Konichiwa ! annyong ! ola !!!!!
greetings greetings greetings to everyone here reading this deadly blog .
ha !
Anyways , I have a real important things to tell all my dear friends out there .
I've quit using my hotmail email . the cheerlyn_goh@hotmail.com is dead .
I'm not going to open any mail from there anymore .
It's all jammed with crappie mails .
like 5 figures sum of mails which I'm like kinda sick of clicking the *select all & trash *
yeahhhhhhh , So if you guys wanna send me those important emails which you guys don't want me to delete them .
Send it to this email address at cherzii@gmail.com !
my msn email is still the hotmail one ofcause , but thinking to change it .
Cause some webbie friends have been spelling my name cheerlyn . which is real irritating .
hate it !
thinking of aye glam name , any sudgestion ?
hahaha , just not those very no originality kinds ..
Like what eg. love-*name*@hotmail.com super lame and boring.
Alright .
Back to my blog post . Hope you guys have take that peice of note down . (:
I have something really to share .
Like I'm quite really unhappy about .
I mean I've been really super upset over it !!!
Recently I met my Ex good friend around the same age like me ,
Carrying her own baby around with a milk bottle looking for job .
When I saw her I was like ,
hey girl , how're you ? your new younger sister there ?
She was like , No ?! this is my baby boy ! I'm his mummy here , is he cute ???
I stumbled and replied , yes ! very cute ! * he was in a spider man out fit . *
We talked for awhile and decided to get a place down for some drinks to chit chat .
She looked much dull then before . She used to be so chio !!!!!!
because of her stress .. etc etc ..
I then found out , then child's dad left her right after her confinement !
which is so cruel , the answer from that rascal for everything was ..
" darling , my feelings for you had all just faded already . I'm sorry .. "
I stared at her and said ..
You've been so strong . Did you cry when he left ?
She said no . with like tears in her eyes like going to drop down from her cheeks anytime .
I know that rascal !
And I definitely would give him a tight slap on both of his cheeks if I see him along the streets .
Also press his mo peng face into acid water 10 times to wake him up .
then let him skin his own skin off from his stupid face !
Carry on by letting him lick the yaoming's armpit like the above picture .
* opps , how cruel is that ? just think about the mother and child 10 years down the road . *
He better not appear at amk .
damn it !
Just look at how irresponsible he is !
And what a stupid excuse to swing all the responsibility of a father to a girl who is only 17 ?!
I would love to post his ugly photos of he and his newly dating girlfriend up here and let you guy scold him to death .
But for the respect of my friend , I decided not to do that .
Oh yeah , I dreamt of myself calling the newpapers . and let the whole singapore scold him .
and it was super shuang . my friend was ofcause being protected in the dream.
Her mom still know nothing about these .
Rawrrrrrr !
I intro-ed some jobs she can go try out .
& I hope it helps a lil .
Imagine the kid and his mother needa survive on that lil sum of money make my heart ache .
and she need to carry it all by her shoulders .
damn it damn it damn it !
Man ....................
It's so unfair for the kids being in a single parent family .
I know how it feel exactly . IT SUCKS BEING LAUGHED AT !
Like in primary schools . Teachers like to give weird titles of essay they'll ask you to write about .
Like .. [ my father ] [ my mother ] [ my family ]
And poor kids like us who know nothing much of out father / mother will be like ..
teacher , I don't know what to write .
And I can only hand up a empty peice of paper writen there with the title there only ?????
and your pals would ask alot of questions about you .
used to be super bu shuang over those classmates that used to laugh at me .
Still remember their full name with their evil laughters .
I can still remember clearly okay .!
( ofcause forgave them in my heart already lah )
Irritating !!
And during Art lessons , They'll only ask you to draw like [ my family ] [ my house ]
blah blah blah .
And I could only draw three women up there which concludes my mom , sis and myself .
standing infront of aye big terrace house with that rectangle thing that have smokes coming out from the top of the house .
Aiyah , don't whatever term they call it .
yeah , boring .
Can't stand it . I hate those topic . Because I'll aways get laughed at back in the childhoods .
how sad .
So that's why until now , I hate it to hear parents who wants a divorce or something like that .
Then they'll start discussing about how they'll settle the children , like the son goes to the papa side . the girl goes to the mama side !
Hate it . Why seperate them up !!!!!!
You guys get seperated , and they must follow y'all's footstep too ?
Why must children face all these crap , hurts and seperation in their childhood .
When I was working back then in a kindergareden , I had a girl who'll always asks me questions like ..
teacher .. what is divorce .. Why mommy and daddy want to divorce ?
They divorce because they don't love me anymore? I no longer have mommy and daddy anymore ?
I looked at her with tears like with a heart ache feeling . And hugged her .
Man !
Can't parents be more responsible and more thoughtful for the children ?
Sickening .
Just because of little things , little conflicts .. and the child's life settings are going to have a 360 change ?
I'm lucky to say I was lucky to at least have a elder sister who would take care of me when I'm young .
Teaching me to be independent etc .
If not I would've been aye idiot who rots at home to wait for mommy to be home .
And oh ! my neighbour ahma , and my god mummy who looks after me when no ones around .
I love them !
love them for encouraging me when I had thoughts like mommy don't love me when she's working and no time for me .
I'm definitely still loved without a father .
other kids out there with single parent? I've no idea .
It's so so so unfair for the children .
Some even end up in other families .
maybe the government should ban couples from divorcing without valid reasons .
like violations blahblah can be excused .
but . small quarrels , still want a divorced . NO WAY ! can fine them as well , helps for the world a lil is good .
Okay end of complaining .
Did you guys read all the above ?
Must be bothering for you guys .
hahaha .
how about this ..

I'm so childish .
Alright , meeting my friends for some cny shoppings .
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
Xoxo ,
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