Anyways , I've been singing this song wherever I go .
It's like so catchy ..
And I love it .
The song is by Sun . Quite old already ..
But still ~~
I love this songgggggggggggg .
I tried looking for it's lyrics . to find out that no one online actually uploaded it .
WHY man ?
So i listened to the song and type out the lyrics myself .
It's correct ! hoho .
起点 - 何耀珊
它记得你的声音我的手它仍记得你浅浅指印生命中好多是排列的次序原来都是一种洗礼 让我学会珍惜自己
事过境迁 试过多年 无论用什么方式,
或任何语言也都形容不了, 记忆里的脸
不是眷恋, 不是亏欠我明白你要的怀念
是我勇敢把每一天当作起点Todayyyyyyy,Went to jinhan's grandmother's wake today at clementi with candice .
We hang around there chatting with him , eating peanuts and drinking packet drinks .
Candice was so full after that . hahahaha .
Candice and I then took train down to pioneer station and we took bus to church .
It's was so fast .
Learned a faster way to go church already . super happy .
Had dinner with some choir buddies .
Was fun . except for that moment of "passing pork organs "
I nearly vomit seriously .
hahahaha . J.k
Choir practice was cool .
Had clearer understanding of the lesson this time .
Thank God .
Singing parts with reading of the 1234567 is way easier to learn lor .
Love it .
Now , without recording also can remember and practice :D
Just need to remember the beats etc .
heees :D
Came home with Celine .
she stay at red line one .She more li hai lah .Taught me how to walk from church to pioneer station .Aiseh , saved a dollar for me . no need to take bus .It's quite near though .I'm so happy today .I can't believe it .I did not sigh today .Never leh .Eh , Not bad .Mommy actually talked to me about my studies today .That I will not be studying this year .Because , my family can't afford for me to study .I'm not very shocked or surprised .Neither do I feel my mother is more biased etc towards my sister .My thoughts towards all these had turned more positive after I pray against it .I keep this in my mind that .Money is dead , but human is alive .So don't live for money .Being the youngest in a family , sometimes benefits too .We get the old stuff from our seniors .But we also learned , Not to follow their silly mistakes or footsteps :DI look down on people who can't work for themselves when they're already old enough to.And treats their parents like ATM .I know people will ask why I'm not feeling frustrated etc after everything .If you read my previous post , you will know I was finding schools and putting alot of effort in researching etc .Actually I'm about to start school in few days time .But , well ..I accepted my family situation .And by giving up this' year chance , does not mean I'll be left out by the society.I believe in myself and I believe in God .God will take good care of my family and myself .I will be the head and not the tail wherever I go .For now , I need to find a job .So where should I go ?Hmmmmm ..Surely not some where with managers throwing scissors around :)Xoxo,Cherlyn ; craving for mos burger's milk tea ~~