Pictures for updates ~!
Ashley study fashion one lor !
Super kiang right ?
Didn't talk much to her that day ~
But it was fun hanging out with her though~
Heees , meet up again alrights ?
guess who drew it on ~
Lol ~~~
Went to pod to find shalynne for bs with janice soo.
But she informed me late in the morning .
Had rush down without make up and breakfast .
hahahaha .
Shalynne came to fetch us at bus stop .
and there we go .
hahaha , didn't have time to do bs , because we reached there too late.
Janice soo had to leave early .
I stayed in pod to play cheena audition and slacked around playing with the people there .
Grace took care of me when shalynne was not around .
We cooked speghetti with rice cooker .
Can you imagine ?!
But it didn't turn out bad . In fact super yummy !
Then waffles , Cream soup , etc etc .
All super easy to do and delicious !
Learn alot . hohoho .
Had my bs in the cab together with amanda on the way to cgm .
The driver was super ma fan lah
Lol , Kept !@$$!#!@#@%$!!@. yeah you know ... Lol .
Thank God I did not felt uncomfortable on the way ~
hahaha , used to wonder what shalynne normally do in pod .
now i understand ler .
And the mindset of her changed 360 degree changed ler .
I'm super proud of my cell group leader !
Shalynne jiayou oh !
Served choir for the first time on sat .
Was super nervous at the start then okay ler .
Enjoyed through out .
There were also a few new comers who were there .
And super funny stuff happened lor .
Cause when we leave the stage right , one of the ic asked me to stay after service .
I was super scared lah ! Thought i did something wrong or etc ..
Then when service was over . I looked for justin ( the ic )
We went to the back stage met twinnie on the way also .
Then was like , " Eh , i'm not the only one uh ? "
Lol ,..
Then it was like a debrieve session lah .
Some reminders etc .
For me was like i mouthed the lyrics when we're not supposed to . oppps .
There were older members that sang out loud .
Was so confuse and kaykay-ed mouthed along without sound .
hahahaha , ;x ;x
Funniest thing was ..
Actually one of the new comer hit my head during praise and worship .
She said " sorry sorry ! "
Her voice was being captured in the mic because the position she stand was super near the mic .
I was like smiling thoughout lor . Haaas .
hahaha , But learn alot .
Firstly i will try to not let myself be late anymore before serving .
was rushing down from serangoon .
I must say , My make up weren't enough for that day .
alright now .
Got some stuffs to do now .
Some mails to send etc .
so long folks !
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