But well , it's time for me to 振作起来了!!
I must try my best to cope up with what I missed out in 08.
I know , I'm quite slow ..
Even until now , when I write my dates at the year of 2009 ..
My heart is still at 2008 ..
All the sad memories that kept pulling me back ..
My best friend's death ..
Disappointments and disappointments of my family ..
I've decided , to leave it all behind .
All highly lifted up to my daddy God .
People who used to hurt me , offended me .. and did whatever nasty things to me ..
I will forgive and forget .
After chewing long enough for the word that pst tan shared ..
I've decided , to " be there " ..
And no where else .
not only my physically , but be there with my heart soul ..
Not my heart else where .
Focus !
So after pst tan's sharing ..
I'm now chewing Pst Kong's sharing of the word .
Man , last week's word was simply amazing ..
Was a very encouraging and exciting message indeed .
Love it !
Thanks pst for doing all the research !
Hmmm , also encourage me to study more on the word of God already :D
I finally cooled down ..
because , someone really made me mad like siao today .
I seriously don't like explaining to people who don't trust / believe me .
I mean it's like .. they believe you at the beginning ..
Then when misunderstandings stuffs happen , they chose to not believe you ..
blame you ..
expect you to explain , and prove out things to make them believe you again .
Sickening I tell you .
Seriously speaking ..
If you don't trust me , or whatever , it's okay . I'll understand .
But then since you chose to trust me in the first place , why can't you stand with me all the way ?
Then since you think , I'm lying , then why bother to expect me to explain myself out when you already don't and won't believe me .???
Don't you think those are rather stupid ?
for me to explain over and over again or even bring out proves to show you that I'm innocent to a person who won't listen at all ? .
Think about how I'll feel .
Don't believe me ? So be it . My conscience is clear . No point lying to help myself (:
Really can't understand these people ..
Oh anyway ,
Cherlyn says BOO to womanizers :D
Okay , Done for rantings .
Feeling much better .
it's 4am now .
♥I need my beauty sleep now ♥
Ending my entry here (:
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