I'm going for aye hair cut soooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.
Rarrrr ,
Fringe is super freaking long .
I know what's hsiao yan's reaction will be like when I say I wanna cut my hair .
hahahaha .
She will be damn afraid of me do stupid hair styles ..
And will insist to go along with me to the salon.
Times like this .. I can only recall.. Repeating the same faces she'll show .
And the same recording when I use to record it in my phone .
Listening her say the same short recording of only 2 mins .
miss her !!!!!!!!!!
yeah , anyway , I'm going for a hair cut .
but that hair will only look nice with straight hair .
my hair are like not very straight , with a bit curly waves .
I like it , but I wanna change . Especially the hair colour !
I'm like confuse in a way to , Cause i personally like the way my hair is now .
Oh oh ! I'm Removing my pink hair extension already.
cause it's like abit tangled inside . super Gao Wei....
blah !
Yukiko my stylist will help me !
So no more troubles .
Mommy kept asking of my job and school .
It's very annoying .
Cause I've to keep repeating the same stuffs over and over again .
For the WHOLE DAY .
She'll go ..
( translated for you guys . she speaks mandarine )
Mommy : Mei ah .. when are you getting your pay huh ?
Me : Jan 3rd .
Mommy : When huh ? Why huh ? ( she like already know long ago )
Me : I thought I told you before that I got fired by my manager already ?
Mommy : Then when you getting your pay huh ?
Me : JANUARY 3RD !!!!!!!!!!!!
Mommy : I heard you lah .. Need to shout huh ...
Me : keep telling you . you never remember one leh ..
Mommy : Then your school chose already anot ?
Me : Yeah , Chose already . Now waiting for the result lor .
Mommy : Huh .. Then when start school ?
Me : Must see the school accept anot first ..
Mommy : Then which school huh ??
Me : Thinking of balestier ITE .
Mommy : when start school?
Me : ................
Me : *stares at her with fire in the eye*
Mommy : walk off -
few minutes later ....
Mommy : Go pack your room .. your this your that uh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
and the nagging goes ...
I know she cares about what I'm going through .
But seriously speaking ..
It's very irritating .
new year is around the corner ..
DA SHAO CHU is coming also .
Not interested to take ang bao this year.
Don't even feel like visiting relatives .
Well , hope for the future ..
Twins ~
Listening to this song , reminds me of lotsa old times man ...