Five loaves and two fishes - corrine May .
" i often think about that boy when i think i'm small
and i worry that the work i do means nothing at all .
But every single tear i cry . Is a diamond in his hands .
And every door that slams in my face
i will offer up in prayer
So i'll give you every breath i have
Oh Lord , you can work miracles
All you need is my Amen . "
i've made it guys .
finally happy again !
yes .
not saying i was sad ago .
haaaas , but anyway .
yesterday marilyn brought her photo album to school to show us .
and can you imagine ?
we've got 2 whole pages of neo-prints all together .
marilyn and i were very good friends then .
we use to go out everyday after school to take neo-prints at bishan J8 .
lol , i don't know why , but i remember there use to be people who like to create conflicts between us last time .
after that we were never that close again , cause i was badly influence and was mixing with wrong company ,
marilyn and gang in school left me alone and i got even worst then .
thats not the point anyway .
one thing i wanna share is , she is super cute lahs . cause im not the type that will really keep the neo prints and put them nicely in a album .
thats so sweet of her .
i even saw some neoprints i lost in her album ,
she keeps the memory like so save ..
and i share it with mommy .
mommy even still say people like me always fotget stuffs . i will never treasure my precious memories !
): im not lorrs ...
pictures i took over the past few days ...

Fann wong has a super pro pose she like to pose with ...

i can't even reach that .
she got really straight posture .
okays okays .
i can't carry on like this ..
i do save up memory lahs ..
today while mommy ask me to clean up .
i saw this book once again ..
my primary school time hobby ..
using all kinds of super expensive colour pens ..
i use to buy so many , untill mommy was super mad at me of wasting money .
and i think this is the only one left (:
my classmates and i all look ugly in this picture , because that camera man never say 123 !
my past time toy when i was 5 ? 7 ? mommy claim that i know how to steal her cosmetics and play when i was 3 ..
i didn't know i could be so pro ...
i even lost the brushes which let mommy super angry !
she even canned me ..
hahahahas ..
i like the light blue one ...
my ex tuition teacher gave this to me when im .. primary 3 ?
i remember i use to make all the teachers that come to my house leaving with tears .
and i often make my mom so paiseh .
lol ..some were just too afraid to teach me anymore gave excuse like she got chicken pox and stuffs , and never came back . LOL
my favourite albums and singer !
as y'all can see that one in the middle is my favourite album of all .
my sister bought it for me :D
this album i can say yes its better than khalil's one :p
its sylvester sim's from singapore idol . he use to be my favourite idol , bet some of you already forgotten him .
although he got a weird charactor from what i heard from media , i still love his music :D
in this album theres not even a song that i don't like .
Rebecca Tong en's album is also super good .
some of her songs that i listen to in this album had actually healed my broken heart last time .
haaaas ,
and not forgetting my idol now .. khalil :D
tong en and khalil they both made new album. and they're already out .
heees , waiting for "somebody" to buy for me ..
i realised that khalil's music is always about the same lehs ..
haiyo , its okay , i'll still support him .
a FIRST d.i.y bag i made !
i still remember i did it with xuelian .
lol , hers was nicer than mine a million times .
mine is like ....
get it ?
LOL ....
ming hui's christmas present for me !
so sorry , i show this out late .
but any way , i love it .
cause its pink :D
a ) hard shining cross ?
b ) pink blah blah necklace ?
c ) colourful bracelet ?
tadahhhh ~ ( b ) is the correct answer .
and ( a ) is the youngest one .
infact that bracelet was from my primary school puppy love lover .
haaaaaas ! ( -____________-'' )
nail polish are my faves too ~
i threw away alot .
cause some of them were already spoilt and harden inside already ..
gonna get more from the face shop .
this winnie a pooh fan from hui hui .
we bought this just for sports carnival .
the sun was super irritating ..
and thats super lame of me and hui hui .
a present i forgot its from who already ..
think its mommy bahs ?
but i liked this sharpener alot alot !
it was super ex last time .
and little things like this can satisfy me when im young last time .
haaaaas , till now im still using it :p
showing some neo-prints which look super funny ones ..
lol ..
took this with my cousin and judy .
i remember i bought this set of uno cards from my friend last time from my primary school mate .
love hellokitty toooo much !
heeees , they're delicious and cute !
some hello kitties stuffs ..
use to only like to use hellokitty wallets .
like everything bout her .
dont even care if it look super childish .
haaaaas !
the japan one ! :DD
can keep it so well untill this state .
i also like the england one .
but mommy kept it too deep inside the cupboard ..
lol ..
i love this alarm clock lahs !
its so noisy and it can work super well ..
but after much throwing and stuffs , its gone sot sot already .
well , its still chio :D
have been bored at home like siao .
studying studying like .. -__________-''
i need some nice music to entertain me .
and now adays im just so in love with olivia Ong :D
her songs just sooths my ears (:
gosh , i haven't done any still yet .
would somebody accompany me ? T___T
ordered some skinnies and tees from manda .
hope it'll rush in time .
lol .
i don't know why but i just love to wear my school big blouse at home .
i got one super long and big blouse which i don't wear it to school .
haaaaas , anyway . i like to snap pictures with it too .
browse through zhelin's profile in friendster .
and i saw this ...
i didn't think twice ...

haaaaas , super in love with coffee prince .
seriously sometimes i don't understand why people wanna look down on people studying in N.T .
especially those studying or teaching in N.A / EXPRESS / SPECIAL steams one .
we people are the most hard working ones .
you'll seldom heard our names being called out in assembly or any turn up detention classes than the other chao ah lian and bengs wanna be in N.A .
everytime when theres like personal grooming stuffs ,
the first class they purposely look for is my class .
and , so far our class is too good in the first place until the teachers can't spot any , accept for some " buay zi tongs "
1 ) N.A and above classes can wear sports shoes , ankle socks , low belts / loose pants and having dyed colour hair .
which is super fake and bias !
look , you enter with normal black hair .
now with natural red hair ?
how stupid is that ? some even say they swim too much , and the water spoiled their hair...
2 ) we N.T class having the previlege to go on courses and care programme .
whats so wrong with that ??
going on courses can upgrade our skills and care programme really changed alot of my class mate's attitude of studying .
it helped alot .
the school didn't want our grades to pull the school reputation down , you people like to say its anderson !!!
so there for i don't see why you need to be so jealous .
this just shows that these students are just so proud and selfish .
like only they can have all the good things and we N.T students ain't good enough to have them .
look , we are not retarded students !
3 ) i don't see why you people need to be so worked up saying N.T students just can't study .
and all surely will end up in I.T.E .
then says the I.T.E its really the end .
not saying my school mates .
even others till now thinks that I.T.E is so so bad .
whats wrong with them ?!
like as if poly and JCs wont have any black sheeps .
super childish way of thinking .
4 ) teachers thinks that N.T student only knows how to COPY !
man !
i got really very offended when teachers say this .
all they know is looking down on us .
there was one science teacher use to come in with his laptop .
give us work sheets , put up the slide show .
ask us to copy .
never open his mouth to teach .
and once the class copy finish the work , he happily walks off even when the bell haven't even go off yet !
give us work sheets , put up the slide show .
ask us to copy .
never open his mouth to teach .
and once the class copy finish the work , he happily walks off even when the bell haven't even go off yet !
super annoying !
i ask him why he never teach us , he even say this ..
" i teach you all can understand meh ? your class won't listen to me , so why should i teach . i thought all you all know is copy ?! "
i was like , SAI LI KONG KUM !!!!!!
i mean how can he say this too a student even if he think so ???
its so super hurtful , and a super bad bad BAD example !
i was so angry that i walk into the principle office to find kiao ku !
kiao ku is the best .
at least she listens to me :DDD
aight , nuff said .