It's Gerald during water baptism guys !

hahahaha .
The person behind him looked so funny ~~
Nyahahas ,
Gerald , actually I went to spy on you to snap this picture you know ?
Lol ~
Kay lah , It's kop-ed from the church's website .
): no fun .
Anyway , Congrats !!!
Now adays have been helping out in POD.
Life has been much fun .
Finally I've decided what school and what cert I want .
And now , waiting to sign contract . etc .
A comma , FINALLY .
well ..
Comma is still a comma .
Because , I haven't done a full stop yet .
And I'm starting a new paragraph .
People around me are affirming me alot these days .
I feel very loved .
At the same time quite stress from my relatives .
I know they meant well from a start to care and give concern about me .
And they want the best for me .
But some how , I don't really like it .
Encouragements and trust were the least things I expected from my family .
But sadly to say ,
It will never happen in my family even if one of them is a christian or whatever .
In this kind of family , all negative remarks , and gossiping ..
How did I even came over to maintain positive thoughts to my mind until now .
I still wonder .
So many times I feel so lousy from them . My loved ones .
But still I choose to stand firm on my feet and carry on to live on ?
I don't know . Other than my believes .
Past scenes and memories will show me , even though I whine alot..
You wanted to commit suicide and die so many times in the past .
And now you're here standing , Why not live on when you've come this far ?
Thus , I've learned my lesson .
To not expect much from anyone . Give more , Take ? Bonus lor .
Yeah , don't Take their nonsense . seriously (:
还以为自己不能呼吸, 原来只是没有打开窗口而已。。
Xoxo ,
Cherlyn .
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