well , just some photos for the past fer days [:

cause someone is playing bu xiang zhang da by S.H.E .
and ..
with a lil regrets for the thing call courage .
for a dumb thing call fact .
a lil fedup , a lil frustrated .
but ...
with this .
for what i have in my memory .
i was dead lying numb on the bed with vodka that i asked a
bangala to help mebuy from cheers.
an mind you a big bottle (:
it emptied my purse .
the feeing of drinking alone sucks .
and who knows i drank whole bottle .
an real dead drunk .
and hear a voice from a black toy thing call handphone .
it said " tell me why you go drink ?! tell me did you drink alot .
if not im hanging up "
" im at your house downstairs . "
and thats all .
i think that was it .
and i went down ..
no one was there , clock was 2:30 am
and i think something was wrong .
its a lil late , and i went home .
the next morning .
while walking my dog .
i remeber it said " i left something neaby your house "
and it said .. yarr .
wait , it said something .
so here i go with my dog's clever nose .
and guess what .
its RIBENA !
dumb enough its hang some where so far away my house .
that blk D i live at blk B !
and so far behind , saw one white plastic bag with a ribena in
it .
and , i really thought ..
when i took it up .
theres still cold water vapour on it.
tears start flowing down ..
cause , why isnt he there ...
well boy , im sorry .
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