Cherlyn is leading a new new new new life with a new heart.
God refreshes and reformat my heart whenever it lags or kennah evil viruses.
not by Norton Anti-Virus , but by his blood that wash us free from unrighteousness . Amen
deliverance was awesome from friday-Sat.
Shalynne thought us about Dealing with Emotional wounds & inner vows.
as she preach the word , as she state the examples..
it reminded alot of my past that haunts me.
but deed inside my heart i was telling myself ,
cherlyn , everything was over , i'm free already. i should not put myself into it back and start moaning about it.
i just started to pray over for myself and lift everything that was passing my mind to God.
i see God began to grab those past and people in his hand and destroy them in front of me.
and He embrace me with both of his warm arms.
i felt safe and calm in his arms , he started to heal my broken heart.
and start restoring me all over again.
and his whisper..
" My daughter, you're not a mistake..
the world may seem its so forgetful and wide ..
and you might think that you're just a small character in your family , school and church..
but donnot forsake me! As i am the creator of everything that you see.
there shall be no doubts that you have against Me..
don't feel tired and dry in this race my dear,
i'm always here for you.
you may meet difficulties in the things you're called to do, but behold , and know who had asked you to do it.
from today onwards i shall recharge you with greater faith to do greater things..
know very well in those talents that i have planted in you.
use them wisely and you shall prosper like never before in everything you need in life."
man , i was so touched and kept on singing in the spirit..
amen amen..
during deliverance..
didn't struggle really much.
manage to control myself well and can feel that the holy spirit inside me working.
it's like i turned on the cleansing function of holy spirit inside my body.
and as i command the filthy rebellions spirit inside me to get out.
it left and i carry on speaking in tongues .
i felt so much strengthened inside my heart.
had a super sweet dream :D
i feel myself stronger .
grown so much with God.
1 year .
can say short but it's simply exciting and adventurous .
i want to continue this relationship i have with God till my last breath.
til i see all my friends in church with me.
till i get as many fruitful souls saved in Christ.
coming back to my blog.
Shalynne's birthday is coming ..
and we celebrated shalynne's birthday on fri too.
had a great time and manage to give her a big big surprise.
heees , love ya sha !!
shalynne is my beloved cell group leader.
my friend , my sister , and my mentor.
a friend that encourage and support me when i'm in need.
a sister that love me and shares my burdens.
a mentor that corrects me and train me to be a better child of God.
she see before all my silly acts , my rebeliousness , my cute-ness , ah lian-ness , chor lor-ness ..
man , she's really play a big part in my life.
wanna thank her for the patience she had for me.
her endurance , care , love and unfailing concern .
thank you shalynne !!
you're so so so awesome !!!
hoooorayyy :DD
a video of how philipino celebrates GOOD FRIDAY......
i was shocked when i watch it .
find it rather weird .
i will not encourage them and i don't think it's a right thing to do..?
but anyway .
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