heeheees :D
here tuhh uploadd blogg lerhhs ..
Hmmmms - *
tOdae went tuh city hall wiithh my mommy anndd siis ..
duhs ~
boredds boredds ..> <
coshhx ..
mommy at first ddont let mieex buy cosmetics !
oh my ..
ii want cosmetics !!
grr ..
ii was like ..
so sadd diaos laas ..
whhen shhe sae shhe iishhx nnot ggonna buy anny cosmetics ..
shhe sae ii ggot alot !
but ..
ii really need more lOrhs ..
ddhenn ii was like at thhere gguaa lii guaa jiaoo ..
calliingg alot of ppl tuh tell thhem ..
mom iishhx nasty ! ..
shhe dont want let mieex buy cosmetics ..
ddhe ii keep giviingg attitude ! ..
haahaaas xD
untill shhe cant stanndd iit liaoos ..
dhhe shhe sae ..
okaes laa ..
whhaad cosmetics yoos want later we see laaas .
nnow eat your food !
haahaaas XDD
ii was like ..
yea !!
haahaaas ^^
ggort cosmetics lehs ..
ddhen ii wantedd tuhh buy dhhe glimmer eye shadow derhhs ..
its like glitter jel liddat derhhs ..
can last vehh long ..
plus !
vehh nice !! ^^
ddhen cant findd it ..
dhhen ii bought a glimmer eye shadown stickk ..
hmmms ..
dhhat jel derhhs can get from guardian baaas .
:DD heeheees '
- bought loadds of nnew tees ..
anndd shhoes ..
haahaaas XDD
happiieex happiieex !!
^^ nnow can happieex happieex ggo for christmas lerhs ..
but ii havent buy my nnew school shoes anndd bagg ..
loadds tuhh prepare for school reopen ..
' -uhhhs /:
ink eye linners are quite nice ..
but ii need tuh [[- practice - ]] more on it luhs ..
haahaaas ' xD
dhhen hadd dinner at -[[ thai express ]]-*
uhhs ://
ii prefer bishan's outlet baas ..
:p didnt quite like dhhe food todae we've been eatiingg ..
i'm nnot chhoosiieex laas ..
% = hmmmms ://
oh yaaas ,,
todae todae ..
whhile we were shoppiingg ..
ii met thhiishhx shhop ..
selliinqq loadds of jewels derhhs ..
ddhere qqort loads nice cut pendants ..
dhhen saw one blackk robot derhh pendant ..
vehh cute ..
dhhen its like ..
dhhe person wanna shhow it to mieex ..
dhhen out of a sudden ..
dhhe robot's body dropped all dhhe wae ddown to dhhe floor ..
left its headd on dhhe sales girl's hanndd ..
ii was like ..
'' shockked ! ''
is it dead ??
omg ..
haahaaas :DD
ddhenn saw othhers too luhs ..
didnt briingg dhhe robot home ..
coshhx mommy sae its to fragile ..
haahaas xDD
so neber luhhs ..
lookiing fer dhhat type derhhs robot ear studds ..
vehh cute ..
dhhen wanna buy dhhe bagg luhs ..
saw iit at hougang mall ..
vehh nice ..
whhite colour derhhs .. *
awww --
tsk ..
liddat will dieeex aarhs ..
spenddinng anndd spenndiingg ..~
grrr ..
' haahaaas XDD
wanted to buy a miickkey mouse polp tee ..
can wear ferhh soonk*s ]]
budden ..
only left wiithh xs andd s ..
whhaad dhhe ..
vehh angry luhs ..
haahaaas :DD
but qqort cosmetics cann lerh laas ..
othhers ..
uhhs ..
othher tiime baaas ~
[! . !] " tiiredd tiiredd `
sleeeep tiime lerhh baaas .
heeheees ^^
-/ take care guys ;
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
hmmms ..
bored boredd ~
ddhats whhy comee hhere update blogg maas ..
Aiiyoos .
brandon's phhone kennahhs cut awae lerhs .
cannt contact hhiim luhs ..
haahaaas .^^
dden tOdaee iintro heeran tuhh deepa .
heehees :D
so sweet nehs ..
dOnnoe ddey all nnow hhow lerhh worhhs .
anndd yesterdae was FIONA'S birthdae !!
nnow dden remembber nehs .
happy birthdae zhha bbor !
heeheees xD
shhe my seniour luhs `
hhope yoos anndd youur gaoo cann last jiuu jiuu ohs ! ~
mom's tomorrow off worhs .
cann ggo out wiithh hher lerhs ..
bbut see till dhhat biitchh face oso siannnns ___
aiishhhx ..
wonder tomorrow whhere deyy ggoiingg lehs ..
- raiin raiin raiin '
raiiniingg nnon stop thhiishhx few daes nehs ..
'- ' freeziingg coldd ..
everydae hhide iin my blankky iin my room ..
ddhen ..
mieex oso dyiinngg soon lerhs ..
haben pay my bill ..
spendiinnqq too muchhs earlier ..
oooooops ..
ii nnoe scariinggg all yoos ppl ..
coshhx ..
miieex nnow nno money lerhs ..
omg ..
whhaad shhouldd ii ddo worhs ?!
grrrrrr ..
must gget money ..
maebe thhiishhx few daes ggo help mom ddhen askk hher pay my bbill first baas .
Hmmmmms ://
iif nnot hhow nnerhs ..
anyone a better idea ..?
): ii miishhhx someone badly !...
wonder hhow iishhx hhe nnow ... (! .+l)/
ii really miishhx hhim luhs ..
aiishhx ..
cf ..
shhhhhhhhhhx aarhs !
holy cow ..
shhe nnoes it agaiin ~
[[ shhamee *- ]]
ehhhems ..
ii thhiinkk anndd ii nnoe ii shhouldd nnoe so muchhs derhhs !
so ii mus'nt !
okaes okaes .
lights off ! ~
shhhhhhhhx .
good nite [[x
bored boredd ~
ddhats whhy comee hhere update blogg maas ..
Aiiyoos .
brandon's phhone kennahhs cut awae lerhs .
cannt contact hhiim luhs ..
haahaaas .^^
dden tOdaee iintro heeran tuhh deepa .
heehees :D
so sweet nehs ..
dOnnoe ddey all nnow hhow lerhh worhhs .
anndd yesterdae was FIONA'S birthdae !!
nnow dden remembber nehs .
happy birthdae zhha bbor !
heeheees xD
shhe my seniour luhs `
hhope yoos anndd youur gaoo cann last jiuu jiuu ohs ! ~
mom's tomorrow off worhs .
cann ggo out wiithh hher lerhs ..
bbut see till dhhat biitchh face oso siannnns ___
aiishhhx ..
wonder tomorrow whhere deyy ggoiingg lehs ..
- raiin raiin raiin '
raiiniingg nnon stop thhiishhx few daes nehs ..
'- ' freeziingg coldd ..
everydae hhide iin my blankky iin my room ..
ddhen ..
mieex oso dyiinngg soon lerhs ..
haben pay my bill ..
spendiinnqq too muchhs earlier ..
oooooops ..
ii nnoe scariinggg all yoos ppl ..
coshhx ..
miieex nnow nno money lerhs ..
omg ..
whhaad shhouldd ii ddo worhs ?!
grrrrrr ..
must gget money ..
maebe thhiishhx few daes ggo help mom ddhen askk hher pay my bbill first baas .
Hmmmmms ://
iif nnot hhow nnerhs ..
anyone a better idea ..?
): ii miishhhx someone badly !...
wonder hhow iishhx hhe nnow ... (! .+l)/
ii really miishhx hhim luhs ..
aiishhx ..
cf ..
shhhhhhhhhhx aarhs !
holy cow ..
shhe nnoes it agaiin ~
[[ shhamee *- ]]
ehhhems ..
ii thhiinkk anndd ii nnoe ii shhouldd nnoe so muchhs derhhs !
so ii mus'nt !
okaes okaes .
lights off ! ~
shhhhhhhhx .
good nite [[x
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
hhmmms //:
haahaaaas xD
nthh muchhs tuh sae ..
haahaaas .
viissiitedd dhhe comedy site ..
anndd ddenn saw those vehh funny jokes !
lOlx ..
saw some vehh rasist deRhs ..
oso vehhs funny ..
buit decided nnot tuhh post thhem luhs ..
haahaaas .
uhhhms ,,
bought a nnew riinggq wiithh liyiinggq ..
quiite nniicee deRhs ..
diamondds riibon deRhs XDD
hheeeeehes :D
nno more ddhat sort laas ..
bleahhs .
ddhen ..
just nnow walk kinno ..
ddenn met dhhe madd women's ddog agaiin ..
walkk her dog wiithhout a leaddge ..
uhhms ..
dOnnoe hhow tuhh spell thhat wordd luhhs ..
whhaaad ever ..
shhe let hher dogg any hhow walkk ..
anndd hher dog ..
iishhx so fat ..
fat till like one fat cat !
thhats nnot all ..
hher fat ddog bites !
nnopes .. nnot fat ddog ..!
ii thhiinkk madd dog !
ehhemms ..
eeyyyeeerr ..
ii thhiinnkk ggot thhat type of owner thhen will hhave ddhat type of ddog luhs ..!
haaahaaaaas XDD
ddhen came homee ..
washh kinno's leg ..
dden sat ddown anndd start updatiinggq luhs ~
^ ^ heeheees :DD
tmr iishhx thursdae ..
wonder whhere to ggo nnerhs ..
anndd ii've decided !
decided nnot to lendd annyy of my stuffs to myy siis any more !
ii mean ..
nnnever ggonna !
eeeeeeks .
shhe's so damn sellfiishhx anndd shhe iishhx so iirrespondsible !
yuckks ..
ii just detest everythiinggq bbout hher leRhs ..
hate every farkker like hher !
eewwwwwww !
jesus jesus ~ only ..
all shhe nnoes iishhx only hher 'holy fathher jesus ' leiis ..
dont have hher own wordds tuhh sae wanns ..
all god ..
everythhiinggq ggoes tuhh godd laas hORhs ..
eeeeeee .
ii just hate dhhe wae shhe saes about hher holy god laas .
ii just detest city harvest church dhhe people ..
nnopes ..
all FREAKS .
grr .
spoilers !
ii hate ddhem !
haahaaaas xD
nthh muchhs tuh sae ..
haahaaas .
viissiitedd dhhe comedy site ..
anndd ddenn saw those vehh funny jokes !
lOlx ..
saw some vehh rasist deRhs ..
oso vehhs funny ..
buit decided nnot tuhh post thhem luhs ..
haahaaas .
uhhhms ,,
bought a nnew riinggq wiithh liyiinggq ..
quiite nniicee deRhs ..
diamondds riibon deRhs XDD
hheeeeehes :D
nno more ddhat sort laas ..
bleahhs .
ddhen ..
just nnow walk kinno ..
ddenn met dhhe madd women's ddog agaiin ..
walkk her dog wiithhout a leaddge ..
uhhms ..
dOnnoe hhow tuhh spell thhat wordd luhhs ..
whhaaad ever ..
shhe let hher dogg any hhow walkk ..
anndd hher dog ..
iishhx so fat ..
fat till like one fat cat !
thhats nnot all ..
hher fat ddog bites !
nnopes .. nnot fat ddog ..!
ii thhiinkk madd dog !
ehhemms ..
eeyyyeeerr ..
ii thhiinnkk ggot thhat type of owner thhen will hhave ddhat type of ddog luhs ..!
haaahaaaaas XDD
ddhen came homee ..
washh kinno's leg ..
dden sat ddown anndd start updatiinggq luhs ~
^ ^ heeheees :DD
tmr iishhx thursdae ..
wonder whhere to ggo nnerhs ..
anndd ii've decided !
decided nnot to lendd annyy of my stuffs to myy siis any more !
ii mean ..
nnnever ggonna !
eeeeeeks .
shhe's so damn sellfiishhx anndd shhe iishhx so iirrespondsible !
yuckks ..
ii just detest everythiinggq bbout hher leRhs ..
hate every farkker like hher !
eewwwwwww !
jesus jesus ~ only ..
all shhe nnoes iishhx only hher 'holy fathher jesus ' leiis ..
dont have hher own wordds tuhh sae wanns ..
all god ..
everythhiinggq ggoes tuhh godd laas hORhs ..
eeeeeee .
ii just hate dhhe wae shhe saes about hher holy god laas .
ii just detest city harvest church dhhe people ..
nnopes ..
all FREAKS .
grr .
spoilers !
ii hate ddhem !
XDD `[[- JOKE OF THE DAY ! - ]] haahaaaas :D
[[ - Shirts Off - ]] * XDD
A woman sat on a plane heading for New York, when the pilot annouces that because of difficulties with the plane's engines, he must make an emergency landing. The woman, fearing that this may be the end of her life looks over to a man sitting next to her and rips her shirt and bra off, and throws herself on him. "Make me feel like a woman again!" she screamed. So the man rips his shirt off and hands it to her. "Here you go, you crazy bitch, iron this."
haahaaas xD funny ehs ?
ii mean ..
heeheees .
its funny laas >.
hmmmms ..
one more ~
[[- Don't Kick the Animals, Man -]] * XDD
A boy awoke and wanted breakfast so he told his mother. She said, "Not until you feed the animals."
The boy went outside and said to the chicken, "I don't feel like feeding you today." So he kicked the chicken. He did the same with the cow and the pig. The boy then went back into the house and told his mother he was hungry. His mother said, "I saw you kick the chicken so you're not getting any eggs, I saw you kick the cow so you're not getting any milk and I saw kick the pig so you're not getting any bacon."
Just then the boy's father walked down the steps and tripped over and kicked the cat and the boy said, "Mom should I tell him?"
haahaas .
one more one more ~ ^^
x _ [[ - Dubya, Cheney & Jumbo - ]] * _x
George Bush and his accomplice Dick Cheney were riding on an elephant. A group of bystanders were watching intently. All of a sudden someone in the croud shouted, "Hey look that elephant has two assholes on it!"
Bush and Cheney looked down at the elephants ass, confused.
haahaaas !!
yoos gget dhhe joke ?!
wahaaaas~ XDD
heres another one ! ~
[[ - Defense Lawyer's Good News - ]] ^^ haahaaas XDD
"I have good news and bad news," the defense lawyer says to his client.
"What's the bad news?"
The lawyer says, "Your blood matches the DNA found at the murder scene."
"Dammit!" cries the client. "What's the good news?"
"Well," the lawyer says, "Your cholesterol is down to 140."
haahaaaas :DD
lOlx .
its funny laas ~
c'mon .
claap claap handds laa !
thhannk yoos ..
but lets ggo to dhe next joke ..
heh heh heh .
[[ - Hot Enough For You? - ]] * :DD
After dying a grisly death in an Afghan cave, Osama made his way to the pearly gates.
There, he was greeted by George Washington.
"How dare you attack the nation I helped conceive!" yelled Washington, slapping Osama in the face.
Patrick Henry came up from behind. "You wanted to end America's liberty, so they gave you death!" Henry punched Osama in the nose.
James Madison came next, and said, "This is why I allowed the government provide for the common defense!" He took a sledge hammer and whacked Osama's knees.
Osama was subjected to similar beatings from John Randolph, James Monroe, and 65 other people who had the same love for liberty and America. As he writhed on the ground, Thomas Jefferson hurled him back toward the gate where he was to be judged.
As Osama awaited his journey to his final very hot destination, he screamed, "This is not what I was promised!"
An angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you. What did you think I said?"
okaes okaes XDD
last last joke for dhhe dae aight !
c'mon ..
i'm entertaiiniinggq yoos lehs !
weiis ..
wake up !
haahaaaas !
[[ - M&M's - ]] * xD
An old man and a young man work together in an office. The old man always has a jar of peanuts on his desk, and the young man really loves peanuts.
One day, while the old man is away from his desk, the young man yields to temptation and scarfs down over half of the contents of the jar. When the old man returns, the young man feels guilty and confesses to his crime.
"Don't worry, son. I never eat the peanuts anyway," the old man replies. "Since I lost my teeth, all I can do is gum chocolate off the M&M's."
wahhahahahas ~
dhhats all frOm mieex tOdae .
:D thhankks ferhh readiinggq .
heeheeees xD
A woman sat on a plane heading for New York, when the pilot annouces that because of difficulties with the plane's engines, he must make an emergency landing. The woman, fearing that this may be the end of her life looks over to a man sitting next to her and rips her shirt and bra off, and throws herself on him. "Make me feel like a woman again!" she screamed. So the man rips his shirt off and hands it to her. "Here you go, you crazy bitch, iron this."
haahaaas xD funny ehs ?
ii mean ..
heeheees .
its funny laas >.
hmmmms ..
one more ~
[[- Don't Kick the Animals, Man -]] * XDD
A boy awoke and wanted breakfast so he told his mother. She said, "Not until you feed the animals."
The boy went outside and said to the chicken, "I don't feel like feeding you today." So he kicked the chicken. He did the same with the cow and the pig. The boy then went back into the house and told his mother he was hungry. His mother said, "I saw you kick the chicken so you're not getting any eggs, I saw you kick the cow so you're not getting any milk and I saw kick the pig so you're not getting any bacon."
Just then the boy's father walked down the steps and tripped over and kicked the cat and the boy said, "Mom should I tell him?"
haahaas .
one more one more ~ ^^
x _ [[ - Dubya, Cheney & Jumbo - ]] * _x
George Bush and his accomplice Dick Cheney were riding on an elephant. A group of bystanders were watching intently. All of a sudden someone in the croud shouted, "Hey look that elephant has two assholes on it!"
Bush and Cheney looked down at the elephants ass, confused.
haahaaas !!
yoos gget dhhe joke ?!
wahaaaas~ XDD
heres another one ! ~
[[ - Defense Lawyer's Good News - ]] ^^ haahaaas XDD
"I have good news and bad news," the defense lawyer says to his client.
"What's the bad news?"
The lawyer says, "Your blood matches the DNA found at the murder scene."
"Dammit!" cries the client. "What's the good news?"
"Well," the lawyer says, "Your cholesterol is down to 140."
haahaaaas :DD
lOlx .
its funny laas ~
c'mon .
claap claap handds laa !
thhannk yoos ..
but lets ggo to dhe next joke ..
heh heh heh .
[[ - Hot Enough For You? - ]] * :DD
After dying a grisly death in an Afghan cave, Osama made his way to the pearly gates.
There, he was greeted by George Washington.
"How dare you attack the nation I helped conceive!" yelled Washington, slapping Osama in the face.
Patrick Henry came up from behind. "You wanted to end America's liberty, so they gave you death!" Henry punched Osama in the nose.
James Madison came next, and said, "This is why I allowed the government provide for the common defense!" He took a sledge hammer and whacked Osama's knees.
Osama was subjected to similar beatings from John Randolph, James Monroe, and 65 other people who had the same love for liberty and America. As he writhed on the ground, Thomas Jefferson hurled him back toward the gate where he was to be judged.
As Osama awaited his journey to his final very hot destination, he screamed, "This is not what I was promised!"
An angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you. What did you think I said?"
okaes okaes XDD
last last joke for dhhe dae aight !
c'mon ..
i'm entertaiiniinggq yoos lehs !
weiis ..
wake up !
haahaaaas !
[[ - M&M's - ]] * xD
An old man and a young man work together in an office. The old man always has a jar of peanuts on his desk, and the young man really loves peanuts.
One day, while the old man is away from his desk, the young man yields to temptation and scarfs down over half of the contents of the jar. When the old man returns, the young man feels guilty and confesses to his crime.
"Don't worry, son. I never eat the peanuts anyway," the old man replies. "Since I lost my teeth, all I can do is gum chocolate off the M&M's."
wahhahahahas ~
dhhats all frOm mieex tOdae .
:D thhankks ferhh readiinggq .
heeheeees xD
Monday, December 18, 2006
; [[ - hmmmms /: - ]] *
haiishhhhx ..
vehhs sadd nnorhs .
he sae ...
dOts .
fORget iit lORHs .
treat mieex likee whhadd ??
tOOppiidds or whhadd laaRHs ??
vehh angry aarhs ~
!! " / now adaes ..
[ raiinniing heavilly wORHs ] "
ppl must driinkk moree water anndd at nite must cover blannkket !! *
^^ liddat dden wont fall siickk easiily maarhs ~
:D smokers : smoke lessless leRHs aarhs !!
haahaaas XDD see dOnt bbe like mieex ..
siickk siickk everydaee wORHs .!! > < "
heeheees :D
ytd chhat wiithh tiictactoee # anndd slashh slashh //
haahaaas .
vehhs funn xD
[[x ii miishhx naaniinnggq wORHs !!
vehhs angry wiithhh naaniinggq ! `
coshhx naaniinggq sae wanna divorce ! .
haahaaas !!
XDD tOOpiidds naaniiggq luhs ~
owaes rubbiishhx wiithh hiis milkk milkk ~
^^ he's a idiot !
kaes laaRHs ..
ii vehhs dote muaaiix naaniinggq deRHs okaes ?!
muaiix baobeiix laii deRHs !!
haahaaas .
aiiyooos " myy eye vehhs paiinn ~~
ohs yaaRHs ..
ytd ii neber ggo anywhere wORHs ..
vehhs good girl <33>
((: buyiinggq nnew eye linners leRHs ..
cherlyn will bbe backk ~
muaahahas ` *
haiishhhhx ..
vehhs sadd nnorhs .
he sae ...
dOts .
fORget iit lORHs .
treat mieex likee whhadd ??
tOOppiidds or whhadd laaRHs ??
vehh angry aarhs ~
!! " / now adaes ..
[ raiinniing heavilly wORHs ] "
ppl must driinkk moree water anndd at nite must cover blannkket !! *
^^ liddat dden wont fall siickk easiily maarhs ~
:D smokers : smoke lessless leRHs aarhs !!
haahaaas XDD see dOnt bbe like mieex ..
siickk siickk everydaee wORHs .!! > < "
heeheees :D
ytd chhat wiithh tiictactoee # anndd slashh slashh //
haahaaas .
vehhs funn xD
[[x ii miishhx naaniinnggq wORHs !!
vehhs angry wiithhh naaniinggq ! `
coshhx naaniinggq sae wanna divorce ! .
haahaaas !!
XDD tOOpiidds naaniiggq luhs ~
owaes rubbiishhx wiithh hiis milkk milkk ~
^^ he's a idiot !
kaes laaRHs ..
ii vehhs dote muaaiix naaniinggq deRHs okaes ?!
muaiix baobeiix laii deRHs !!
haahaaas .
aiiyooos " myy eye vehhs paiinn ~~
ohs yaaRHs ..
ytd ii neber ggo anywhere wORHs ..
vehhs good girl <33>
((: buyiinggq nnew eye linners leRHs ..
cherlyn will bbe backk ~
muaahahas ` *
hmmms .
decided ..
made my mine leRhs ..
ii need to giive hhim up leRhs .
although ..
ii love hhim loadds loadds ..
but ii thhiinkk ..
we ggort nno chance to bbe tOgether leRhs .
zaii yii qii ye bbu huii xiin fu wans ..
hmms .
ytd ..
hiis name hhiis face anndd hhis everythiingg kept floodinggq through iin my mindd ..
anndd ..
ii really miss him .
every momments ii spent withh him ..
its like ..
ytd ..
cryiied like hell ..
ii dOnt waanted to give him up ..
waanted tO waiit ferhh hiim ..
but ,
mieex anndd he iishhx like two different worldd deRhs peeps ..
although ii can quite nnoe hiim ..
but its like ..
ii nnoe he has nno feel ferhh mieex baahs ..
maebe he has ..
but ii nnoe mieex myself oso wont waans to bbe with hiim deRhs .
anndd he anndd ii prefer nnow this status ..
so let it bbe baahs .
if he've ggot some other girl deRh huaa ..
ii wont give up .
but if dhhe girl can love him more dhhen ii dO deRhs huaa ..
wo ye huii man man li kaii ..
i'll leave him ..
although ii sae i'm gonna give him up ..
but still ..
in my heart ..
ii still love him ..
hhope he'll be happy forever baahs ~
i'm alright leRhs ..
decided ..
made my mine leRhs ..
ii need to giive hhim up leRhs .
although ..
ii love hhim loadds loadds ..
but ii thhiinkk ..
we ggort nno chance to bbe tOgether leRhs .
zaii yii qii ye bbu huii xiin fu wans ..
hmms .
ytd ..
hiis name hhiis face anndd hhis everythiingg kept floodinggq through iin my mindd ..
anndd ..
ii really miss him .
every momments ii spent withh him ..
its like ..
ytd ..
cryiied like hell ..
ii dOnt waanted to give him up ..
waanted tO waiit ferhh hiim ..
but ,
mieex anndd he iishhx like two different worldd deRhs peeps ..
although ii can quite nnoe hiim ..
but its like ..
ii nnoe he has nno feel ferhh mieex baahs ..
maebe he has ..
but ii nnoe mieex myself oso wont waans to bbe with hiim deRhs .
anndd he anndd ii prefer nnow this status ..
so let it bbe baahs .
if he've ggot some other girl deRh huaa ..
ii wont give up .
but if dhhe girl can love him more dhhen ii dO deRhs huaa ..
wo ye huii man man li kaii ..
i'll leave him ..
although ii sae i'm gonna give him up ..
but still ..
in my heart ..
ii still love him ..
hhope he'll be happy forever baahs ~
i'm alright leRhs ..
Saturday, December 16, 2006
hmmmms :
aiishhhx ..
raiinniingg tOdae ..
swap fone wiithh sis ..
hher fone ..
whaadd dhe ..
sot sot deRhs ..
for nthh will low batt ..
dden ..
i was like ..
so damn piissed of withh hher fone ..
ii miishhx myy N73 ..
grr ..
fORget it ..
ii just wanna swap backk !!
haahaaas .
hmms ~
later qqoiingg s'goon leRhs ..
vehh siannns at home ~
hmmms .
haahaaas .
waiting fer daat chweefangq luhhs ..
from jurong come dOwn lehs ..
haahaaas .
must wait awhile more dden nneeed to ggo bathe make up anndd all leRhs ..
heeheees .
Aiiyoos ..
ggot a bbig quarrel wiith hhim ..
tOoppiids ..
ask hhis friend talk tO mieex ..
vehh angry ..
qqii si wo leRhs ..
dOnnoe whhaad hhe wans laarhs ~
grrr .
really tiredd of all thhiishhx `
ddey sae its hell ..
ii call thiishhx life ~
whaad dhe ..
nneeed to get ready ferh school reopen leRhs ..
need to buy loads stuff ..
Aiiyooos .
nnew school bag ..
haahaaas .
gonna get her soon ..
heh heh heh `
kaes laarhs ..
stop here lerhhs `
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <33
aiishhhx ..
raiinniingg tOdae ..
swap fone wiithh sis ..
hher fone ..
whaadd dhe ..
sot sot deRhs ..
for nthh will low batt ..
dden ..
i was like ..
so damn piissed of withh hher fone ..
ii miishhx myy N73 ..
grr ..
fORget it ..
ii just wanna swap backk !!
haahaaas .
hmms ~
later qqoiingg s'goon leRhs ..
vehh siannns at home ~
hmmms .
haahaaas .
waiting fer daat chweefangq luhhs ..
from jurong come dOwn lehs ..
haahaaas .
must wait awhile more dden nneeed to ggo bathe make up anndd all leRhs ..
heeheees .
Aiiyoos ..
ggot a bbig quarrel wiith hhim ..
tOoppiids ..
ask hhis friend talk tO mieex ..
vehh angry ..
qqii si wo leRhs ..
dOnnoe whhaad hhe wans laarhs ~
grrr .
really tiredd of all thhiishhx `
ddey sae its hell ..
ii call thiishhx life ~
whaad dhe ..
nneeed to get ready ferh school reopen leRhs ..
need to buy loads stuff ..
Aiiyooos .
nnew school bag ..
haahaaas .
gonna get her soon ..
heh heh heh `
kaes laarhs ..
stop here lerhhs `
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <33
Friday, December 15, 2006
yea yea ..
heehees :D
here to updatiinngg gaiins .
haahaas ! ~
siis backk from m'sia ferhh a stae .
anndd ..
yea ..
lOlx .
dat star awards paiisehh aarhs ..
recorded wrong channel !
omg .
so sorry .
uhha `
ddey had thhiishhx replay on sunday !
whhiich iishhx tomorrow !
heh heh heh .
still can watchh luhhs ..
heeheeehs .
phew ~
oh yaarhs ..
bathhiinng kinno tOdae !
yarrhs ..
hmmms .
brandon todae bookout .
lol .
too badd needa peii my family ..
nno time ferhh ya ..
muahahahas .
naaniingg ytd pro one .
shout at mieex show mieex attitude hORhs .
nvm ..
shall nnot cORr yoos liaoos .
if ya willing to change ?
hmms .
let mieex consider ..
ii bet yoos wont !
grrrr .
badd egg !
yoos .
forget it .
ytd nite was a vehh coldd nite ..
freeziingg coldd aarhs !
xxXXxx ~
aww .
met tt bitch .
anndd we stared ..
lol .
she wear till like one ..
eeeeeeeeeeeek .
christmas tree ii thhink ?
hmmms ?!
haahaaas XDD
red , green andd yellow ?
uhha ..
make mieex laugh laarhs .
she wear one brown boots .
lOlx ..
nnot to suan hher .
but ii thhiink she just nneed to inprove on hher dress sence .
uhhms .
[[ YEA` ]]
[[- nno one iis perfect -]]
" / whaad ever .~
ii nnoe i'm os nnot good till no where .
haahaaas .
snap it *
okaes okaes .
nno more about hher ..
ii dOnt caree !
i know ! i know !
stop nagging !
i need to bathe kinno nnow ..~
^^ take care ppl <33333
heehees :D
here to updatiinngg gaiins .
haahaas ! ~
siis backk from m'sia ferhh a stae .
anndd ..
yea ..
lOlx .
dat star awards paiisehh aarhs ..
recorded wrong channel !
omg .
so sorry .
uhha `
ddey had thhiishhx replay on sunday !
whhiich iishhx tomorrow !
heh heh heh .
still can watchh luhhs ..
heeheeehs .
phew ~
oh yaarhs ..
bathhiinng kinno tOdae !
yarrhs ..
hmmms .
brandon todae bookout .
lol .
too badd needa peii my family ..
nno time ferhh ya ..
muahahahas .
naaniingg ytd pro one .
shout at mieex show mieex attitude hORhs .
nvm ..
shall nnot cORr yoos liaoos .
if ya willing to change ?
hmms .
let mieex consider ..
ii bet yoos wont !
grrrr .
badd egg !
yoos .
forget it .
ytd nite was a vehh coldd nite ..
freeziingg coldd aarhs !
xxXXxx ~
aww .
met tt bitch .
anndd we stared ..
lol .
she wear till like one ..
eeeeeeeeeeeek .
christmas tree ii thhink ?
hmmms ?!
haahaaas XDD
red , green andd yellow ?
uhha ..
make mieex laugh laarhs .
she wear one brown boots .
lOlx ..
nnot to suan hher .
but ii thhiink she just nneed to inprove on hher dress sence .
uhhms .
[[ YEA` ]]
[[- nno one iis perfect -]]
" / whaad ever .~
ii nnoe i'm os nnot good till no where .
haahaaas .
snap it *
okaes okaes .
nno more about hher ..
ii dOnt caree !
i know ! i know !
stop nagging !
i need to bathe kinno nnow ..~
^^ take care ppl <33333
Thursday, December 14, 2006
ii dOnt wans yoos anndd ii dOnt need yoos .
DOnt bother to risist , i'll beat yoos .
it's nnot your fault that you'rw owaes wrong .
dhe weak ones are there to justify dhe strong .
the beautiful people
its all relative to dhe size of your steeple .
yoos cant see dhe forest forhh dhe trees .
yoos cant smell yourr own shiit on yoour knees .
hey yoos , whadd do yoos see ?
somethiinngg beautiful , somethiingg free ?
hey yoos , aree yoos tryiinng tO bbe mean ?
iif yoos leave with apes man , it's hard tO bbe clean .
theres nno tiime discriimiinate ,
hate every mother fucker .
that's iin yoour waeee .
dhe worms will live in every host .
it's hard tO piickk whhiichh they eat most .
dhe horrible people .
it's as anatomiic as dhe siize of youur steeple .
capiitaliism has madee it thiishhx waee ,
old-fashionedd fascim will takee it awaeee .
heeheees .
niicee baahs ~
haahaaaas :DD
DOnt bother to risist , i'll beat yoos .
it's nnot your fault that you'rw owaes wrong .
dhe weak ones are there to justify dhe strong .
the beautiful people
its all relative to dhe size of your steeple .
yoos cant see dhe forest forhh dhe trees .
yoos cant smell yourr own shiit on yoour knees .
hey yoos , whadd do yoos see ?
somethiinngg beautiful , somethiingg free ?
hey yoos , aree yoos tryiinng tO bbe mean ?
iif yoos leave with apes man , it's hard tO bbe clean .
theres nno tiime discriimiinate ,
hate every mother fucker .
that's iin yoour waeee .
dhe worms will live in every host .
it's hard tO piickk whhiichh they eat most .
dhe horrible people .
it's as anatomiic as dhe siize of youur steeple .
capiitaliism has madee it thiishhx waee ,
old-fashionedd fascim will takee it awaeee .
heeheees .
niicee baahs ~
haahaaaas :DD

out wiith mom .. mom took thiishhx piic ferhh mieex .
soo sweet luhhs `

smile . smile SMILE ! :DD

love redd sofaa . heeheees . i'm dheee weirdooo <33

at home xD love my haiir ..
dats mieex wiith my haiir tiiedd up luhhs ~ >.<
hmmmmms :DD
gone out wiithh mommy ..!
heeeheees .
paiinted my nails tuh green ..
my mom sae mieex sam paad xD
lOlx ..
nnow everyone calls mieex siiaoo chha bORr ..
whadd dhe ..
recently ate dhe rootbeer with butter biscuits andd riicee ..
recently ate dhe rootbeer with butter biscuits andd riicee ..
siickk aaRhs ..~
whaadd dhee ..
nnow still sore throat ..
dden feather told mieex before his younger bro oso liddat lehs ..
dden donnow tio whaad siickness ..
vehh scaryy ..
lol .
she scare mieex luhhs .
dden tmr qqoing bugis ~
buy stuffs ~ XDD
heeheees .
happieeex happieeeex `//*
ddats life ..
happy !
' PEACE is not the absence of WAR . it is a virtue ~ '
heeheees :D
if a man nnoes whaad iis good , let him ddo it agaiin ; happiiness iis dhe outcome of good
( dhammapada v. 118 ) xD
heeheees >.<
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
hmmmmms `
haaahaas .
hadd nnot been updatiinnqq ..~
lOlx .
haahaahas :D
hmms ..
nnow adaes wiith = feather =
haahaas .
she vehh niceeeeeeeeeeeee luhhs .
vehh dotes mieex deRhs !
dden nnow adaes vehhs siickk luhhs ..!
dden thhiishhx mornniinqq fall dOwn siix times on dhar floor !
whadd dhe ..
coshhx nno energy ..
whole bodyy nuaaaa ~
Aiiyoos ..
but nnow better leRhhs .
teeheeheeehs :D
dden saw fabian tOdae ..
he seemed annoyedd when he sae mieex ..
haiishhx ..
oso dOnnoe whadd ii ddo ..
ii feel like he nnow like vehh hate mieex luhs ..
hmmms ..
dOnnoe baahs .
he was mi vehh qqood childhood friiendd ..
dden nnow dOnnoe whyiie liddat liaooos ..
haiishhx ..
quite sadd attually ..
dden oso met papa on dha road ..
finnaly qqort hiis number backk leRhs .. !
coshhx ..
change fOne ..
dden lOst hiis numberr *
Aiiyoos ..
ii miishhx papa deRhs ..
hope hiis fine thiishhx few daes ..
dden mommy nnow treat mieex better leRhs ..
vehh happieex ..
qqort myy payy leRhs ..
bought loadds of christmas presents ..
nnow broke leRhs ` xD
dOts ..
siannnnns aaRhs ..
ii feel likee qoiing swiimiing neiis ..
anyone ?!
heehees :D
haaahaas .
hadd nnot been updatiinnqq ..~
lOlx .
haahaahas :D
hmms ..
nnow adaes wiith = feather =
haahaas .
she vehh niceeeeeeeeeeeee luhhs .
vehh dotes mieex deRhs !
dden nnow adaes vehhs siickk luhhs ..!
dden thhiishhx mornniinqq fall dOwn siix times on dhar floor !
whadd dhe ..
coshhx nno energy ..
whole bodyy nuaaaa ~
Aiiyoos ..
but nnow better leRhhs .
teeheeheeehs :D
dden saw fabian tOdae ..
he seemed annoyedd when he sae mieex ..
haiishhx ..
oso dOnnoe whadd ii ddo ..
ii feel like he nnow like vehh hate mieex luhs ..
hmmms ..
dOnnoe baahs .
he was mi vehh qqood childhood friiendd ..
dden nnow dOnnoe whyiie liddat liaooos ..
haiishhx ..
quite sadd attually ..
dden oso met papa on dha road ..
finnaly qqort hiis number backk leRhs .. !
coshhx ..
change fOne ..
dden lOst hiis numberr *
Aiiyoos ..
ii miishhx papa deRhs ..
hope hiis fine thiishhx few daes ..
dden mommy nnow treat mieex better leRhs ..
vehh happieex ..
qqort myy payy leRhs ..
bought loadds of christmas presents ..
nnow broke leRhs ` xD
dOts ..
siannnnns aaRhs ..
ii feel likee qoiing swiimiing neiis ..
anyone ?!
heehees :D
Monday, December 11, 2006
yeaa !

heyys ! look look !! tts myy nnew haiir style .. =.-ll

ii still look ggood laaRhs ..

although dhe frindge like abit too short ..

but its still mieeex laRhs !!

nno regrets `
but ii likeee leiis .
heehees :D
attually wanted to cut abit shorter ..
but ..
scare nnot niceeee ..
so cut till this length luhhs ..
Aiiyerrs ..
attually nno muchh diff from past ..
its only this timee round ..
improvedd more on my spikes ..
messy spikes ~
waahahaas xD
dden can see dhe frindge thin thin deRhs ..
coshhx ..
my haiir too thin liaooos !
if nnot can bbe nicerr deRhs !!
Aiiyoos ..
higher cutting fringe more style maaRh hORhs ..
heehees ..
ii must learn hOw to style my messy spikes laaRhs ..
if nnot cut this hairstyle wasted ..
lOlx ..
haahas XDD
learniinngg learniingg ..
heeeehes .
lOlx ..
i'm still mieex ..
Saturday, December 9, 2006

that who dae .. ii faked this smile wherever ii ggo ..
that feeling sux mann ):

xiiao bee andd mieex ..
haahas :D

mieex andd chweefangq .

siickk siickk ~

see that dae was vehh siickkkk ..
idiot bendan still make mieex cryiie .. sobs )):
haais ..
haahas .
ii shall fORgive himm baahs ((:
see naaniingg so good !
haahas ..
ii want happy meal deRhs hellokitty luhs ..
veh damn cute lehs !!
uhhh ..
ii wans collect dem all ! .
:D heehees
hmmms .
yea yeaa `
tOdae ehs ?
went tO serangoon ..
withh ... CHWEEFANG <3
andd ..
attually meetiing bendan at 6 in dhe evening ..
attually ..
andd ..
yea ..
he didnt turn up ..
haaiishhhx ..
quite ..
nnopes ..
veh vehh vehhh DISAPPOINTED aaRhs ..
haaishhx ..
coshhx he promiise mieex tO accompany tOnight ggo plae deRhs ..
dden ii was like ..
cant come tOldd mieex earlierr maaRhs ..
madee mieex wait til whOle daeeeeee ..
vehh sadd sadd ..
dden was like ..
cOrr himm ..
handdphone off ..
msgg ..
neber reply ..!
whadda ..
in dhe endd ..
msg him agaiin ..
he replyiied sae he's with his family ..
andd saee whadd he needs his own time tO spendd ..
anndd sae till like i'm bothering him liddat ..
so ii sae its okaes .. yoos ggo enjoy baahs ..
insert a smiley when ii'm sheding tears ..
dden he replyiied sayiing himself injured ..
eyebrowns swaollen ..
elbow scratchhes ..
he namee those as accident ..
he sae he's okaes ..
anndd ii askk him to ggo join he's family lORhs ..
andd askk him tO take careee ..
andd so ........
msg featheR tO ask her out fer a dRiinnkk ..
she sounded shOckked ..
andd spotted mieex cryiingg liaoos .
anndd kept askkiingg mieex dOnt cryiie leRhs ..
ii tOldd her i'm alright anndd so onn ~
soo or later ..
dhe kiidds aroundd dhe plaeground i'm located ..
were sayiing ..
' heys .. see dat jie jie cryiing lehs .. shame shamee lORhs '
anndd so ..
ii stOpped shedding tears ..
smerchedd mascara ..
chwee fangq help mieex wiped off ..
thannkks chwwefangq tO helpp mieex chaa yann leiix ..
shee's vehh niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
thannkks meiix .
chwee fangq still accompanyy mieex come home ..
hadd calsberg ..
sorraye girl ..
theres only left one can niaaaas ..
we sharedd laaRhs ..
she dRannk a little ..
andd ii finnished it ..
yea yea ..
andd just chaoo gaan bendan's ginna ..
owaes neber come down ddeRhs ..
he seemed terrifiedd ..
hmmmmmms ..
: D
reachhed home ..
mom's nnot aroundd ..
walkedd kinno ..
anndd nnow updatingg blOg luhhs ..
ii miiss ,
ii miisss ,
ii miisssss ..
YOU !! <33
yea yeaa `
tOdae ehs ?
went tO serangoon ..
withh ... CHWEEFANG <3
andd ..
attually meetiing bendan at 6 in dhe evening ..
attually ..
andd ..
yea ..
he didnt turn up ..
haaiishhhx ..
quite ..
nnopes ..
veh vehh vehhh DISAPPOINTED aaRhs ..
haaishhx ..
coshhx he promiise mieex tO accompany tOnight ggo plae deRhs ..
dden ii was like ..
cant come tOldd mieex earlierr maaRhs ..
madee mieex wait til whOle daeeeeee ..
vehh sadd sadd ..
dden was like ..
cOrr himm ..
handdphone off ..
msgg ..
neber reply ..!
whadda ..
in dhe endd ..
msg him agaiin ..
he replyiied sae he's with his family ..
andd saee whadd he needs his own time tO spendd ..
anndd sae till like i'm bothering him liddat ..
so ii sae its okaes .. yoos ggo enjoy baahs ..
insert a smiley when ii'm sheding tears ..
dden he replyiied sayiing himself injured ..
eyebrowns swaollen ..
elbow scratchhes ..
he namee those as accident ..
he sae he's okaes ..
anndd ii askk him to ggo join he's family lORhs ..
andd askk him tO take careee ..
andd so ........
msg featheR tO ask her out fer a dRiinnkk ..
she sounded shOckked ..
andd spotted mieex cryiingg liaoos .
anndd kept askkiingg mieex dOnt cryiie leRhs ..
ii tOldd her i'm alright anndd so onn ~
soo or later ..
dhe kiidds aroundd dhe plaeground i'm located ..
were sayiing ..
' heys .. see dat jie jie cryiing lehs .. shame shamee lORhs '
anndd so ..
ii stOpped shedding tears ..
smerchedd mascara ..
chwee fangq help mieex wiped off ..
thannkks chwwefangq tO helpp mieex chaa yann leiix ..
shee's vehh niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
thannkks meiix .
chwee fangq still accompanyy mieex come home ..
hadd calsberg ..
sorraye girl ..
theres only left one can niaaaas ..
we sharedd laaRhs ..
she dRannk a little ..
andd ii finnished it ..
yea yea ..
andd just chaoo gaan bendan's ginna ..
owaes neber come down ddeRhs ..
he seemed terrifiedd ..
hmmmmmms ..
: D
reachhed home ..
mom's nnot aroundd ..
walkedd kinno ..
anndd nnow updatingg blOg luhhs ..
ii miiss ,
ii miisss ,
ii miisssss ..
YOU !! <33
Friday, December 8, 2006
haaishhx .
it 11:50 pm nnow ..
just console dat heart broken soul ..
bendan ..
he cryiied laaRhs .
dden mieex at dere vehh gekk siim ..
haaishhx ..
coshhx ..
bendan lOves a girl corr jOlene ..
andd jOlene has nno feel fOrhh hiim .
jOlene nnow adaes vehh faarn ..
ii thiinkk ..
she's vehh trOubledd by her parents ..
blaa blaa thinnggy ..
andd she's completely confused ..
ii thiinkk ..
andd befOre ..
bendan askks herr tO corr hiim ..
but she fOrgets ..
andd bendan will sadd ..
dat dae finally ..
they can chhat ..
but they quarrelled ..
bOth insist on their ways ..
andd ..
they quited contact ..
nnow ..
tOdae ..
ii pass by jOlene ..
andd ask her ..
whyiie ..
she tryiies tO explain ..
yea ..
andd she sae she's veh veh vehh badd mood dat dae ..
andd she dOnt wish tO contact bendan anymoreee .
shee dOnt wishh to quarrel withh him ..
bendan was all ears tO hear those heart breakiingg wordds ..
mieex ?
haaishx ..
vehh vehh gek siim luhhs ..~
haaishx ..
heardd he shedd fer her ..
ii was like .....
vehh xiin tOng too baahs ..
Aiiyaa ~
dOnnoe whadds dat feeling ..
felt so heart bROken ..
andd like saw last time deRh mieex ..
when ii shedd feR my ex ..
so silly andd hopeless ..
but dat time when ii cryiie ..
ii was hugging my best broo ..
dOnt know weder he'll feel this wae too nehs ..
but hearing ddAt bendan cryiie ..
quite feel so hurt insidee ..
haais ..
ii admit ii admit !!
ii cryiied ..
Aiiyos ..
kaes laaRhs ..
but okaes nnow leRhs ~
bendan cheer up okaes ..
naaniing will owaes bbe here fer yoos ddeRhs XD
hOpe he's feelingg better nnow baahs :D
ii miss lao chaa bOr ~
ii miss pOiison ~
ii miss EVERYONE ! ` :D
it 11:50 pm nnow ..
just console dat heart broken soul ..
bendan ..
he cryiied laaRhs .
dden mieex at dere vehh gekk siim ..
haaishhx ..
coshhx ..
bendan lOves a girl corr jOlene ..
andd jOlene has nno feel fOrhh hiim .
jOlene nnow adaes vehh faarn ..
ii thiinkk ..
she's vehh trOubledd by her parents ..
blaa blaa thinnggy ..
andd she's completely confused ..
ii thiinkk ..
andd befOre ..
bendan askks herr tO corr hiim ..
but she fOrgets ..
andd bendan will sadd ..
dat dae finally ..
they can chhat ..
but they quarrelled ..
bOth insist on their ways ..
andd ..
they quited contact ..
nnow ..
tOdae ..
ii pass by jOlene ..
andd ask her ..
whyiie ..
she tryiies tO explain ..
yea ..
andd she sae she's veh veh vehh badd mood dat dae ..
andd she dOnt wish tO contact bendan anymoreee .
shee dOnt wishh to quarrel withh him ..
bendan was all ears tO hear those heart breakiingg wordds ..
mieex ?
haaishx ..
vehh vehh gek siim luhhs ..~
haaishx ..
heardd he shedd fer her ..
ii was like .....
vehh xiin tOng too baahs ..
Aiiyaa ~
dOnnoe whadds dat feeling ..
felt so heart bROken ..
andd like saw last time deRh mieex ..
when ii shedd feR my ex ..
so silly andd hopeless ..
but dat time when ii cryiie ..
ii was hugging my best broo ..
dOnt know weder he'll feel this wae too nehs ..
but hearing ddAt bendan cryiie ..
quite feel so hurt insidee ..
haais ..
ii admit ii admit !!
ii cryiied ..
Aiiyos ..
kaes laaRhs ..
but okaes nnow leRhs ~
bendan cheer up okaes ..
naaniing will owaes bbe here fer yoos ddeRhs XD
hOpe he's feelingg better nnow baahs :D
ii miss lao chaa bOr ~
ii miss pOiison ~
ii miss EVERYONE ! ` :D
Thursday, December 7, 2006
hmmmmmms .
whadddaahell `
just nnow ..
grr ..
ii mean ..
nnthhh ,
nthh happen just nnow !
well .~
ggood morningg ohs .
where shouldd i start from aaRhs ..
hms .
planning attually tOdaee ggo buy my next year's school books ..
guess whadd ..
when ii wake up ..
andd ii din saw my mom ..
ii was like ..
dOts ..
ii make myself wake up so damn early ..
to ..
take money from her to buy books ..
she havent giivee mieex !
whaddaaa ..~
ii was like ..
forget it ..
i'll tell her tOnight ..
ii woke up bout like ..
andd she dOnnoe ggo where leRhs ..
ii think to dhe mart or some where ..
i was like ..
so tired ..
andd so ..
i went backk to my dream landd ..
woahhaahaas ~
andd nnow iishh 10:14 iin dhe morning ~
did some running earlierr with my cousin leRhs ~
woooohooo ~
lOve it nnahhs .
haahas ..
he booking a appointment with mieex for dhe next time when he wants mieex to accompany ggo gym luhhs ..
haahas ..
see .
i'm buzy deRhs okaess ..
lOts of my own stuffs needaa dO ..
like crapping with myy naaniing ..
chhating with myy laopo chweefangq ~
playinng with myy kinno ..
lying on dhe bed andd think whadds tomorrow ..
dOts ..
yea ..
thats life ..
lOlx .
ii know ii know !!
ii know i'm getting a lil boringg here !
okaes okaes !
ii tOld ya ii knew iit ..
ii havent hadd myy BREAKFAST !
uhhms ..
so shall leave yoos ppl all here !
woaahahaahas .
whadddaahell `
just nnow ..
grr ..
ii mean ..
nnthhh ,
nthh happen just nnow !
well .~
ggood morningg ohs .
where shouldd i start from aaRhs ..
hms .
planning attually tOdaee ggo buy my next year's school books ..
guess whadd ..
when ii wake up ..
andd ii din saw my mom ..
ii was like ..
dOts ..
ii make myself wake up so damn early ..
to ..
take money from her to buy books ..
she havent giivee mieex !
whaddaaa ..~
ii was like ..
forget it ..
i'll tell her tOnight ..
ii woke up bout like ..
andd she dOnnoe ggo where leRhs ..
ii think to dhe mart or some where ..
i was like ..
so tired ..
andd so ..
i went backk to my dream landd ..
woahhaahaas ~
andd nnow iishh 10:14 iin dhe morning ~
did some running earlierr with my cousin leRhs ~
woooohooo ~
lOve it nnahhs .
haahas ..
he booking a appointment with mieex for dhe next time when he wants mieex to accompany ggo gym luhhs ..
haahas ..
see .
i'm buzy deRhs okaess ..
lOts of my own stuffs needaa dO ..
like crapping with myy naaniing ..
chhating with myy laopo chweefangq ~
playinng with myy kinno ..
lying on dhe bed andd think whadds tomorrow ..
dOts ..
yea ..
thats life ..
lOlx .
ii know ii know !!
ii know i'm getting a lil boringg here !
okaes okaes !
ii tOld ya ii knew iit ..
ii havent hadd myy BREAKFAST !
uhhms ..
so shall leave yoos ppl all here !
woaahahaahas .
haahas .
hmmmmms ..
where shouldd ii start nnerhhs .. ~
uhhm ~
ohs ohs !
ii havee been a ggood giirl ..
coshh ytd andd tOdae ii staee at hOme lehs ..
nicee sleepiing worrhs !
whole dae sleepiing ..
dden only drank milo each daee ..
hOpee will slimm down wurhhs ..
haahas ..
hmms .
dden ii dden noticed ..
without hiim a dae like will dieeeeeee liddat ..
haaiishhx ..
its likee ..
although he's far awae iin camp ..
buts ..
like we still everydaee chhat chhat ..
hms ..
andd tOdaee ..
he sae he miss mieex !!
omfg ~
happieex likee ..
siaooos ..
haahas .
andd last nitee ..
he sae he wanns mieex to dream of hiimm iin my dream ~
lol .
he's sooooo sweet .
haahas ..
vehh farnnieex laaRh hiimmm `
who is himmmm ?!
dont tell yoos leiis ..
woaahaahas ~
nnow msgiingg hiim luhhs ..
ii treasure himmm ..
although we're nnot attatchh ..
but diis feeling iis areeadt enough leRhs ..
hms .
ii nnoe its impossible fer mieex tO bbe with hiim .
but can bbe byy his side peiix himm ..
i'm vehh happieex leRhhs .
tOopiids ii nnoe luhhs ..
but who careeees `
lOlx ..
chweefangq ~
shhhhhhhhhhh aaarhs !
haahas .
hmmmmms ..
where shouldd ii start nnerhhs .. ~
uhhm ~
ohs ohs !
ii havee been a ggood giirl ..
coshh ytd andd tOdae ii staee at hOme lehs ..
nicee sleepiing worrhs !
whole dae sleepiing ..
dden only drank milo each daee ..
hOpee will slimm down wurhhs ..
haahas ..
hmms .
dden ii dden noticed ..
without hiim a dae like will dieeeeeee liddat ..
haaiishhx ..
its likee ..
although he's far awae iin camp ..
buts ..
like we still everydaee chhat chhat ..
hms ..
andd tOdaee ..
he sae he miss mieex !!
omfg ~
happieex likee ..
siaooos ..
haahas .
andd last nitee ..
he sae he wanns mieex to dream of hiimm iin my dream ~
lol .
he's sooooo sweet .
haahas ..
vehh farnnieex laaRh hiimmm `
who is himmmm ?!
dont tell yoos leiis ..
woaahaahas ~
nnow msgiingg hiim luhhs ..
ii treasure himmm ..
although we're nnot attatchh ..
but diis feeling iis areeadt enough leRhs ..
hms .
ii nnoe its impossible fer mieex tO bbe with hiim .
but can bbe byy his side peiix himm ..
i'm vehh happieex leRhhs .
tOopiids ii nnoe luhhs ..
but who careeees `
lOlx ..
chweefangq ~
shhhhhhhhhhh aaarhs !
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
o5 dec two 00 siix .
poison's babbiie iis out !
woooohoo !
haahas ..
so happiieex fer herr .
its a boy .
heehes .
he's so cutee laarhs ..
qqort diimples derhhx !
poison early iin dhe morningg jiuu corr mieex lerhhs ..
when she tell mieex her babiie iis out ii soo happiiex nnorhhs .
heehes .
dden rushedd down to KKH tuh qqo findd her .
haahas ..
dden ..
tOk tuhh her ..
blaa blaa blaaa ~
dden ..
saw her kidds ..
btw ..
she has 5 kids lehs .
she power laarhs ..
superwomen ..
she has four dogs at home luhhs ..
dots ..
and lotsa pets ..
ii love her tuh dhaa coree .!
she's my baoobeiix daa jiee lOrhhs .
she's vehh niceeee .
oso owaes been dere ferr mieex ..
till nnow still havent give up life ..
she was dhe one tuh pull mieex up when ii fall ..
really wanna thankk her alot alot .
dden just nnow vehhs vehh vehh happy ..
my mom just cooked lots of my fav food ..
anndd she talked tuh mieex !!!!
she bought mieex nnew clothes ..
woahhhh !.
so damn happy .
vehh happy !!
gonna cry liaoos
aaarhs .
wont ever forget todae ..
this babbiie's presence brought happinness backk to my life .
ii really love todae ..
cos ii found backk myself .
ii can finnally get backk my air ..
andd have a nice sleep ever ! .
ii will never forget tOdae !!
woooohoo !
haahas ..
so happiieex fer herr .
its a boy .
heehes .
he's so cutee laarhs ..
qqort diimples derhhx !
poison early iin dhe morningg jiuu corr mieex lerhhs ..
when she tell mieex her babiie iis out ii soo happiiex nnorhhs .
heehes .
dden rushedd down to KKH tuh qqo findd her .
haahas ..
dden ..
tOk tuhh her ..
blaa blaa blaaa ~
dden ..
saw her kidds ..
btw ..
she has 5 kids lehs .
she power laarhs ..
superwomen ..
she has four dogs at home luhhs ..
dots ..
and lotsa pets ..
ii love her tuh dhaa coree .!
she's my baoobeiix daa jiee lOrhhs .
she's vehh niceeee .
oso owaes been dere ferr mieex ..
till nnow still havent give up life ..
she was dhe one tuh pull mieex up when ii fall ..
really wanna thankk her alot alot .
dden just nnow vehhs vehh vehh happy ..
my mom just cooked lots of my fav food ..
anndd she talked tuh mieex !!!!
she bought mieex nnew clothes ..
woahhhh !.
so damn happy .
vehh happy !!
gonna cry liaoos
aaarhs .
wont ever forget todae ..
this babbiie's presence brought happinness backk to my life .
ii really love todae ..
cos ii found backk myself .
ii can finnally get backk my air ..
andd have a nice sleep ever ! .
ii will never forget tOdae !!
Sunday, December 3, 2006
omg .
tOdae's full moon ..
haahas ..
bern dan gonna kee siiao liaooos ! ..
lOlx ..
he's so funny laarhs ..
my kkor~ kor lehs ..
haahas ..
dden ..
that dae bern dan pro siahhs ..
can control dat joanne like robot !..
cool ehs ?
haahas ..
cos we asked joanne to ggo help us take water frm dhe mac ..
den bern dan only just sae ' no , sit down . '
and she really obeys ..
she's like vehhs ..
omg ..
Aiiyerrs .
mieex andd my mom's problem is getting from bad to worst ..
dot dot dot ..
i really donnoe whad to do to really can please her laarh ..
wth ..
den recently ..
keep mixing around with dat bern dan , chweefangq , joanne ..
lOlx ..
bern dan ggort name ..
haahas .
brandon ..
haaahas XDD
he's a nicee guy laarh ..
i treat him like my korr korr ..
like everytime i faa shen jing all whad so ever ..
i'll just corr him if not chweefangq liaooos .
so faar ..
he's owaes been dere fer mieex worhs ..
she's oso owaes been dere fer mieex luhhs ..
i'll treasure them derhhs ..
heys ..
i appreciate derhh laarhs ..
brans owaes sae i dont appreciate ..
dot dot dot ..
i wanna smack chweefangq ..
cause ..
she nnoe every of my secret liaoos !!! ..
sadd ..
yea ..
andd needa thanks brans and his 'friends' to send mieex home dat nite ..
haahas .
oooops ..
i forget ..
i need to sleep ..
so nite off guys ..
its 11:37 morning liaoos !! .
i havent sleep ! ..
wth ..
now now ..
kaes ..
buh byeeeees <333
tOdae's full moon ..
haahas ..
bern dan gonna kee siiao liaooos ! ..
lOlx ..
he's so funny laarhs ..
my kkor~ kor lehs ..
haahas ..
dden ..
that dae bern dan pro siahhs ..
can control dat joanne like robot !..
cool ehs ?
haahas ..
cos we asked joanne to ggo help us take water frm dhe mac ..
den bern dan only just sae ' no , sit down . '
and she really obeys ..
she's like vehhs ..
omg ..
Aiiyerrs .
mieex andd my mom's problem is getting from bad to worst ..
dot dot dot ..
i really donnoe whad to do to really can please her laarh ..
wth ..
den recently ..
keep mixing around with dat bern dan , chweefangq , joanne ..
lOlx ..
bern dan ggort name ..
haahas .
brandon ..
haaahas XDD
he's a nicee guy laarh ..
i treat him like my korr korr ..
like everytime i faa shen jing all whad so ever ..
i'll just corr him if not chweefangq liaooos .
so faar ..
he's owaes been dere fer mieex worhs ..
she's oso owaes been dere fer mieex luhhs ..
i'll treasure them derhhs ..
heys ..
i appreciate derhh laarhs ..
brans owaes sae i dont appreciate ..
dot dot dot ..
i wanna smack chweefangq ..
cause ..
she nnoe every of my secret liaoos !!! ..
sadd ..
yea ..
andd needa thanks brans and his 'friends' to send mieex home dat nite ..
haahas .
oooops ..
i forget ..
i need to sleep ..
so nite off guys ..
its 11:37 morning liaoos !! .
i havent sleep ! ..
wth ..
now now ..
kaes ..
buh byeeeees <333
Saturday, December 2, 2006
nnew lifeeeee <33
well ..
nnew blogg .
thanks tuh yan ting dat edited this fer mieex ..
i'm a supe noob fer this ..
haahs .!
hms .
somethimes ..
ii feel myself driffting throughout all this years ..
hms ..
ii lost him ..
yx ..
he's ggone luhhs .
hms ..
cryiied out loudd that night ..
he's happily attatched with a girl corr haii pingg ..
ii think ..
she must bbe a vehh niceee girl baahs ..
hope ..
she'll love him more than ii ddo ..
andd hope they'll last baahs ..
ii scared chwee fangq that night !
coss ..
ii was drunk ..
well ..
i think i sounded really hopeless ..
that she findd a excuse andd hang up dhe fone ..
lOlx .
she even ask dat bern dan fer help ..!
haahas !
omg ..
well well ..
tiredd tiredd ..
14 nite never sleep liaaos ...
hms ..
iiMISShim !
but ii nneed to leave ..
haais ..
hms ..
lights off ~
nnew blogg .
thanks tuh yan ting dat edited this fer mieex ..
i'm a supe noob fer this ..
haahs .!
hms .
somethimes ..
ii feel myself driffting throughout all this years ..
hms ..
ii lost him ..
yx ..
he's ggone luhhs .
hms ..
cryiied out loudd that night ..
he's happily attatched with a girl corr haii pingg ..
ii think ..
she must bbe a vehh niceee girl baahs ..
hope ..
she'll love him more than ii ddo ..
andd hope they'll last baahs ..
ii scared chwee fangq that night !
coss ..
ii was drunk ..
well ..
i think i sounded really hopeless ..
that she findd a excuse andd hang up dhe fone ..
lOlx .
she even ask dat bern dan fer help ..!
haahas !
omg ..
well well ..
tiredd tiredd ..
14 nite never sleep liaaos ...
hms ..
iiMISShim !
but ii nneed to leave ..
haais ..
hms ..
lights off ~
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