Today is his birthday anyway ..
Happy birthday to my dearest ...............
Kim Hyun Joong ~~~ ♥ ♥ ♥

Yes yes yes , he's a plastic doll . whateverzxzxzzzxzxzxzx.
I seriously think people have to change the mind sets of plastic surgery etc .
I mean it's like really okay , to look better under knives or work .
I don't think it's much like a sin or what .
Doing plastic surgery doesn't mean you don't love yourself , or your body .
It's just that you want to look better . that's all isn't it ?
Especially koreans , born with squarish face . what to do ?
Hehehe , Isn't he cute ?
He acted so well in flower four !
yea yea , the meteor garden korean version .
Hahahaha , his role inside the show was over-protecting the main female artist .
Ahhhhhhhhhh ....
I keep his photos in my phone .
Hahahahahaha .
Korean guys are so cute ...
Kay lah , I sound quite bias here ...
Anyways . you guys know , I kinda dislike straight minded person .
I like people with minds that are more flexible .
More accepting in situations .
Like they have their own stands . Not like those that blindly follows the crowd ..
Being wise and knowing what's right and wrong is important ~!
Love my friends , because they're not what I dislike ,.
Maybe a few of them are . But well ,..
Hope for the future .
Ehem , I am not rebellious okay !
Tsk . Tsk . Am I not. , right ?!
I do listen to suggestion and kind reminders .
Okay okay . Back to blog .

Love my smile ?
Okay , I'll smile often .
Don't like it ?
Too bad , I'm still going to smile often .
Not because I have to , But I want to .
Experiencing God personally is real cool .
How to describe it . How to explain ?
I don't know ,.
After praying much with God . and studying of the word .
God began to show me some areas that I've neglected on ..
I was like stunned in the first place ..
Then I asked God to pick out those bad areas .
I felt really sorry for dishonouring my mother
I said things that hurt her feelings etc .
I didn't know i was so so so a bad girl until God reveal to me ..
That I must be a good testimony at home ..
that means .. by the basic is to ..
( hear it a thousands times from pastors , still never absorb .. until now ... sigh )
I have to help her with the house works .
Have to clean my room T_T
Wash my own utensils after meals ..
which I dislike most .. :'(
Then more importantly ,
I must must must not talk back to her .
I must not complain much .
I must be more considerate when she's not .
I must shower her lots of love and XOXOs whenever I can .
So easy to hear , and type out ?
Trying it real life is so so hard .
Shakarabahai .
God won't cheat me . If I can do the basics well , I will be able to do the harder ones .
So no more whining ..
I'll obey ...
:D :D :D
mom , look !
God taught me good .
He loves loves loves me . and he loves loves loves loves you moreeeeeeeeeeee .
Let's believe he'll bring us through in this hard time shall we ?
Hehehe ,
* hopes my mom reads this . She'll be so so so happy *
* My legs are aching from the long run .. jumping when serving in choir was so harddddd . ~*
pain pain ... D:
anyway , ending here with ....
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