Updates yo .
Salimeh is in Spain .
& i miss shouting her name lah deh .
Lol lol .
& My pink hair extensions ~
Wanted to put more , but that fella said will look weird .
So never lor .
Haven't been blogging alot lately .
Was facing lotsa problems lah .
& i don't wanna post those entries to make my blog look so dead .
I'm not okay at all lor now adays .
was super vexed .
Can't go morning pm .
sbs .
think next time church also can't go already .
arghs . sick and tired of pleasing her .
don't even know what she wants .
kept accusing me of taking her money for b.f .
wth lor .....
Seriously . really sick of all those sleepless nights because of her .
this is so much much loves !
Sometimes , life can be so sickening .
when can I have the freedom .
I thought i deserve the best .
I deserve my freedom at my age of sixteen .
yeah , I thought .
Hate her treating me like a child sometimes .
Hate her for not believing me anymore .
Because i was the little girl who cried wolf last time .
But , why can't I be the one to speak the truth now ?
over 10 years liao .. She still don't trust me .
Sad right ?
I'm lucky to have live my life until now .
I am happy . Because I saw Him .
Someone said ..
If God is forgiving .. Then God would have to forgive me alot in a day .
Lol -.-
My choir IC told me yesterday that I going to start serving this week leh .
hmmm , will be so nervous lah !
(x thats all.
Don't know what to write already liao ~
happy 400th post yo.
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