i had a hair cut ..
hais .. i shouldn't have made this bad decision .
but i've no choice but to ...
sobs , i'm crying ..
hais ..
abit more ..
ehem , look carfully ...
:p gotcha ...
lol , xD
I'm back with my blogging again guys .
what an emo entry before .
lol , anyway ..
I'm thinking whether should i change to attend the Sunday service than the sat's one .
i don't know how should i put it .
but every time it just seem so ..
lol , guess I'll be separated from the rest who are in service 1 .
someone give me the trumpet please .
God !
mommy was super unhappy bout me coming home so late .
i missed Dr. AR Bernard's word today in svc 2 .
also , prayer meeting .

as y'all know ,i like Dr AR bernard very much !
i like his teachings ! :DD
yesterday was hom-ed late ..
mommy scolded me ):
i don't like her to be angry or what so ever .
yesterday night i kept quiet like a mute .
and she gave me her nagging shen gong .
she can nag me for 2 hours at the same thing .
and the more she nag , the more things she'll drag from past .
last part she even say ..
" tomorrow you better don't go anywhere i tell you ..go if you want and not come back ! "
i was like ...
lotsa stuffs came into my mind .
like , in future how am i going to face her .
how should i prevent all this for happening again .
i need to worry bout both parties .
and thats super tiring ..
and i admit , these few days I've been thinking of quiting everything ,only focus on my studies .
i know that's very selfish .. but ..anyway , i changed my mind ..
Dr AR Bernard ask this question yesterday in svc 1 .
" how's you relationship with God ? "
i sit back and start to think a while .
when pst was praying for us , i started to cry out more for God .
and then i can sense a big square thing is starring at my face .
i start to wonder what is it , and i tried to open up my eyes ..
its a camera !
and when i stare back at him with my teary eyes , he turned away ..
lol , maybe i should go and see that online web cast .
uhm , sikali they don't have that particular day one ..
recently i've been really dry , and I've told no one about it .
i shared with Amanda , and i found out she feels the same way too !
haaas , we should have prayer meetings again .
i don't understand some people sometimes , even if i know that person for a long time .
sometimes what ever they do will just confuse me ..
not to say them , me myself is also confuse bout the things that i do and say .
so overall , i guess i'm the ostrich so different from the rest ..
any way if you are blur of what im saying cause a ostrich pop out ..
i'm telling you why ..
few days ago i watched [ S POP ] that channel U siao show .
i watch it cause there's Stefanie sun !
she shared about lotsa stuffs we didn't know behind the screens ..
and the host together with her singing producer and teachers were all talking about her pattern ..
like what kind of habits she always like to do on the stage and stuffs .
i was like HAHAHA .
the host " quan yi feng " and stefanie was play-ed a personality test with the 3 person .
and heres how the game goes ...
Imagine you just entered a big forest , with all kinds of animals ..
what's the first animal you think you'll see ..
and then you carry on to walk in the forest .
suddenly you heard some noise and you turn to the side ..
you'll see what animal ?
you carry on to walk on and you reached the exit of the forest ..
you looked back , what will be that animal you think you've saw ?
what's the first animal you think you'll see ..
your answer : ________________
and then you carry on to walk in the forest .
suddenly you heard some noise and you turn to the side ..
you'll see what animal ?
your answer : ________________
you carry on to walk on and you reached the exit of the forest ..
you looked back , what will be that animal you think you've saw ?
your answer : ________________
LOL , i try to write you answers down on a peice of paper .
heres the result ..
the first animal you saw is .. how people see you (:
the second animal is .. how you see yourself as .. (:
and the last animal is real self :D
i shared this with my cell group bros and sis ..
their answers were super funny and cute .
i asked even ask them why none of them chose pig as their last animal !
and to tell y'all my answers ..
the first animal i saw was a : Tiger
second animal i saw was a : Ostrich
last animal i saw was a : Cat
LOL ! i see myself as a OSTRICH ?!
and then wth , people see me as a tiger ...
not at all lors ...
i was thinking .. i should have said butterfly ..
haaaaas !
butterfly isn't an animal anyways ..
hahahahas .
my last answe was super bo liao .
i read xia xue's latest entry .
and i saw some funny vid .
she actually tried to cook curry maggie mee adding " hua tian jiu " ( chinese rice wine ) and coconut milk .
mind you , she add them like they're free one ..
gosh . i cant even imagine she ate it .
i bet its a prank . so that she can hear people trying to do it and then " chua sai "
WAHAHAHAS , good one anyway .
but in her latest entry she show us her shopping sprees and stuff at U.S .
i tell you ! i want them all !
especially her juicy couture shoppings !!
Gosh , she's super lucky luhs !
and the stuffs she buy are like super cheap i think .
so attractive !
go and check out her blog luhs .
lol , i'm so super auntie now .
Gosh .
by the way to tell you guys .
i haven't done any chinese new year shopping yet .
thats super sad i tell you .
i gotta go !
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