Was asking mommy today when can she accompany me down to do my skin injection at red bricks clinic .
and ..
mommy broke a sad news to me ..
My skin doctor that have took care of me and my family for 10 over years had recently passed away ..
man , why good people always die so early huh ?
So now who's gonna help me with my injections , and hoax me with fruit candy after every that?
))))))))): Rest in peace , 帅哥医生~~
dinos , sun , clouds , flowers , trees , boats , red planes , cars and roads .Yeah , thats about it . I wanna travel . A lonely one by myself . Maybe with my lovely ones .Damn it , So much .Gah , what amma talkin' about ?Shitty minds . brain disorder .And outta sudden ,I felt like blogging so much !Man ,Can't stop my mind from thinking about blogging , even though I have nothing to blog about .How funny can this feeling be .Okay ., Anyways .I haven't intro you guys my new best friend .
Bogei AKA Domokun !He is BOGEI ( toothless ) okay .?Those sharp sharp stuffs in his mouth are just stickers actually .Tried cheating you guys lor !But he failed obviously , and I'm so lame actually .So he is bogei ! and I love him ! Lols ............Ps : he sleeps with me =xAt least , he keeps quiet in the night and listen to all my rubbish naggings and complains .Never stop smiling .And he looks like he agrees with me all the time !How childish .But , sometimes , people just need someone like .. *****::::::::::
::::::::::::Say the magical three words ~
BOGEI !hahahahahaha ~
- 自high-ing - Xoxo ,Cherlyn