Guess which mrt station platform was I at ..
hur hur ...
kinda woo loo . enjoy guessing :D
A taiwan "Yay" pose !
( best open mouth like that ! * can't see my tiger teeth .. laughs *)
It's mad famous because they say it some how can make you face sharper .
with this camera angle also lah!
Sharp 惨了...............
hahahahah ~
- Sat.
Enjoyed an awesome time in church .
Fellowship with Cg and some choir friends (; (: (:
Were nearly lost at novena with candice ..
hahaha , thank God we manage to find our way :D
Well ,. I still love my street lights :D
We went to this Cozy Ice cream shop near United square call Uddles ?
I can't remember correctly .
From justin's info was .. it's like the moo moo's pink bag below ..
I always call it the cow neh neh in the past .
wahahahahahaha ..
I can laugh .
You can't ! D:
Cand's yummy face :D
We had alcohol ice creams!
I had Lychee Martini :D
There were some funny jokes going around while eating ..
Was fun! :D
- aaron aka lehbit ;x and cand playing some 3 in a row game :D
See this .....
It's the necklace that jandi wore in boys over flowers!!!
cool eh ?
Heard that it's selling hot in online sites .
woooo .
They really know how to make business huh ?
Haha .
Shalynne had this sharing in cgm ytd ..
it goes like this .
Everyone of us in the cg as E369 is important .
We play important roles .
It's like a Rainbow with 7 colors .
Without one , it somehow isn't a rainbow anymore .
And , I like it !
from the youngest to the oldest .
I will not leave this spiritual family that has brought such a great impact in my life.
I'd said this before in the past when i just joined .
and now , i wanna say this again that i will not !
I'm so gonna keep coming to this awesome place until my last breath!
i had this really heartache for a friend .
That I cried ........
you'll not stop coming to church .
I treasure you alot as a sister .
You've taught me alot . alot . alot .
and you'd really been there for me when i was once lost in my way.
You encourage me when I was with tears in the night when i'm all alone .
I don't know what you're facing through .
and that made me felt so bad even when i'm praying to God ..
I don't know what kind of prayers i can pray for you ?
I simply keep you in my prayers , and I really trust God's relationship with you is very strong .
I may not be your closest friend now that you'll share your secrets or problems with .
Maybe you'll see me too young or childish .
But , I'll be there . when you need me .
Be it you need a listening ear ..
or someone to pei you go sing K .
My hp , 24 hours on standby for you !
I know you'll be reading this .
and i'll be looking forward to meet you out again !
:D 大家,加油!!
Xoxo ,
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