Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
feeling so much undone .
Anyways , Cny was good .
Was still forced by my mother to go for visiting in the end still ..
I already said lotsa times i don't like to go .. and I don't feel like going ..
It's like very fake ..
But come to think of that .. it's like .. aiyahhhh .. forget it ..
just for those angbaos ..
nvm lor ..
those angbao still goes to B. fund .
So it's okay .
Cny is real good ..
during visitations ..
One little girl actually called me auntie , and gave a face like she expect me to give her angbao .
omggggggggggggg .
I was totally mad inside .
I smiled and say hello to her (:
mannnnnnnnnn , I'm not even 20 yettttttt .
Lol , chill chill chill .
is the word.
Reunion dinner was good .
got all my favorite food up .
toufu , toufu , toufu !!
lol , siao one ..
Tomorrow . tomorrow ..
having my reunion dinner with my beloved second family :D
hmmm ..
Tomorrow , tomorrow ..
My school posting results will be outttttttor .
and there goes hearttttttor .
lolzxxzxzxzzx .
don't know learn from who one .
watch to much of the japanese and taiwan variety shows during the hols .
hahahaha !
Idiotic news reporter reported that ..
laughing a bit by bit during a movie will make you go fatter !
And laughing continously non stop for aye hour makes you slimmer !
-.- lameeeeeeeeeeeeee .
weird enough . some celebrities actually does it every morning ..
Lol ..
alright , I wanna play audiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .
bye bye :D
Sunday, January 25, 2009
HAPPY 牛 YEAR !!!!!!
Well , I must admit , I've been in real low moods ..
Now adays , I can't control my emotions well .
But well , it's time for me to 振作起来了!!
I must try my best to cope up with what I missed out in 08.
I know , I'm quite slow ..
Even until now , when I write my dates at the year of 2009 ..
My heart is still at 2008 ..
All the sad memories that kept pulling me back ..
My best friend's death ..
Disappointments and disappointments of my family ..
I've decided , to leave it all behind .
All highly lifted up to my daddy God .
People who used to hurt me , offended me .. and did whatever nasty things to me ..
I will forgive and forget .
After chewing long enough for the word that pst tan shared ..
I've decided , to " be there " ..
And no where else .
not only my physically , but be there with my heart soul ..
Not my heart else where .
Focus !
So after pst tan's sharing ..
I'm now chewing Pst Kong's sharing of the word .
Man , last week's word was simply amazing ..
Was a very encouraging and exciting message indeed .
Love it !
Thanks pst for doing all the research !
Hmmm , also encourage me to study more on the word of God already :D
I finally cooled down ..
because , someone really made me mad like siao today .
I seriously don't like explaining to people who don't trust / believe me .
I mean it's like .. they believe you at the beginning ..
Then when misunderstandings stuffs happen , they chose to not believe you ..
blame you ..
expect you to explain , and prove out things to make them believe you again .
Sickening I tell you .
Seriously speaking ..
If you don't trust me , or whatever , it's okay . I'll understand .
But then since you chose to trust me in the first place , why can't you stand with me all the way ?
Then since you think , I'm lying , then why bother to expect me to explain myself out when you already don't and won't believe me .???
Don't you think those are rather stupid ?
for me to explain over and over again or even bring out proves to show you that I'm innocent to a person who won't listen at all ? .
Think about how I'll feel .
Don't believe me ? So be it . My conscience is clear . No point lying to help myself (:
Really can't understand these people ..
Oh anyway ,
Cherlyn says BOO to womanizers :D
Okay , Done for rantings .
Feeling much better .
it's 4am now .
♥I need my beauty sleep now ♥
Ending my entry here (:
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thinking of some thing that'll cheer me up ?
It'll surely be ..

awww ..
I want that pink toy .....
Paris Hilton is alright what ..
wonder why so many people hate her .
tsk tsk ..
bad people .
But , I still like you paris !
yeah , and I didn't know you like to use "xoxo" so much .
wakaka .
And oh , I found out that actually xiaxue the blogger got alot in common with paris .
lol , why uh ?
people who like pink all must be blond ?
and true enough , I like pink , and I like to be blondie someday .
wahahaha , But not that much of craving tho .
Some people are thinking way too much , like they wanna look like Barbie doll ?
Cause most of the barbie dolls have blond hair .
And they wear pink .
Lol , I don't fantasy much on the barbie .
Even in my childhood ~
Cause every time when I ask my mommy to buy barbie doll for me ..
She'll end up buying scary dolls like with the rolling blinking eyes doll for me .
Super scary lahhhhhhhh .
* erase away scary childhood *
haaas , okay okay .
The main thing of this entry ..
is all about ..
mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !
Andddddddddddddddddd ..
I'm having rashes nowzxzxzxzxzxzxzzxzxz D':
saddening .
But heng the one on my face had gone much .
So I can at least step on of the house with anti redness face .
Can go cgm also .
phewwwww .
Anyway , this few days got janice pei me spending away boring times ..
Super happy !
If not I could've rotted rotten at home .
Thanks girl ;D
thanks for entertaining me when you're wasn't really in a good mood .
hahas , although you tried controlling your emotions .
Don't worry kays , I'm really fine .
* whisper , crying out can feel better you know (;
Stay strong janice ! ;D
Anyway , janice ..
Your hair is not ugly okay !
Just dont make it messy ! It looks way better when it's straight and neat .
Looks very smart !
tempts me to go for a hair cut also .
hahaha .
here ending .
It'll surely be ..

awww ..
I want that pink toy .....
Paris Hilton is alright what ..
wonder why so many people hate her .
tsk tsk ..
bad people .
But , I still like you paris !
yeah , and I didn't know you like to use "xoxo" so much .
wakaka .
And oh , I found out that actually xiaxue the blogger got alot in common with paris .
lol , why uh ?
people who like pink all must be blond ?
and true enough , I like pink , and I like to be blondie someday .
wahahaha , But not that much of craving tho .
Some people are thinking way too much , like they wanna look like Barbie doll ?
Cause most of the barbie dolls have blond hair .
And they wear pink .
Lol , I don't fantasy much on the barbie .
Even in my childhood ~
Cause every time when I ask my mommy to buy barbie doll for me ..
She'll end up buying scary dolls like with the rolling blinking eyes doll for me .
Super scary lahhhhhhhh .
* erase away scary childhood *
haaas , okay okay .
The main thing of this entry ..
is all about ..
mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !
Andddddddddddddddddd ..
I'm having rashes nowzxzxzxzxzxzxzzxzxz D':
saddening .
But heng the one on my face had gone much .
So I can at least step on of the house with anti redness face .
Can go cgm also .
phewwwww .
Anyway , this few days got janice pei me spending away boring times ..
Super happy !
If not I could've rotted rotten at home .
Thanks girl ;D
thanks for entertaining me when you're wasn't really in a good mood .
hahas , although you tried controlling your emotions .
Don't worry kays , I'm really fine .
* whisper , crying out can feel better you know (;
Stay strong janice ! ;D
Anyway , janice ..
Your hair is not ugly okay !
Just dont make it messy ! It looks way better when it's straight and neat .
Looks very smart !
tempts me to go for a hair cut also .
hahaha .
here ending .
❤XOXO❤ .
cherlyn .
cherlyn .
* hahahaha! *
added hearts some more ❤
* so friendly * xD
added hearts some more ❤
* so friendly * xD
a new song from fish leong's album .
I kinda like the lyrics and the melody .
♥♥别再为他流泪 ! (:
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Konichiwa ! annyong ! ola !!!!!
greetings greetings greetings to everyone here reading this deadly blog .
ha !
Anyways , I have a real important things to tell all my dear friends out there .
I've quit using my hotmail email . the is dead .
I'm not going to open any mail from there anymore .
It's all jammed with crappie mails .
like 5 figures sum of mails which I'm like kinda sick of clicking the *select all & trash *
yeahhhhhhh , So if you guys wanna send me those important emails which you guys don't want me to delete them .
Send it to this email address at !
my msn email is still the hotmail one ofcause , but thinking to change it .
Cause some webbie friends have been spelling my name cheerlyn . which is real irritating .
hate it !
thinking of aye glam name , any sudgestion ?
hahaha , just not those very no originality kinds ..
Like what eg. love-*name* super lame and boring.
Alright .
Back to my blog post . Hope you guys have take that peice of note down . (:
I have something really to share .
Like I'm quite really unhappy about .
I mean I've been really super upset over it !!!
Recently I met my Ex good friend around the same age like me ,
Carrying her own baby around with a milk bottle looking for job .
When I saw her I was like ,
hey girl , how're you ? your new younger sister there ?
She was like , No ?! this is my baby boy ! I'm his mummy here , is he cute ???
I stumbled and replied , yes ! very cute ! * he was in a spider man out fit . *
We talked for awhile and decided to get a place down for some drinks to chit chat .
She looked much dull then before . She used to be so chio !!!!!!
because of her stress .. etc etc ..
I then found out , then child's dad left her right after her confinement !
which is so cruel , the answer from that rascal for everything was ..
" darling , my feelings for you had all just faded already . I'm sorry .. "
I stared at her and said ..
You've been so strong . Did you cry when he left ?
She said no . with like tears in her eyes like going to drop down from her cheeks anytime .
I know that rascal !
And I definitely would give him a tight slap on both of his cheeks if I see him along the streets .
Also press his mo peng face into acid water 10 times to wake him up .
then let him skin his own skin off from his stupid face !
Carry on by letting him lick the yaoming's armpit like the above picture .
* opps , how cruel is that ? just think about the mother and child 10 years down the road . *
He better not appear at amk .
damn it !
Just look at how irresponsible he is !
And what a stupid excuse to swing all the responsibility of a father to a girl who is only 17 ?!
I would love to post his ugly photos of he and his newly dating girlfriend up here and let you guy scold him to death .
But for the respect of my friend , I decided not to do that .
Oh yeah , I dreamt of myself calling the newpapers . and let the whole singapore scold him .
and it was super shuang . my friend was ofcause being protected in the dream.
Her mom still know nothing about these .
Rawrrrrrr !
I intro-ed some jobs she can go try out .
& I hope it helps a lil .
Imagine the kid and his mother needa survive on that lil sum of money make my heart ache .
and she need to carry it all by her shoulders .
damn it damn it damn it !
Man ....................
It's so unfair for the kids being in a single parent family .
I know how it feel exactly . IT SUCKS BEING LAUGHED AT !
Like in primary schools . Teachers like to give weird titles of essay they'll ask you to write about .
Like .. [ my father ] [ my mother ] [ my family ]
And poor kids like us who know nothing much of out father / mother will be like ..
teacher , I don't know what to write .
And I can only hand up a empty peice of paper writen there with the title there only ?????
and your pals would ask alot of questions about you .
used to be super bu shuang over those classmates that used to laugh at me .
Still remember their full name with their evil laughters .
I can still remember clearly okay .!
( ofcause forgave them in my heart already lah )
Irritating !!
And during Art lessons , They'll only ask you to draw like [ my family ] [ my house ]
blah blah blah .
And I could only draw three women up there which concludes my mom , sis and myself .
standing infront of aye big terrace house with that rectangle thing that have smokes coming out from the top of the house .
Aiyah , don't whatever term they call it .
yeah , boring .
Can't stand it . I hate those topic . Because I'll aways get laughed at back in the childhoods .
how sad .
So that's why until now , I hate it to hear parents who wants a divorce or something like that .
Then they'll start discussing about how they'll settle the children , like the son goes to the papa side . the girl goes to the mama side !
Hate it . Why seperate them up !!!!!!
You guys get seperated , and they must follow y'all's footstep too ?
Why must children face all these crap , hurts and seperation in their childhood .
When I was working back then in a kindergareden , I had a girl who'll always asks me questions like ..
teacher .. what is divorce .. Why mommy and daddy want to divorce ?
They divorce because they don't love me anymore? I no longer have mommy and daddy anymore ?
I looked at her with tears like with a heart ache feeling . And hugged her .
Man !
Can't parents be more responsible and more thoughtful for the children ?
Sickening .
Just because of little things , little conflicts .. and the child's life settings are going to have a 360 change ?
I'm lucky to say I was lucky to at least have a elder sister who would take care of me when I'm young .
Teaching me to be independent etc .
If not I would've been aye idiot who rots at home to wait for mommy to be home .
And oh ! my neighbour ahma , and my god mummy who looks after me when no ones around .
I love them !
love them for encouraging me when I had thoughts like mommy don't love me when she's working and no time for me .
I'm definitely still loved without a father .
other kids out there with single parent? I've no idea .
It's so so so unfair for the children .
Some even end up in other families .
maybe the government should ban couples from divorcing without valid reasons .
like violations blahblah can be excused .
but . small quarrels , still want a divorced . NO WAY ! can fine them as well , helps for the world a lil is good .
Okay end of complaining .
Did you guys read all the above ?
Must be bothering for you guys .
hahaha .
how about this ..

I'm so childish .
Alright , meeting my friends for some cny shoppings .
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
Xoxo ,
Friday, January 9, 2009
"self design-ed ", my hair stylist as usual shocked then surprised .
told you will be nicer with straight hair right .
But apparently , she like my new hair too !
hahaha .
pardon me for my ugly face up there . [ NO MAKE UPS ON ]
Was feeling really sick that time , can't really take a nice picture . ):
I'm bored . Hands are now all rough from doing a lot of housework .
Because I promised mommy to clean my room and the whole entire house .
I didn't want to agree tho .
But since I've got nothing to do at home .. hahaha .
Today , went all the way down to simei ite to check some school stuffs .
Were suppose to register school already .
But in the end ,
I've made up my mind to not go ahead with the given course ( which I've got no interest in )
I'm going to try again for the April intake . & Applications starts on Monday !
I know it's risky to , because if I can't get into any course that I like this time round .
I might have no course for me to study in ITE already .
Yes , it's gonna be really risky .
For your information .
My L1B2 is 7 not 6/5/4/3
Again . I repeat , The course I wanna study is Tourism .
Not other weird courses .
I don't know which fella big mouth anyhow spread false infos .
I realised ..
Again and again I'm being tested on what I really want .
People around me doubt my ability . Even my family members .
But I don't care !
People think I wanna study in this course is all out of curiosity , fun ?
NO . totally no .
I have air sickness .
It'll be troublesome in future if I'm in the career of travelling around .
And I'm very aware of that and I'm trying very hard to get rid of those .
I've experienced taking care of buses of buses of children and parents to different places before .
And I know how it feels when responsibilities are all on your shoulders .
Communicating , meeting people's needs , ensuring their safety and serving all kinds of people .
I just enjoy serving .
I don't know why .
Call me weird , or whatever . This is me .
Don't judge me .
I don't know why I have so much to explain here .
Just felt like ranting out a bit . Nagging abit .
ha !
hhahhahahaha ,
By the way , Bits to share .
This website inspired me !!!
Cherlyn is carrying packets and packets of tissue papers wherever she goes now .
Her flu is super bad .
So don't ask tissue from her now . Because , she need alot of it .
* hachoo *
( heng her house now is 89% free of dust already. If not more hachoo ! )
* blowing nose away *
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I'm gonna be brave .
I will cry and whine no more .
I'm going to do what ever that's given .
I will be able to make it .
I shall fear no more .
God , give me a brand new hope .
Cleanse me right now .
Recharge me with fresh new annointing.
A new faith arise in my mind and soul .
Let your spirit be near .
Embrace me with your love and mercy .
Running towards you .
I will cry and whine no more .
I'm going to do what ever that's given .
I will be able to make it .
I shall fear no more .
God , give me a brand new hope .
Cleanse me right now .
Recharge me with fresh new annointing.
A new faith arise in my mind and soul .
Let your spirit be near .
Embrace me with your love and mercy .
Running towards you .
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours
- casting crowns.
Yesterday while shopping with cand , I saw totoro wallets and bags !
Which are quite rare now adays .
Which are quite rare now adays .
When I saw it , I was like ,
WOAHHHHH ... totoro leh !!!!!!!!!!!!!
like more surprised when I see hellokitty than totoro .
Uh , Hellokitty is not going to turn bad anyway , Cause she's made to be kind .
hahahaha , evil me ..

This scene in one of totoro's show touches me the most .
like you'll have this warm feeling inside you .
awwwwwwwww , I miss totoro .
& I found this in youtube .
haahaha , never watched this series before tho .
But it's.....................
Super cute !
Rawrrrrs , miss totoro so much .
totoro is my first japanese anime .
It's so old that I've forgoten he's my first anime show .
Then I start watching animes like fruit basket , spirit away , naruto , etc etc !
It's like meeting your first love again !
jusk kidding , feel like popping out anything from my mouth .
wahahaha .
Anyways , apart from my love for totoro..
My ITE application to Info-comm also failed .
And they offered me to Nitec Electronics !!!!!!!!!!!
Then I was like deciding for aye effing long period of time whether should i accept the offer anot .
Then I decided to accept it then further going on for aye appeal on my desired course.
And who knows & guess what .
I click accept offer , They showed up Connection error !
Then when I try another time , They showed up " Accepting attempt failed " !!!!!!!!!!
Was pulling my hair away .. jumping up from my sits like as if my hair kennah burnt !
totoro is my first japanese anime .
It's so old that I've forgoten he's my first anime show .
Then I start watching animes like fruit basket , spirit away , naruto , etc etc !
It's like meeting your first love again !
jusk kidding , feel like popping out anything from my mouth .
wahahaha .
Anyways , apart from my love for totoro..
My ITE application to Info-comm also failed .
And they offered me to Nitec Electronics !!!!!!!!!!!
Then I was like deciding for aye effing long period of time whether should i accept the offer anot .
Then I decided to accept it then further going on for aye appeal on my desired course.
And who knows & guess what .
I click accept offer , They showed up Connection error !
Then when I try another time , They showed up " Accepting attempt failed " !!!!!!!!!!
Was pulling my hair away .. jumping up from my sits like as if my hair kennah burnt !
started coming out from my head .
shouting away .. rahh rahhh rahhhhhhhh !!!!!! why cannot !!!!!!!!!!!
* kinno stares at my situation , Got frightened and ran away hidding under the sofa *
I knew my reaction will be this worst .
Prepared ribena on standby in my fridge ,
But guess what , I bought 3 , & I left only 1 left !
I try to recall where the other 2 had gone .
But apparently , I still don't remember !
Irritating !!!!!
I then try calling on the ITE hotline and school lines .
ALL BUSY . none of them are free enough to entertain me .
was like , siao , never give up . Kept on calling .
Gave up in the end still , Cause I realised my hands and fingers were numb by pressing each and every numbers of theirs .
I spent 5 effing hours calling !!!!!!!!!!!
crazy enough , They still never answer my calls / reply my voicemails .
I then sent aye email to the school asking them why they never answer my calls ..
When it's durring school hours !
They didn't reply .
ANGRY !!!!!!!!!!!
Then called my friends to confrence .
All of them are also facing the same situation .
Some even worst , Want to re-apply also cant !
ITE can change name already .
Change to SPS .
Slow Processing SCHOOL !
Their education is slow .
Their phone calls are also slow processed . ( worst still , never reply voicemail )
Their waiting time for results / interview is 100 times slower in process !!!!!!!
* kinno stares at my situation , Got frightened and ran away hidding under the sofa *
I knew my reaction will be this worst .
Prepared ribena on standby in my fridge ,
But guess what , I bought 3 , & I left only 1 left !
I try to recall where the other 2 had gone .
But apparently , I still don't remember !
Irritating !!!!!
I then try calling on the ITE hotline and school lines .
ALL BUSY . none of them are free enough to entertain me .
was like , siao , never give up . Kept on calling .
Gave up in the end still , Cause I realised my hands and fingers were numb by pressing each and every numbers of theirs .
I spent 5 effing hours calling !!!!!!!!!!!
crazy enough , They still never answer my calls / reply my voicemails .
I then sent aye email to the school asking them why they never answer my calls ..
When it's durring school hours !
They didn't reply .
ANGRY !!!!!!!!!!!
Then called my friends to confrence .
All of them are also facing the same situation .
Some even worst , Want to re-apply also cant !
ITE can change name already .
Change to SPS .
Slow Processing SCHOOL !
Their education is slow .
Their phone calls are also slow processed . ( worst still , never reply voicemail )
Their waiting time for results / interview is 100 times slower in process !!!!!!!
我的老天儿 !
Why ..............
If i was luckier , I would really rather choose to study in private schools .
But apparently , I'm less fortunate to .
Well hope for the future ?
本小姐 still need to go down to their campus again tomorrow .
* going down just for enquiries only ???!!!!!!!! *
Angels on my right brain whispering
" 忍忍忍!! "
okay okay , now better already .
phewwwww .
bo bian lor , needa go down tomorrow ..
* sayang sayang myself *
alrights ,
needa go bathe kinno now .
He's damn smelly .
chiaos !
If i was luckier , I would really rather choose to study in private schools .
But apparently , I'm less fortunate to .
Well hope for the future ?
本小姐 still need to go down to their campus again tomorrow .
* going down just for enquiries only ???!!!!!!!! *
Angels on my right brain whispering
" 忍忍忍!! "
okay okay , now better already .
phewwwww .
bo bian lor , needa go down tomorrow ..
* sayang sayang myself *
alrights ,
needa go bathe kinno now .
He's damn smelly .
chiaos !
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